2nd Trimester

High TSH level at 23 weeks

Hello!  Looking for some reassurance!  My TSH level at 23 weeks is 17!!!  They last tested it around 12 weeks and it was within the normal range then.  They are of course increasing my levothyroxine dosage right away but I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?  Are high TSH levels in 2nd trimester as concerning as they are in the 1st trimester in regards to baby's development?  How often should I be advocating to get my levels rechecked?  At 12 week appointment doctor said two months and now I am wishing I would have asked for a re-check sooner.  Dr. Google is scaring the heck out of me!

Re: High TSH level at 23 weeks

  • You are fine! Make sure u are taking meds on empty stomach and by themselves too.... that's how they work best
  • My levels get checked monthly but only see the doc every two months. I would recommend following up with your doctor at least via phone if your concerned and stay away from Dr Google.
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  • Lurking from S16 ... I have to go to my endo every 6 weeks throughout pregnancy and make sure my levels are staying consistent. I also had higher levels in second tri and meds were increased. My OB however makes me come in for an ultrasound and NST (twice a week) every week after 34 weeks to make sure baby is growing properly. Both my girls were born healthy, petite at 6lbs but healthy. I would just follow up with your doctor and make a plan on what you should expect as far as follow ups. Good luck! 

    DD #1 3/26/13
    Mo/Mo twins MMC 3/31/14  o:)
    DD #2 3/31/15
    DD #3 8/25/16
  • Thank you, everyone!  I will be sure to stay on top of this with my doctor.  I did a little more research and my Free T4 was much closer to where it should be so I feel a little better about the TSH being so off.  Started with the higher dosage today and getting levels re-checked in 4 weeks.  Thanks again!
  • It can take 4-6 weeks for a dosage change to take effect, so don't freak out if they seem slow to re-test you.  
    My first result at about 10 weeks was T4 Free = 1 and TSH = 4.7.  They put me on 25mg. 
    Second result at 17 weeks was T4 Free = 1 and TSH = 3.13.  They raised me to 50mg.  In a week, at 23 weeks, I'll be getting my next check.  
    09/12/14 BFP (EDD 5/15/15) 
    10/06/14 US #1 showing baby at 6W1D w/ no HB (rather than 8W4D)
    10/13/14 US #2 confirming miscarriage 
    10/28/14   800mg oral cytotec (very good experience)  

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