May 2016 Moms


I thought I would run this by you before the baby name board.  Since I feel like I "know" you all better, I value May '15's opinion more.

I think we decided on the name Max.  Maxwell is still a possibility, but not entirely sure. Anyway, Max is pretty tough to pair with a middle name, IMO.  We like the idea of having a family MN, but many of them don't sound good.  Our favorite is Max Ryan, BUT our last name starts with an "S".  I vetoed any R names because I didn't want our son to have the initials MRS.  Now, I'm second guessing it because I don't like many other MN's.


Re: Initials

  • If the name flows well (which it does) I wouldn't worry too much about initials. Especially for boys as they don't use initials as much as girls do (ie, embroidered bags and jewelry with initials). 

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  • I'm torn on this one. In the event that the full initials are used this *could* be an awkward set of initials for a boy especially through middle school and early high school. I tend to think that it's far more common for first name/last name initials to be used though (MS) and this sidesteps the issue-- or if things are being labeled/embroidered, monograms are more common (MSR) which also sidesteps. 
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  • While it's something to consider (kids can be really mean), like @yogahh said, I don't think initials are as big of a deal for boys since they typically don't have things monogrammed like girls do. I say if you like Ryan, go with it.
  • I don't think it matters. I have a set of initials that spells something kind of unpleasant but honestly no one ever said anything to me about it. 

    Also: I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Max. I want to name ours Max. DH thinks it is too short and is insisting on Maxwell or Maximillion. But I will still call him Max if we go that route. I love it! 
    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

  • Personally, I wouldn't do it. Growing up my initials were SEW (I changed my name when I got married) and I always hated that it spelled a word, for some reason it made me feel embarrassed when I was little. I never wanted things monogrammed for that reason (no LL Bean backpack with initials on it for me). That said, Max Ryan is a great name and it flows really well, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  • I agree with everyone above.  It's not like they spell ASS or something.  Plus, when you get things monogrammed you could always do the monogram like this:

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  • Go for it. Kids will find a way to make fun of another kid if they really want to and its up to us as parents to instill confidence in our children so that they can handle what comes with growing up (and to kick another kid's ass if I really have to  :p). Full initials are seldom used for boys so I wouldn't think anything of it. Max Ryan is a cool name, do it! 
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  • I wouldn't worry about MRS, there are a lot of other combos that could be worse. I just tend to avoid actual words, animal sounds, and initials represent something bad (like KKK)
  • I'm big on initials. We specifically chose names (before we even knew the gender) that would spell out ASH. I just like that option as a cool nickname. :)
  • kp90kp90 member
    I wouldn't worry too much if you are set on Ryan for a middle name. Boys do not usually use full initials especially in a school setting that often. I would think it would be more full name and first and last initial. But yes kids are mean in the event they may realize and understand the whole MRS thing but I say go for it if that's what you like. OR some other middle names.. Max/Maxwell Michael, Austin, Maxwell Dallas.. that's about all I can think of now.
  • I agree that it is something to consider, but shouldn't totally tank a great name like Max Ryan (super cool BTW!). Our son's initials are R.O.D. and I was a little embarrassed when I realized they spelled a word. But he still has an L L Bean backpack with his initials but it is the "block stack" like @AnastasiaBeaverhausen09 posted so 

    but with R.O. on the side and a big D on the other side. Like PPs have said, I don't think it is such a big deal for boys. Now, when we were thinking of girl names, one of our options would have given our daughter the initials O.D.D so that was out! 

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  • It took me far too long to figure out what MRS is. Duh. I wouldn't worry about those initials. I love Max Ryan!
  • Sharra13 said:
    I'm big on initials. We specifically chose names (before we even knew the gender) that would spell out ASH. I just like that option as a cool nickname. :)
    We picked the middle name just so our kids initials would be HRH- like Her Royal Highness. I have too much time on my hands...

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  • I understand where you're coming from. We're expecting a boy, but our top two girl names formed the words "MAD" and "MED" which I was uncomfortable with for the same reason.

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about the middle initial being R... If you're going to have the first/last be MS, the likelihood of issues is just as high, regardless of middle initial.

    No worries though- as other PPs have said, kids will always find something to make fun of each other for.
  • I like Max Ryan! I wouldn't worry too much about it. Monograms are fn ln mn, and he can always just use MS when writing his initials. I had the same freak out for DD, her initials will be EEK (Evelyn Elizabeth) but monograms look ok as EKE, or initials as EK
  • yogahh said:
    Sharra13 said:
    I'm big on initials. We specifically chose names (before we even knew the gender) that would spell out ASH. I just like that option as a cool nickname. :)
    We picked the middle name just so our kids initials would be HRH- like Her Royal Highness. I have too much time on my hands...
    That is what MH said about my son having the initials ROD. He was stoked saying how cool the nickname Rod is. If you say so, buddy.

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  • Give him two middle names! Max(well) Ryan Alexander S would be MRAS. Or you could switch the middle names and make him MARS:)
  • I agree that kids will always find something to make fun of and we had this conversation when we were deciding on our baby boy name (most likely Harry). I was worried that during his adolescent years he'd get picked on for his name but my husband pointed out that even with a neutral name we couldn't find a mean nickname for, if kids want to pick on you, they'll find something to make fun of.

    Bottom line: naming a human is really hard and you should go with the name you want regardless of something insignificant like initials.
  • Unless it spells something really bad (like the examples others had above), I wouldn't worry about it. My DD is ARF. This baby may very well be ARF too (or ALF) we can't decide.

    No lie, I work with a wonderfully odd guy at work who's name is Skipper. When I asked him if that was his given name, he said immediately that yes, and that his initials spell STD. Then laughed like a maniac. I'm just saying, he embraces it. lol
    Baby #2 EDD: May 13th!
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  • MRS isn't that bad, and as others said, you can always use the monogram MSR.  I love the flow of the name Max Ryan.  Sounds like a Jason Bourne type super spy!  :)  I think as long as the initials don't spell something that equates to potty humor (PMS, STD, ASS, etc) you are good!
    I recently saw on facebook that my friend's brother named their son with the initials PMS. Cannot fathom that they realized and still went ahead, but who knows.

    I personally wouldn't do MRS, I don't think it's that bad, but iffy enough that I would be nervous. But I also wouldn't feel bad about going ahead with it, I don't think it's a huge deal.
  • Thanks, everyone!  I feel much better about it now. :smile:

    And yes, kids will find anything to make fun of!  MRS is probably going to be the least of any concerns.
  • We had to toss a name for DD so her initials wouldn't be KFC so I understand. But if you love the name, I agree with others that I wouldn't let the initials be the dealbreaker, especially since it isn't anything worse! I say go for it.

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    BFP 1: 9/15/2013 | DD 5/23/2014
    BFP 2: 9/15/2015 | EDD 5/26/2016

  • MRS wouldn't bother me a bit.  My dds initials are BRA.  No one has said a single thing about it.  
  • I was going to ask what was wrong with the initials MRS, but I think I got it. I am slow this morning. I don't see a problem with the initials, especially if you like that name. Plus, they're just initials it's not like they'll always be used.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
  • Everyone's different, but I get the hesitation about MRS.

    Baby boy was going to be Billy (boy) or Billie (girl) and the middle name was Ray regardless of gender. Now that we know it's a boy we're legally going with William and will call him Billy because I don't want his initials to be BRF; I can hear kids calling him barf. While boys don't use their monogram like girls do I, personally, would pay attention to it because you don't know what kind of career they'll go into and possibly use such initials. Just my 2 cents

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  • dshannah said:
    Give him two middle names! Max(well) Ryan Alexander S would be MRAS. Or you could switch the middle names and make him MARS:)
    This is a good idea...or maybe I just think so because we are possibly doing two middle names. :-P
    Me: 38; DH: 41
    DS: Born 5-17-16 

  • Unless it spells something really negative, and it doesn't bother you, I don't think it matters. Our DS's initials will spell DMV. No big deal.
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