November 2016 Moms

Symptoms Check-In 3/14


Re: Symptoms Check-In 3/14

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    Progress: 6 weeks 2 days

    Symptoms: General queasiness. I feel nauseous, and want to eat, but eating makes it worse most of the time. The only thing that has helped is small meals full of bread (we were TRYING to be paleo, but I've fallen way off that wagon for now!). I've also redeveloped a very sensitive gag reflex. If I brush my teeth and even think of brushing my tongue (which I've always done), I start to gag! So weird! 

    Rant: the freaking rain!! I am so over the damp, dank, nasty wet weather up here. For goodness sake, this has been the most dreary winter and I am done with it!!!

    Anniversary g
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    @peachykeen17 fx that everything is ok.

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    I'm sore everywhere including boobs and I'm tired. I'm also slightly nauseous which is new for me. Eating and drinking regularly helps with the nausea. Cold fruit is my best friend right now.
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    Progress: 6w

    symptoms: headache, mild nausea, extreme irritability and sensitivity
    rants etc: pretty much everyone and everything is either making me mad or sad. Trying to remind myself it's the hormones, that I'm not a terrible human being and that this will pass. 
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    rencontrezmoirencontrezmoi member
    edited March 2016
    Progress (week/day): 4w2d

    Symptoms: Afternoon/evening nausea, dull low back pain, intermittent cramping/pulling sensation, exhaustion

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I am SO FREAKING TIRED. Seriously. I do not remember being this tired when I was pregnant with my daughter, and I also don't remember having symptoms this early. Hmmm... or maybe I did? I should have taken notes like @DCmama4248 suggested!
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    BFP 08/11/2012, DD#1 born 04/18/2013
    BFP 01/01/2015, EDD 09/07/2015, CP
    BFP 10/09/2015, EDD 06/01/2016, MC @ 7 weeks
    BFP 03/12/2016, DD#2 born 11/15/2016
    BFP 01/28/2019, EDD 09/29/2019
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    Progress: 5 weeks 4 days (well, almost 5 since it's almost midnight)

    The only real symptoms I've noticed are incredibly sore boobs, some bloating, and all around fuckin craziness. Like, I hate myself for some of the shit that's been flying out of my mouth lol I'm a very blunt person in general, but I've even been shocking MYSELF with some of the shit I've said lately. I hate feeling so nuts like this. 
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    @MrsBigTime I love love your profile picture! Seriously, guise!! That will be us in 8ish months! Clearly I'm not over the shock yet.
    But, seriously please comment on every post so I can keep seeing that adorable hospital photo! :blush: 
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    Progress (week/day): 5w5d

    Symptoms: sore boobs. exhaustion but that could just be the mono, meh. Every now and then I'll get a cramp and I have a meltdown because I'm sure that's the end of it. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: I cannot find an OB, in my area, who takes military insurance. I didn't even know that was a thing. Whatever. So I think my OB is going to be about 4 hours from me and I'll just have to put up with the drive. That won't be too hard seeing as I will not be giving birth with that OB because of my move. 
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    Progress (week/day): 

    6 weeks and 1 day pregnant! 


    RIDICULOUS acid reflux, cystic acne, headaches, very light cramping


    i cant eat sriracha anymore :( and I'm not sure when my first US will be! Tricare apparently only does one at 20 weeks but I'm going to bug them until I get one earlier. That's not soon enough in my opinion. 
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    @peachykeen17 - I had spotting with my first for days anytime we had sex.  Red spotting.  A lot more blood than normal pools in that part of your body, so it can be pretty easy to bleed.  With my second I had placenta previa (where the placenta attaches lower than you'd like, close to the cervix).  That cause quite a bit of red bleeding here and there, but it moved up on it's own by the 3rd tri.  Spotting is scary, but there are tons of completely reasonable times that you might spot during pregnancy.  If your betas went up appropriately, that's a great sign.  If you feel too nervous, you could probably call and see if they'd do an ultrasound earlier than your next appointment.  Do you know if you'll have one at the appointment?  
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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    Like @rencontrezmoi @DCmama4248 said, it's definitely a good idea to keep track of your symptoms for any future pregnancies. I keep a journal last time (The Belly Book) and it is so nice to be able to look back at where I was symptom-wise (and bump-wise though obviously this isn't applicable yet) at any given week. :)

    DD: 8/20/14; DS: 11/13/16; DD: 5/3/19; DD: 8/31/21; Baby #5 (team green) due 3/24/24

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    @MollySm thanks, that helps. I'm trying to stay positive, but its so hard when I actually have NO IDEA whats happening in my uterus. Anyway, I don't think I get an ultrasound at my appointment on the 24th. I think I have to wait until the following appointment on the 27th of April. But there is no way I can wait that long. I will go literally crazy. I think what I'll do is, like you said, ask for an earlier ultrasound. I'll probably wait until my first appointment to ask because maybe they can just fit me in for one that day... but then again I'm a FTM and have no idea how any of this works. 
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    Progress (week/day):  6+4

    Symptoms:  Slightly tender boobs (was much worse before), extreme all day all night nausea (I have not actually gotten sick but I feel like I could at any time all day long), want to just cry.

    Rants/Raves/Questions:  We are in the process of moving and it is really stressful.  Our buyers have been really demanding and our realtor is not doing much for us.  I just want to be done with the house!
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    @peachykeen17 every office is different but I can share that at the practice I go to they really don't squeeze people in for an ultrasound unless it's an emergent situation.  Try calling to see if they can get you in to one that same day and that way at least it's scheduled and that would provide you some comfort until next Thursday.  

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    @trulyblessed22 thanks I think I'll give them a call today and see what they can do! 
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    @peachykeen17 - I agree that it depends on the office.  Mine have always had a small machine in office, so if there was a concern (like not being able to find the heartbeat on the dopplar), they just wheeled it in to double check.  But I know not every office is like that.  
    BabyFruit Ticker

    BFP 3.8.16  EDD 11.20.16


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    edited March 2016
    I'm 6+1 today. Last night I was woken up due to horrible pain on the lower right. I've had some achiness there, but this was enough to wake me up. I'd say 8/10 pain at its highest and it was steadily at a 6 in between spikes of stabbing pain.

    Went to emerg, positive I was having a rupturing ectopic pregnancy - I had a pseudosac with my last one and my ultrasound from last week isn't a sure thing (the wording last week was "I don't think I see an ectopic but it's too early to be completely sure.) I actually have an ultrasound scheduled this afternoon, so I went in overnight because I honestly thought I needed emergency surgery and the pain was just that bad. 

    Nope. Beta of 6800 and an intrauterine pregnancy and no free fluid and no masses anywhere there shouldn't be. Even my ovaries look normal, which is a first (PCOS.) 

    Thinking that maybe I'm having some adhesions rupture or something. This is definitely not normal early pregnancy discomfort. Going to ask my RE about it this afternoon but right now I'm curled up in bed instead of at school. 

    Son, K, 9 | Daughter, C, 5 | Daughter, M, expected November 7, 2016
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    Holy crap, the exhaustion is REAL today. It's 3:30 here, and I just want to curl up under my desk and take a nap. So. Tired. 

    How are you ladies fighting the exhaustion? I try to go to bed early, but I sleep badly; I toss and turn, and then my brain wakes me up at 3 or 4 am and I can't go back to sleep. Tips? Tricks?
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    6w2d - no significant symptoms. All I notice is some leukorrhea and fatigue - but that can always be attributed to my lack of sleep, especially since no longer taking Ambien. For all I know, if I had never taken the  HPT, this could be nonpregnant me. U/s is next week Friday. No breast tenderness, no nausea, no heightened sense of smell - I've always had a high sense of smell to begin with, though. I'll be interested to see what the ultrasound shows....
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    @RiverSong15 I listened to this great podcast called Preggie Pals and there was an episode on sleep during pregnancy. It turns out that it's pretty common for pregnant women to be wake up in the middle of the night- it's something having to do with prolactin production. I go to bed around 9pm and I usually wake up around 2 or 3, per, and then lay quietly in bed until I eventually fall back asleep 1-2 hours later. After learning that it was just my body doing what it's supposed to do, I was less anxious about it and was better able to fall back asleep.

     After the podcast, I have tried to to find the research and I haven't been able to find it, so who knows how widely believed it is, but it's helping me stay calm at night which is making it easier to go back to sleep. If you listen to podcasts, check it out!
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    I got out of bed at 10am today...I had a nap this afternoon and I'm ready for bed already. It's 10:05...
    run along Pond...2015/12/10

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    Just caught a glimpse of my evening bloat in the mirror. Yikes. 
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    Progress: 6 weeks exactly
    Symptoms: on and off nausea, hungry all the time, gas, and constipation. Gross. Getting over a breakout, and my skin is already oily and dry both. 
    Rant: why on earth do docs make us wait until we are 9 weeks along or more before having an appointment??! This is my 2nd pregnancy and I'm still nervous and on pins and needles! 
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    Progress: 6w1d
    Symptoms: Extreme fatigue, some RLP with certain movements, bloating, and my digestion seems to have come to a complete hault which makes me even more bloated. 
    R/R/Q: Rant - my fiance got me sick for the first time in years. A sore throat that is so painful I couldn't sleep last night and a fever with body aches. This on top of caring for our active 17 month old, I'm pooped. I never got sick during my first pregnancy so this is new to me. I feel like my m/s and exhaustion are amplified by this bug and it makes me want to cry at times. But maybe that's the hormones lol
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    RiverSong15RiverSong15 member
    edited March 2016
    @comealongponds, that schedule sounds glorious. So jealous of all the sleep....

    @chloe97, that's really interesting. I'll have to check out that podcast. Doesn't help much when I wake up at 5 for work.... Lol. But, at least it's an explanation.
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    I think I might have a yeast infection. I have been dealing with a blue discharge this whole time due to the Estrace tablets. This morning, it was more grey-ish in color when I saw the panty liner. And I am a bit itchy too. No bleeding or anything. Just kind of grey-looking. Google says it may be a yeast infection. I have an appointment for an ultrasound on Friday morning. Do you think it can wait until then?
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    Progress (week/day): 6 weeks, 4 days

    Symptoms: So sick in the morning. I have that nausea that won't quit until about noon. I feel bad because I'm trying to hard to stick to my daughter's normal routine but sometimes I need to just lay on the couch. The cramps have gone away, so that's a blessing. Other than that, just tired and headachey.  

    Rants/Raves/Questions: So far, this pregnancy has been 100% more difficult than my first one. Yowza. 
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    I am 4+3 and I had a gag reflex brushing my teeth this morning. First time for that and it sucked.
    TTC#1 July 2015 
    • BFP: 9/16/15 — MC: 11/8/15 Blighted Ovum
    • BFP: 3/10/16 — Baby Girl born 11/20/16
    TTC#2 April 2019 
    • BFP: 9/12/19 — EDD 5/15/20

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    @ficbot I have one too. You can use monistat. I had like ten my last pregnancy. It's actually a common response to pregnancy if you're already predisposed to getting them. 

    Luckily my irritability has seemed to subsided. But the nausea and hunger have amped up. Maybe a girl this time?
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    Im in work, my boobs hurt so bad that I'm trying to hold them up without looking suspicious. They're already huge, i want to stuff them with to. My nipples.are hurting against my bra and im not even moving
    I love them but ladies, they gotta learn to behave!! 
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    Progress (week/day):  5w6d

    Symptoms:  Horrible back pain, exhaustion, slight period-like cramping

    Rants/Raves/Questions:  Worried that I haven't experienced morning sickness yet...but I'm sure it's on it's way!
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    I am 6 weeks & 4 days....I don't have too many symptoms. My nipples are very sensitive and boobs are not sore, nausea on and off all day but not too bad....slight pulling/stretching in abdomen area nothing painful. This is my first so I'm a little nervous. Anyone else have similar issues? 
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    @knottie1428358421 don't make yourself too worried about not having any ms.  With our 1st I experienced none for all 9 months and had a very healthy baby girl.  I also have a niece who is currently KU and in her 2nd tri and didn't experience any ms and a friend who did not either.  Everyone is different :)

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    Zero symptoms.  Maybe a sensitive nose?  This is my 3rd pregnancy (I have 2 LOs) and I've never had M/S.  I think the fatigue may be coming, though.  
    Me: 1979 * Husband: 1976 * Little girl: 2010 * Little guy: 2013 * MMC: 2016 * Last baby: EDD 2/11/17!  
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    Progress (week/day): 6 + 6 is my guess, would be further by lmp

    Symptoms: So tired & everything smells so strong. Slightly sore boobs. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions: SO anxious for/about my first u/s on Friday
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    @shamrocandroll I  totally can commiserate. With DS1 my sense of smell was so strong that I could smell if DH ate any sausage, or sandwich meat for days. I swear I could smell it coming through his pores. My morning sickness was so bad during that pregnancy, that any strong smells would make me throw up. For the first 4 months being pregnant then I couldn't let DH near me because he smelled so bad to me. He smelled so strongly that when he gave me a hug I threw up all over him. It took 4 months to figure it was his body wash and shampoo (and sometimes what he ate).
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    @banfrog Yikes!  Thankfully it's only been bad enough to sleep in separate rooms twice so far, and both were because of salty meat that he ate.  
    Me: 35 | H: 40
    Married Sept. 2013
    DS1: Nov 11, 2016 <3
    MMC: 11/16/18 (9w6d)
    CP: 2/3/19 (5w3d)
    BFP!  8/24/19
    DS2: May 10, 2020 <3

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