Babies: 3 - 6 Months

sleep training problems

Ok so my 4 month old has always fallen asleep while nursing, and was already sleeping through the night, a few days ago he started waking up every hour (or half hour!) So my pediatrician said I should start sleep training. I've only tried a couple of days but he won't stop crying unless he nurses, he would cry so much he runs out of air and coughs and cries uncontrollably. I've tried comforting without picking him up, picking him up to calm him down, letting him cry for a long period (like 15minutes) and nothing seems to calm him down. Please any advise, suggestions, any help at all would be appreciated!! 

Re: sleep training problems

  • To me it sounds like sleep regression that you might just have to struggle through. I don't really have any advice on sleep training as I don't plan on doing any that involves letting DD cry for a few more months. I have heard of people trying to soothe baby without picking him up after a few minutes of crying and then picking him up to soothe and then putting him back down. 
    I do think that four months is much too you for CIO. 
    Do you use a pacifier at night? That might help soothe him if you don't and aren't against it. 
    I hope someone with more experience can give better advice. 
  • I would also suggest maybe going in there when he starts to stir or fuss a bit and just softly patting his side or tummy or whatever it is that you do that usually soothes him best without picking him up. I've noticed that if DD gets a little fussy or starts stirring I lightly "shhhhh" and pat her tummy or chest and she usually falls back asleep. like taysun suggested, you could also try the pacifier when this happens as well 
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  • Definitely 4 month sleep regression. Our pedi gave us the go ahead for sleep training as well but I wasn't comfortable with that yet. We just started sleep training this week (tonight will be night 3) and she is almost 5.5 months. We started because our methods of getting her back to sleep (bouncing on yoga ball) were no longer working and she kept waking up even after bouncing/holding her for an hour! We did Ferber method and so far there has been an hour of crying tops (day 1: ~40 minutes, day 2: ~20 minutes). I think at this point you just have to keep at it and wait for them to get out of the regression first. Good luck!
  • I got my 4 month old on  routine. It's called EASY. Eat. Activity. Sleep. You time. When I put him down for a nap, I don't let him lay there and cry. In my opinion I think that just makes matters worse and gets the baby more upset. At this age they are still too young to sooth themselves which is why they need our help. If he wake up crying I'll pick him up and rock him back to sleep. Sometimes he will fall back asleep right away other times he won't so then I'll let him stay up. Our babies are used to being in a safe environment where they are always comfortable and letting them lay there to cry is out of sorts for them. 
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