Hello again!!
I have question that I'm hoping some you ladies that have successful IUI'S can help me answer: How many days past ur IUI did you experience any type of pregnancy symptoms?? I'm so nervous
Little Background
My husband (39) and I (38)
have been ttc for 2 yrs now.... after many tests and taking clomid via gyno we were referred to RE.... OUR issue was low egg reserve and low motility (30% ) after 2months of diet changes and several vitamins hubby's motility increased to 60%!!
Now I'm 2dpiui and so nervous. I was placed on femara (1st time )2.5 and also took an hcg shot.....but I have no proven issues with ovulation. The femara generated 3 eggs 22.5 , 18, 14....on left and right ovaries......after the sperm prep and wash hubby's motilty increased to 95%.... if we're lucky enough to finally get pregnant this cycle after all we've been thru... how soon would I experience some type of symptom??? Has anyone had a successful IUI on the first try w/ femara including early symptoms....?
Nerves are SHOT
TRYING to keep busy and be positive.
Re: Pregger Symptoms after IUI
Please find a more appropriate board for this question.
Also... Preggers? Really?
Lucy 07-13-11
Violet 03-13-14
Conceived #3 since September 2015
11-25-15 twelve week loss
07-21-16 ten week loss
10-03-16 5 week loss
TTC again soon!
A woman who has never been pregnant can't answer this question.
Lucy 07-13-11
Violet 03-13-14
Conceived #3 since September 2015
11-25-15 twelve week loss
07-21-16 ten week loss
10-03-16 5 week loss
TTC again soon!
You might want to ask this in one of the tri boards or the Success After IF board, where the women have had success conceiving, some of them with IUI.
LFAF April Siggy Challenge - TV/Movie BFFS - Romy & Michele
Me:31 H:31
DX: MFI - 1% Morph
12/16 -IVF #1 - Antagonist Protocol w/ Lupron trigger
ER - 11 retrieved- 9 mature - 7 fertilized - 3 sent for PGS on day 5 - No normals (1 XXX Embryo - may use in future)
3/17 - IVF #2 - Antagonist Protocol w/ HCG trigger
ER- 13 retrieved - 11 mature - 8 fertilized - 2 sent for PGS on day 5 -2 Normal
FET #1 - 5/16/17 - BFP! - Beta #1 5/25 - 156 - Beta #2 5/30 - 2562 - Beta #3 6/1 - 5191!
ETA shoot I forgot about the trigger.
*siggy warning*
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
surprise BFP . aug 2019
DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023
ttc #3 . feb 2023
mmc . apr 2023
mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
dx elevated nk cells
tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025
LFAF April Siggy Challenge - TV/Movie BFFS - Romy & Michele
Also, please refrain from making new threads as it clutters the board. Please make an introduction on the introduction thread and start posting on the WTO or TWW threads if you want to get involved.
BFP May 16th 2016
DD born January 30 2017
Surprise BFP/MC April 2017
I'm really sorry you've encountered the struggles that you have with ttc. I'm sorry that it even had to get to the point of IUI. I truly hope that with the husbands increased motility and this round of IUI that you get the bfp that you are looking for.
With that said... Majority of the women here have never been pregnant before much less experienced pregnancy symptoms. Out of those who have the number who had pregnancy after IUI is even less.
There are boards dedicated to IUI and infertility. There are boards for women who are pregnant after treatment. Hell even one of the trimester boards would give you a better chance of getting an answer.... Because every contributor there is successfully pregnant.
Good luck.
Lucy 07-13-11
Violet 03-13-14
Conceived #3 since September 2015
11-25-15 twelve week loss
07-21-16 ten week loss
10-03-16 5 week loss
TTC again soon!
There is a board tttc, trouble trying to conceive, and infertility where people are currently going through iuis and might be able to help. They will not be able to tell you about symptoms because they are still going through the process, but they will be able to help you avoid symptom spotting. Symptom spotting is NOT encouraged and will drive you crazy.
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
OP, I'm just confused. Usually after an IUI and trigger, you go in for a beta (ie: a blood pregnancy test). Unless you're testing out a trigger, your best bet is to wait until that beta. The trigger, which is hcg, can give you some pregnancy-esque symptoms so truthfully, the only true symptom of a pregnancy is a positive pregnancy test. You should be asking your doctor for that, not a bunch of internet strangers.
Good luck.
TTC #1 - Nov '14
DS born 10/18
TTC #2: April 2018 ~~ BFP: May 2018 ~~ EDD: January 2019
For crying out loud why would you think this board has the answers about actually being pregnant. I'm not pregnant I have no advice! Good luck.
Me: 31 | Husband: 32
Married: September 2014!
TTC #1: January 2016 BFP 5/16/16 Quinn Born 1/27/17
You've gotten very good advice, despite your commentMyesyn said: Look, you are bound to encounter resistance as it is clear you haven't read through the newbie threads or spent your 3 day moratorium lurking as requested by bump admin.
PP is right, since you triggered with HCG, you have the pregnancy hormone in your body in synthetic form so you will barely have that out of your system when your beta test is drawn.
As others have mentioned, most of the women here have not been pregnant. Even fewer have gone though IUI and success through IUI is even less (anyone, anyone???)
You can find the rest of the rules here, so please feel free to check that out.
As far as how you can tell if you're pregnant or not: honestly the very best way to tell is by taking a test. If you are going to have success this cycle you'd most likely be able to turn a +HPT by 13DPO.
"Pregnancy symptoms" are mysterious things. You can have "pregnancy symptoms" and not be pregnant as those same symptoms can be caused by progesterone and can be part of normal PMS. You can also be pregnant and have no symptoms. Symptoms tell you about as much as the lines on your palm do. In other words: they tell you nothing but some people read way too much into them.
It's also worth noting that by the time you'd be able to have symptoms actually legitimately caused by pregnancy then you'd have enough hCG to turn a positive HPT. So if you think you're having symptoms caused by pregnancy just take a test and find out one way or the other.
ETA: As far as success stories involving when ladies began to experience pregnancy symptoms and such: yes a couple of ladies here are trying for a second/third/whatever but most of the stories you'll hear will involve loss.
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
Either way, since you are only 2 days past iui, implantation hasn't occured. At this point you are in the same boat as anyone in their Two Week Wait (TWW). So testing isn't valid until after 9-11 days after ovulation, or in your case iui.
There is nothing we can do, but direct you to threads that would be more appropriate to help you see that others are experiencing the same issue with waiting to test. Your attitude to PP giving you advice and directing you on where to find others in the TWW will cause problems. You had 3 days before you could post. Those days were meant for you to lurk, learn how the community on this board works, and to understand where to ask your questions. Since you didn't follow the rules, and sassed regulars you will not be received well anywhere until you have apologized.
Formerly known as Kate08young
August '18 Siggy April Showers:
Married: 7/22/14
Baby L: 8/4/2015 August 2015 Moms
Baby E: 11/18/2016 December 2016 Moms
TTC #3 08/2017 BFP 11/27/2017.
Twin B lost 11/22/2017, Twin A doing well.
*siggy warning*
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
surprise BFP . aug 2019
DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023
ttc #3 . feb 2023
mmc . apr 2023
mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
dx elevated nk cells
tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025
TTC #1 - Nov '14
DS born 10/18
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
To better answer your original question: it's impossible, so far as we know based off the current science, for implantation to occur before 5DPO/DPT. The reasoning for that is because it takes that long for the cells of the blastocyte to double enough to break through the zona pellucida and "hatch." This is known as "zona hatching." Once the blastocyte "hatches" it can implant, assuming it has made it to the uterus. The time it takes for the fertilized egg to travel from the ovary, where it is released, to the uterus normally is around 7 days. So theoretically implantation could occur anytime from 5DPO/DPT onward. It's normally said that implantation "normally" happens between 7-12DPO/DPT. Once implantation happens it takes a day or two (or possibly a little more) to have enough hCG in your system to be detectable on a HPT and to cause pregnancy symptoms. So, theoretically, when a woman becomes pregnant it would take 8-12 days after ovulation/embryo transfer (for those doing IVF cycles) to turn a positive pregnancy test and to have symptoms. It's also worth noting that a fairly large percent of women don't experience symptoms till 5-6 weeks pregnant. So even if you have enough hCG to turn a positive pregnancy test you won't necessarily have symptoms.
ETA: Like other posters have pointed out: It isn't unreasonable to assume you may be having some "pregnancy" symptoms at the moment from the hCG in the trigger shot. We're not saying you're not having symptoms. We're just saying at only 2 days your IUI there isn't really any way those symptoms could be from an actual pregnancy.
TTC#1: January 2015- September 2016
Infertility, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Rainbow baby born June 6, 2017 ❤️
Baby #2 due June 12, 2018
I've been to the Olympic Game Park Farm and have seen them in person! They're awesome. That place is super fun. You should go check it out! Here's me feeding a giant Ox there.
Me: 28 | DH: 31
Together since 2006 | Married May 2015
TTC #1 since November 2015
BFP 5/17/16 | EDD 1/27/17 | Born 2/4/17
*siggy warning*
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
surprise BFP . aug 2019
DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023
ttc #3 . feb 2023
mmc . apr 2023
mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
dx elevated nk cells
tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025
Me: 28 | DH: 31
Together since 2006 | Married May 2015
TTC #1 since November 2015
BFP 5/17/16 | EDD 1/27/17 | Born 2/4/17
I hope you find what you're looking for.
knottieaa4864d277f3a6a5 said:
knottieaa4864d277f3a6a5 Oh FFS... grow a spine and chill out. First of all, if you're doing specialized medical shyte for a baby, your RE will walk you through it all and answer a ZILLION questions. Second, people who've never BEEN PG, can't tell you when THEIR PG symptoms started. Third, you're NOT allowed to ask if you're PG on this board or anywhere on TB. Fourth, TTGP was MUCH busier in those days and it was a disaster when tons of newbs came in spouting their dear diary requests on new discussions. Fifth, I'm SOOOo glad you came here to lecture US about something that happened 9 years ago. And now will probably airplane your way out of here when the women responding to this post from 2016 are either living with their living child(ren) and/or are barren hags who have given up on having a child of their own (Represent!). But hey, you want it old school... here's OLD school. Enjoying that???? Wanna bring back some MORE zombie posts without getting to know anyone who is currently on this site? Mumbles... Anywho, thanks for coming to my TED talk.
@aisleofviewtwo Not exactly true... I've been around for over 9 years. Some of us have a bit more *tragic* stories than others... *sigh* On that note, I recognize some friends names in this post. I miss my friends...
@emeraldcity603 YES!!!!! And for nostalga's sake, a zombie GIF. Kicking it OLD school on TTGP. The way we used to!!!
MC #1: D&C Oct 23, 2015 (7.5 weeks)
MC #2: July 1, 2016 (5.5 weeks)
MC #3: October 17, 2016 (CP)
RE #1: RPL testing November 2016-January 2017
MC #4: Feb. 28, 2017 (CP)
RE #2: Additional RPL testing March-November 2017
MC #5: January 2019 (6.5 weeks)
RE #3: More testing 2023.
Egg Retrieval Sept/Oct 2023, 2 good embryos after PGT-A testing.
Surgery for endometriosis January 2024
Lupron Depo March 2024. Benched 3 months.
FET #1: June 3, 2024 (failed)
Lupron Depo June 2024. Benched 3 months again before next FET.
FET #2: September 2024 (failed)
FET #3: December 2024 (failed)
*siggy warning*
mmc . mar 2016
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
mmc x2 . sep 2018 & may 2019
RE workup, dx MTHFR mutation, ultimately unexplained . summer 2019
surprise BFP . aug 2019
DS . may 2020
dx Hashimoto's 2023
ttc #3 . feb 2023
mmc . apr 2023
mmc x3 . mar/jul/aug 2024
dx elevated nk cells
tx ovasitol, levothyroxine, baby aspirin, LP progesterone, femara + ti . jan 2025