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First time home buyer

Any advice for a first time home buyer here?? DH and I are going to be looking for our first home beginning of March and don't know where to start. We made a list of what our dream home would be like and we know a nice neighborhood close to city is where we want to be at.
DD#1 born 12/30/2015
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DS#1 born 02/19/2013
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Re: First time home buyer

  • I bought a home 3 years ago next month. I met with the lender a year before I was ready, my mom manages a title company and recommended him to me. He gave me tips on what to do so my credit would be ready. I had great credit, but there were some tips I didn't know before we met. I met with him again when I was ready to shop. 

    My my mom also picked my realtor, who happens to be a very close friend. The realtor was key in telling me what to look for and what to be critical of or to overlook. She set up a website for me with houses that matched what I wanted and were in my pre-approved range. I would then text her and tell her which ones I wanted to see. 

    I guess my advice is to start talking to lenders and realtors ASAP. They will help get you in gear. Also, be prepared for this to take a while and for it to make you want to laugh and cry at the same time. Especially when you find the one you want and have to stress during negotiations. Good luck!
  • Get your paperwork in order with your lender before you go to see any houses. It might be different now but when my fiancé and I were looking to buy our first house (a little over 3 years ago) nothing good stayed on the market for much longer than a few weeks and seeing houses that fit our wants/needs and not being able to take action was frustrating and discouraging.  Once we had a letter from the bank stating what we were approved for it was a whole different story, even though it did take a full year for us to find or house. 

    The only other advice I have is don't get hung up on little details. You will without a doubt have a list of "must haves" and you should, but be willing to compromise on the other things or else you will never find anything you're happy with. Remember that sometimes little projects you have to do or quirks that a house has end up being what makes it feel like home to you. 
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