Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Stork bite or port wine stain?

Hello I just had a beautiful baby girl that is 12 days old. When she was born she had no noticeable marks on her face but a few days later some very faint marks started to show up and now it has turned bright red it's quite large. The doctor said it was probably a stork bite but that was when it was lighter and hardly noticeable we go back tomorrow so I will ask her about it again, I am hoping it is not a port wine stain as those never go away. Just curious if anyone has any experience with these. If stork bites when did they fade and go away? I put her pic where you can see it the most. Thanks ladies. 

Re: Stork bite or port wine stain?

  • My daughter had that in the middle of her forehead when she was born but it was a lot smaller. She is now 17 months old and I hardly every notice it and I usually only do when she's really throwing a fit.

  • I've never heard these expressions so when I read your post title I imagined you all must live an incredible life. Traveling to places with storks via the high seas. Haha

    not sure what this is but Olive got really red for awhile and it went away. I hope it's nothing permanent but even if it is, don't worry. Multi-pigmented marks are often gorgeous! 
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  • My daughter has a slight one in the middle of her head but nothing too serious. She's 3 months now and it's still visible.
  • If it wasn't there at birth, I don't think it's a port wine stain. My guess would be a hemangioma, which appear within a couple weeks of birth and are super common. They go away, but they do get brighter and risen. I would go see your pedi to check it out.

  • We saw our pedi today and she does think it's a hemangioma. She is sending us to a specialist to get it checked out further 
  • My niece had one just like it that covered her whole chin and most of her lower lip, and it was there at birth. It disapeared of her chin by 8 months, and off her lip by about 1.5yrs
  • My third had those pink marks on both eyelids, baby of neck and inbetween eyebrows. She's really light so at birth they were bright pink. She's 3 now and it's barely visible. The pink got lighter with time. I just read the other comment and that's exactly what I was going to point out. I read a little girl who had one similar and got more red with time. But that was just one case. 
  • It's a hemangioma. It was confirmed by a pediatric dermatologist when she was about 2 weeks old. Since it covered her eye we had to do a lot test and scans to make sure it wouldn't affect her vision or was a sign of a more serious condition. We started a medication to stop it from growing. It got very red and started to raise. But now at 9 weeks she is doing much better and the medicine has helped a lot. Thank you for all of your replies. 
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