Any ladies out there preparing to have 2 under two?
My DD will be 20 months when DS arrives and I really haven't given much thought to what things are going to look like... Until I was lurking on the February birth board (reading all the birth stories
) and there was a post about how hard it was to go from 1 to 2.
Obvioisly i know things will change drastically and there will be good and bad days but I guess I'm just looking for some encouragement that it's possible.
Thanks mamas!!
Re: 2 under 2 preparations/encouragement
I do know I'm keeping my son in daycare 3 days a week all through my maternity leave (am a teacher going back after Thanksgiving) to keep him on his schedule and to give me some time alone with the new baby.
My son is verrrry clingy and I rarely get a second to myself. He just went from 2 naps to 1. I just need some sanity time!!!
Eta: my son will also be 20 months when dd is born
Following ...
DD will turn 2 three days before my EDD/2 days before my RCS is scheduled. So they will be right at two years apart... and since we're really broke lately, it's looking like we're going to pull DD out of daycare while I'm on maternity leave to save money. It's going to be crazy. She's very clingy as is, I'm sure this isn't going to help. But she has her baby dolls that she plays with all the time lately, and I'm hoping it will help to have her feel helpful by bringing me diapers or helping with the baby somewhat.
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
OP, I won't have 2U2 (my DD turned 2 in December), but one thing that I hope will help us is that we already had my husband start taking over bedtime routine for DD. Like @kbrands7 said, I'm afraid that toddler bedtime will fall at the same time as the dreaded "witching hour", so I wanted to plan on being able to deal with a cranky baby without trying to split my attention.
I'm nearly always in charge of bedtime during the week since DH is rarely home before 8-8:30. I don't even know how that's going to work with a newborn and a refusing to sleep toddler. And the last few days I've felt so guilty about how much his life is going to change and he doesn't even fully understand.
@Bluejay3030 hoping my hubby will have to take over bed time for the most part with DD. Hoping I can still get in there for a story a cuddles though
DD being only 18 months now she's obsessed with my belly (specifically belly buttons) I guess I wish I could explain to her that things are going to change and she's going to become a big sister. We play with her babies a lot and point out other babies, but I guess I'm just wondering what else I can be doing? She's also been more clingy than usual. But I'm sure it's just because she's gotten some more words to help her communicate.
Glad I'm not the only one!!
Bright sides I looked at were:
1. I was already use to sleep deprivation.
2. We still used diapers for DS1 and not yet venturing to potty training.
3. I didn't have to wait for my milk to come in (breastfeeding).
4. DS1 was still taking two naps a day.
I honestly don't remember much of what I did, but we all figured out what worked and it was perfect for us. What I did with DS1 wasn't exactly what I did for DS2 (like getting them on the same nap schedule sooner). We all adjusted to our new normal. I know I had to get a routine for getting out of the house. Getting two babies out of the car alone took thought.
I knew it was going to be crazy, but it was so awesome and I wouldn't change a thing.
Little brother was born October 1, 2012.
Also, just throwing this out there, but DH is only taking a week off work and I'm probably having a RCS. As I mentioned we're talking about pulling DD out of daycare while I'm home to save $$, but am I crazy to chase a 2 y/o and nurse a newborn all by myself one week after CS? I'm sure people do it all the time, but that first week or so alone while still healing is what worries me most ...
BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016
kbrands7 said: We've been working for a couple months on getting DD accustomed to DH doing her bedtime, and even though I still nurse her to sleep 95% of the time, she's totally cool with dad doing bedtime and naps now, which we NEVER could have imagined. I feel way better about juggling newborn witching hour and Vi's bedtime now. Bedtime is the only 2u2 thing I'm confident about. Well, that and the wine.
Eta, he's only been weaned for a few months, so I think this wakeup is more for habit-cuddles than anything else.
This time around I am still unsure if I will bring my boys to the hospital. My dad recently passed away and we made regular visits to the hospital. I am afraid they will associate me being in the hospital to my dad's stay and thinking I won't be coming home. I will probably just wait to bring their new brother home and introduce them then.
Little brother was born October 1, 2012.
Our twins turn 2 on Monday, so we aren't quite 3 under 2, but close. They aren't potty-trained, and they still sleep in cribs. I agree that dinnertime and bedtime might be the toughest time of the day. DH put the twins to bed a few times during the morning sickness phase, but he rarely gets home from work before 8pm. Hope I can convince him to come home earlier for miserable toddlers/infant?!?
Mama to Three Girls:
Twins born March 2014 at 26 weeks due to preterm labor
and our 37weeker born May 9th, 2016!
Are yall planning on getting two monitors, and if so won't they possibly interfere with each other, signal wise? We have the Summer brand big screen monitor now, and it sometimes gets wonky signal, and goes in and out and drives me nuts. I'm worried about having yet another one set up and them doing some craziness.
Any thoughts?
This LO will be 3u3 for us. With 2u2 the first year is a struggle because they are both still so young (DS1 and DS2 are 14 months apart), but it helps to create the "Big Brother/Sister" narrative with the eldest and encourage them to be a helper. We found giving them babies dolls helped them with this. DS1 loved to help with DS2 and was giving him (supervised) bottles when he was only 16 months old. We are now encouraging DS2 to be a helper and he is very excited to meet DD. This isn't to say there were dark days and/or months, but those are going to happen to any family in transition. Also, buy stock in your favorite form of caffeine.
As for solo bedtimes, distraction techniques help. There isn't much that I found help for the newborn stage except for trying to get the new LO on a schedule that has them napping during toddler bedtime, but once they both have a 'normal' bedtime routines I had success with giving DS1 books to read while we put DS2 down. About of 3rd of our evenings and all of our naptimes are with only one parent home, so we had a lot of practice to try out different techniques.
The best advice I got from a veteran mom was to give your attention to the older kid when they are both melting down. The baby will never remember, but the toddler will.
Enjoy 2u2 ladies! It is a crazy challenge full of tons of snuggles, giggles, and way too many diapers. It can't be too bad if we survived and then decided to go for round three!
We had pre-registration check in the maternity ward recently and LO enjoyed the long halls and parking garage like only a toddler can appreciate.
Here is a forum about dealing with the in laws.
My mantra already for dealing with bedtime by myself is this too shall pass. That and a lot of humor/patience. And deep breaths.
I pep talk and remind myself people do this all the time - I can too!