June 2016 Moms

Baby measurimy small

During my 12 week scan/ blood draw everything was normal except I had low Papp A levels. I was told they would measure baby at 20 weeks to make sure baby is growing and probably every 4 weeks. Baby at 20 week scan was measuring a few days behind but within normal range. Yesterday I had my 1st growth ultrasound. I was told that baby was at 18% on the fetal growth chart at 20 weeks and now she is at 12%. I was 25wk1d yesterday but baby is averaging 23wk5d. I was told best case scenario I will go to term and worst case "rare" I will lose the baby. They also told me that I may have to deliver early if there are any problems. I'm so nervous, don't know what to do! Anyone else ever have this problem? This is my 3rd baby and never had issues before so I don't know what to expect. 

Re: Baby measurimy small

  • My 3rd baby is measuring small too but I think the dates are off by a week - ovulated late.  Any chance your dates are off?  Sorry you even have to worry about this but I'm glad to hear that loss is rare.
  • Did they give you an actual reason why they think you might lose the baby? Did they mention IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction)? I believe low PAPP-A levels can indicate placenta issues, but that's not a conclusive diagnosis - some women with low PAPP-A have placenta issues. Some don't.

    My guess is that they're concerned about possible IUGR. If baby's growth isn't up to par then there's a chance you could deliver early as it becomes safer for baby to be outside vs inside.

    I think once things get below 10% is when they start to be really concerned. However, I am not a doctor and I'd call yours back for clarification if you're really worried.

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  • I'm going to echo PP in asking for more info from your OB, there are so many things that could be involved here that I'm not sure anyone elses experience would necessarily be applicable to you.  Sometimes babies are just small for no discernible reason, sometimes there is a bigger issue at the root of their size.  Keep your fingers crossed for the best (carrying to term) and know that with medical technology, survival rates for premies are actually decently high if you do end up delivering early, hitting over 90% survival once you reach 27 weeks, and over 95% survival once you reach 30 weeks.
  • There is no chance I ovulated late. I was tracking when trying to conceive and baby was measuring good at other ultrasounds. They told me if baby reaches 10% they would test my placenta. They gave me worst case because I asked what it was. Should have kept my mouth shut! I am scheduled for ultrasounds every 4 weeks but they told me if baby gets to 10% I would go weekly. 
  • My cousin and his wife just went through a similar situation. Baby measured fine up until their anatomy scan at 20 weeks where she measured 2 weeks behind. They said she was around the 9-10th percentile. They continued to do scans weekly and she kept growing just staying in the 9-10th percentile. They monitored her placenta blood flow, baby's movements, and if baby was doing practice breathing. She was still measuring small and they decided to schedule her RCS between 37-38 weeks. She just had her on Monday and she is perfect. She weighed just under 5 lbs but thankfully didn't need to go to the NICU. Mom and baby are doing well. They told her the whole time there could be something wrong with her or she could just be tiny, after all someone has to be in that percentile otherwise that would just be under the charts. Thoughts and prayers with you and your little one!
  • That makes me feel better. I know to keep my head up but sometimes it's so hard to stay positive. Thanks! 
  • Firstly my DD measured a week behind all the way. She arrived two days before her due date. She is a small fry on the outside too but perfectly fine and normal! 
    Secondly, don't they say the most accurate measurement for size for a baby is actually at the 8 week scan which is why they date it around that time. It becomes harder to estimate sizes and measure as the time goes on. I wouldn't worry if I were you. 

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

  • My twin girls both had IUGR due to failed placenta. The Drs told me that after one of my appts it would most likely be go time. I failed an NST at 33 weeks and went straight back for an emergency c. The second they came out they were doing much better than they had been in utero. They were both 3 lbs. 
  • My son measured small around 8% and I had to go for weekly growth scans. They weren't going to make me deliver unless his growth stopped from one week to the next or dropped significantly. I was only induced two weeks early and while he was barely 5lbs he was 100% healthy and came home with me. Try not to worry too much! Some babies are just tiny! 
  • No experience here, but I just wanted to say I'm hoping for the best for you and your LO!

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • crdocrdo member
    Nothing to add except that I hope all goes well with your little one! I'd agree with PPs that if you still have questions, call your doctor to clarify so you have the whole story.
  • My son was almost exactly 50th percentile at 20 week scan, then was a little lower each time after that.  He was born early at 34 weeks and they tested my placenta because it was small and the cord was short, but they didn't find anything specific as to why.  He was a bit small at birth, as compared to other 34 weekers, but he was basically fine and came home a couple weeks later once his jaundice was controlled and he was able to eat and maintain his body temp. 

    Since he's been born, he's hanging out around the 15th percentile at every check-up.  He's going to be four in June. He's doing great but he was born small and has stayed that way even though I'm average height and vary between chubby and fat and my husband is a really big guy.  Sometimes babies are just small, even despite what you'd expect from genetics.  They have said there could have been an issue with my placenta or growth restriction but nothing conclusive and he's here and happy and healthy.  I'll hope for a similar outcome for you and your baby. 
  • Lurking from July. My baby is about 20th percentile at 23w and I am going back in 2 weeks for another growth scan. From there they will decide if I need ultrasounds every 2 weeks or not and try and rule me out for IUGR. They told me not to worry yet and there's nothing I can do but wait until the next scan. They also said right now this baby is projected to be about 5-6 pounds so they're just increasing monitoring for now. I'm nervous too but trying to ride it out and give her time to grow. 
  • Hello!  I am not sure if my situstion is similar or not...but at my last appointment my "fundus" measured 21 weeks and I was almost 23...doctor said that's still normal and they don't worry until yoy are 4 weeks on either side. ..so maybe nothing to worry about. I didn't have an ultrasound though or get told a percentile. My sister was told her baby would be 5 pounds and she was 7 11...she was also measuring small. Maybe some ppl just don't grow as much. Hoping we have good sized babes :)
  • Nothing to add except positive thoughts. Please keep us posted. Sending you a creepy internet hug.
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