April 2016 Moms

Hey ladies

Thanks for all the congrats, I'm sorry I just now saw them, I haven't been on the computer lately. 

I wanted to give you guys an update. We decided to name him Isaac Douglass, he is so adorable and such a fighter. 

He came out crying and mad, which is great. I only got to hold him wrapped up for a couple minutes before they took him to the nicu because he was having issues breathing. I haven't been able to hold him since. He was grunting, having retractions and just uncomfortable in general because of his struggle. They started out with just a little hood over his head to try and give him more oxygen, that wasn't enough so they went to a cpap machine, but eventually intubated him to take the stress off him. It was a scary decision at first, but definitely the best one for him. As soon as they did it he immediately relaxed and slept. They gave him surfactin in the tube to help his lungs expand. He was only intubated for 19 hours and he's back on the cpap doing awesome now. 

They had to put a central line into his umbilical cord and it goes almost to his heart and is fragile, so I won't be able to hold him until it's out. It definitely sucks, but he's doing great. He's not eating yet, and won't until his lung issues are figured out, even then it will be a slow introduction. I am pumping and saving it in the nicu for him though. 

Sorry this got long, I just wanted to let you guys know what's going on. Thanks for all your well wishes and congrats, it means so much to know you guys are thinking about us. 
DS 10/19/09

DD 3/14/11

BFP 8/8/12 EDD 4/20/13 MMC @ 9+ wks D&C 9/27/12

DS2 9/12/13

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Re: Hey ladies

  • Congrats mama! Everything will be fine.  I also love the name you chose; so precious! 
  • Hopefully you get to hold your little boy soon! He's certainly a fighter, so I'm hoping that means less time in NICU.


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  • Thanks for sharing your story. Best wishes for continued good news
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  • Beautiful name for a beautiful boy! Hang in there mama, hope your recovery is going well also. Take care of yourself!
  • Thanks for the update! We are all thinking of you and little Isaac, hopefully you'll get some more snuggles really soon.
    kids with flags
  • I hope your little boy is in your arms soon! Stay strong mama, glad you have a little fighter!
  • Thanks for the update momma. Sending hugs and wishes for a quick adjustment period so you can have little man in your arms soon!
  • imrachelleaimrachellea member
    edited February 2016
    So glad to hear an update and will be praying for you both! Welcome to the world little man!!!
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  • Looks like our first April baby is a true superstar! Keep being tough, little Isaac, we are all cheering for you!

    You did great, mamma, and I hope you get to cuddle him again soon. Sending lots of love and positive thoughts to you and your sweet family 
  • Sending you and your family well wishes!
  • Sending you lots of warm hugs and thoughts for your little beautiful boy, he's a fighter and everything will be fine. Thank you for updating us, we're all thinking about you! ❤️


  • Thanks for taking the time to update. All the best to you and your family! :heart: 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Congrats on your sweet little boy! Sending prayers that his nicu stay is short and he'll be snuggled in your arms soon! :)
  • Congrats an your little fighter. Praying for your both and hoping he'll be in your arms soon. 
  • thaisac1thaisac1 member
    edited February 2016
    Thanks for sharing!!! I have been thinking of you guys. Hope you can hold him and bring him home very soon! Congrats to you and hubby! 
  • Fight fight fight little Isaac!!
  • Thanks for sharing an update with us! Sounds like he is a fighter. Hopefully here soon you'll be able to snuggle your little man.
  • Congrats on your beautiful little man! Hope he is in your arms soon!
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  • Awww he sounds like a fighter ! Hang in there and I hope you get some snuggle time with him soon !!
  • Oh keep doing awesome little Isaac! I'll be thinking of you! Take good care and congrats on your beautiful boy!
  • Thanks for the update! Isaac already sounds like a superhero!
  • I love that Isaac means laughter - I hope you can do lots of laughing at silly newborn antics soon. Take care of yourself and enjoy your snuggles with your other kiddos. You, Isaac and his doctors are all in my prayers (I hope you don't mind). 
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  • Congrats to you and your family!  Sending lots of love to your little man, I hope you get to cuddle him again soon!
  • So happy to hear he's fighting!! Stay strong mama, he'll be in your arms before you know it!

  • Thank you for the update. So glad to here he is doing good! Keep on fighting Isaac so your momma and daddy can snuggle you and give you lots of kisses! You all will be in my prayers! 
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  • Thank you for letting us all know! Lots of thoughts and prayers for baby, you and your hubby :smile: 
  • Continued thoughts and prayers. He is a doll! 
  • Congrats to you and your family and Happy Birthday Issac!!! 
  • Thoughts and prayers to you and baby Issac! Sounds like he is a fighter, and wish you a short stay!
  • You are a fighter too, mama! when my son was in nicu and than picu, intubated, with central line (different reasons though), I was so hormonal and hurting after c section that could just cry for the first week. I pulled my self together thankfully.   you are dealing with it just great! your little boy will be just fine, you will go home soon. Use this time to heal and sleep as much as you can, although I know that pumping 8 times a day doesn't help with that. 
    God bless you guys! 
  • That is amazing news! So happy to hear things are going well, mama! 


  • That's fantastic! 


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  •  :) So excited things are looking up for your LO! 
  • Yay! Such great news. And I agree - spam away. FX for discharge and a steady road ahead. 
  • @blonde151188  I have been thinking about you and wondering how you guys were doing. Thanks for the amazing update! What a relief!!! Post lots of pics! :D
  • Spam away! So glad to hear how well everyone is doing :smiley: 
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  • That's so amazing! Way to go Isaac!
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