Hi everyone, had some disappointing news today- after taking gonadotropin injections for two weeks and nothing, I've all of a sudden (over 4 days) got 3 follicles. One at 22, & two at 14.5 so they've advised that we abandon the cycle.
Just wondering if anyone else has been in this position and what they did....
the reason I ask is that a friend was also in this position and continued to actively try despite having three eggs and now has a gorgeous 6yr old!
Re: Advice needed re abandoned cycle
I had 3 definite mature and a 4th that was likely to mature due to trigger on my successful cycle. I'm currently 18 weeks with 1 bean. Based on my high HCG levels, I may have initially had a twin that didn't make it and absorbed, but we'll never know since we never saw a second sac on my ultrasound.
I don't understand canceling for 1 definite and 2 possible mature. I also don't know why your RE would put you on gonadotropin injections if 3 eggs worries him/her. I definitely say go for it!
I'm in the UK & the hospitals policy is "one at a time". Apparently there's a 10% chance of a multiple.
It sounds like I'm the same as you with 3 likely mature follicles and one that was around 10 this morning. I also seem to produce eggs very rapidly late on. In my rounds of clomid, nothing happened until very late and then there was a huge follicle within a couple of days.
I suppose my concern is that if we continue to actively try and I don't ovulate for another few days (as I won't be triggering) then I could actually have 4 or 5 mature follicles. Then on the other hand, only one could take and this might be our chance- it's just such an unknown and as I was advised against it, I'm not sure it would be "sensible", but then infertility doesn't make you sensible!! Haha