May 2016 Moms

Bladder woes

I can't seem to empty my bladder.

I pee all the time, which I expected especially in the 3rd trimester. But What I didn't expect is difficulty emptying my bladder. This is different from that UTI one more drop burning feeling. Instead the urge is actually in my bladder area. After I pee sometimes baby will shift and I feel an urge to go again. Or if I go and then lay down the position change makes me feel like I didn't finish peeing before. It's annoying. Any tips on getting it all out the first time? I'm afraid I'll end up with a UTI if things don't change.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow so I'll be sure to have her make sure it's not that already although I seriously doubt it. 
Me: 31 | DH: 33
DD: 05/14/16
Baby #2 EDD: 12/23/19

Re: Bladder woes

  • If you find out let me know! I swore I had a UTI but no, but it felt like that where it just never feels empty and almost feels painful at the end! Then I end up having to go again! Sadly I think it's just par for the course. But it's not fun 
  • What I do is make sure I switch positions on the toilet to try and get her to move. I sit and then stand a few times and rock back and forth on my hips to get it all out. It isn't perfect but it's better than getting up 5 minutes later. 
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  • I have found that if I kind of lift my belly a little bit and lean forward, I am able to empty my bladder a lot more than normal. Maybe give that a go?
  • What I do is make sure I switch positions on the toilet to try and get her to move. I sit and then stand a few times and rock back and forth on my hips to get it all out. It isn't perfect but it's better than getting up 5 minutes later. 
    I actually asked my midwife about this and this was one of the things she suggested. Trying to move your hips should help baby move enough (hopefully) to get it all out.
  • I sympathize! Try to shift around as you pee or sit and stand a few times. I also started lifting my bump with my hands and that helps. I have about a minute to use the bathroom between classes and ended up with a bad UTI a couple of weeks ago because I wasn't shifting baby around enough and repeatedly ended up with a partially emptied bladder. Definitely do what you can to get as empty as possible each time!
  • Definitely lean forward! This is weird, but I also sort of wait and hang out a minute after I think I'm done and then I usually go again. That said, I got up 8 times last night before falling asleep because I drank way too much water. 
  • I do the wait and lean forward. I've had this issue for a few weeks as well. Very annoying.  I find if I hand around for an extra 30 seconds or so and lean forward I can go more.  That being said, there are many times where LO moves to a new spot and makes me feel like I have to pee when I really don't. Also walking makes me have the fake pee feeling . . .
  • Well, now I really to try all these things because tonight when I peed and then stood up, I ended up peeing more in my pants as I walked out. Ugh. Pregnancy joys  :#
  • For the majority of the day, I'm fine, but this issue keeps striking me around an hour before I fall asleep. I end up making around 5 trips to the bathroom then.
  • I can't remember which baby book I read this in.  It MIGHT  have been in What To Expect When You Are Expecting, but I am not sure.  Anyway the book suggested talking to your doctor.  It says they can manipulate your uterus a bit to get it off your bladder so you can pee.

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

  • This is my life. I often sit on the toilet and end up going a few times while sitting there.
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • Thank you ladies. I'm relieved to know its not just me. Talked to my dr. and she gave me the same suggestions. Lift my belly and lean forward. 
    Me: 31 | DH: 33
    DD: 05/14/16
    Baby #2 EDD: 12/23/19
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