
Pretty positive I'm losing my mind...

I symptom spot every month. But it is always the same symptoms that I'm pretty sure are caused by the progesterone - breast tenderness, cramping, moody. I am 12dpiui - my third cycle. I had some pretty intense cramping on Sunday evening, and since Monday I have been having 2 new symptoms. First, if I don't eat for more than 2-3 hours I get a very jittery feeling. I don't even feel hungry but it immediately goes away after I eat. Also, I have this weird rolling feeling in my belly. Not in a specific location, just a generalized feeling that you would get when driving over a steep hill or are nervous. It doesn't make me feel like I could vomit, but it makes me feel like I don't want to eat. I am not particularly nervous about anything in my life currently so I'm getting my hopes up, unfortunately. Has anyone experienced this with a previous pregnancy? Or has anyone experienced this while on progesterone (so I should probably settle down)?
Me: 31 / DH: 32
Married 10/14/2011
TTC since 11/2011
DX: unexplained infertility

1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Pretty positive I'm losing my mind...

  • Unfortunately it is probably the progesterone. At this point, if you are pregnant, you don't have enough HCG to make any symptoms appear. I get symptoms every time I take the progesterone, but I've had 2 BFNs, when I felt sure they'd be BFPs.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • @NurseTMD85 , for me the same exact thing happened after both fresh ivf cycles.  My breasts were sore, areolas darker, cramps, rumbling etc. On both i had bfn.  Unfortunately the medication amps your body up so much you can't differentiate between being preggo, or it just being the medication until you beta test
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  • Unfortunately that happened to me after both IUI's and I wasn't even on progesterone :(. I even threw up once. My boobs were so sore and I had pretty much every "symptom" possible. You COULD be pregnant, unfortunately it could just be symptoms of the med. It really does suck that the symptoms are the same. I hope this is your month hun, hang in there!!

    Me: 28, DH: 30 Married July 2014  DX: Severe MFI- 3 failed IUI's, IVF #1 Egg retrieval June 4th 2016, 5 day transfer- BFP Baby Boy! EDD 2/25/2017. Our sweet miracle Carter Bennett arrived 2/12/2017 6 lbs, 2 oz 19 inches. <3 Surprise BFP!!! Baby Girl due 10/1/2018.

  • Obviously, no one could tell either way, although if you POAS, you'll likely turn a positive by now if you are. 
    *bfp mentionned*
    I was on progesterone for two TI cycles before my successful IUI. However, I had very different symptoms, and just KNEW something was different. 3 days after the IUI, my uterus just felt heavy. I was also feeling some pinching and all sort of twinges. By a week later, I was out of this world exhausted (I'd always be a little more tired the first few days on progesterone, but that was a whole different level of tired). I peed on so many sticks, it was ridiculous. But I needed to know because I felt so different...but not everyone has any symptoms, especially not that early. I'll have my FX for you! 
  • Thanks ladies! I had another BFN today so I'm thinking I'm probably out this month :cry: 
    Me: 31 / DH: 32
    Married 10/14/2011
    TTC since 11/2011
    DX: unexplained infertility

    1st IUI 12/23/15 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 1/8/16 BFN
    2nd IUI 1/22/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 2/8/16 BFN
    3rd IUI 2/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 3/15/16 BFN
    4th IUI 3/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 4/11/16 BFN
    5th IUI 4/26/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - Beta 5/11/16 BFN
    6th and final IUI 5/27/16 Clomid + Ovidrel - BFP!!!
    1st Beta on 6/8/16 @ 12piui: 22; 2nd Beta 6/10/16 84.4; 3rd Beta 6/13/16 300; 4th Beta 6/16/16 1168; 5th and final beta 6/20/16 4188
    1st U/S 6/23/16 - Two babies! One measuring 6w1d with a visible heartbeat!!! The other is measuring small and isn't likely to make it
    2nd U/S 7/5/16 - Baby #2 didn't make it :cry: Baby #1 is measuring right on schedule and has a FHR of 143!!
    3rd US 7/15/16 - Baby #1 right on schedule! FHR 168!!! Discharged from RE!!!!

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Symptom spotting is a disheartening game to play.  My only advice to you (and to everyone) is don't do it!  You can't trust symptoms following an IUI.  Like the others said before me, it's too early for you to be experiencing pregnancy symptoms.  Most women report zero symptoms before they get their BFP.  So there's no way to tell either way.  Still, I hope you get your BFP on the 15th!!!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
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