July 2016 Moms

What sex is your baby? Poll

MamaBishMamaBish member
edited February 2016 in July 2016 Moms
Just curious how many boys and girls there are here in July :)
🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
♥ Stillborn 2015 

What sex is your baby? Poll 139 votes

45% 63 votes
38% 53 votes
Team Green! (Waiting until birth)
13% 19 votes
Boy/girl twins
0% 1 vote
Girl twins
0% 1 vote
Boy twins
0% 0 votes
Special Snowflake (explain in comments)
1% 2 votes

Re: What sex is your baby? Poll

  • I find out in 2.5 weeks ahhh can't wait
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  • I am kinda hoping someone picks other, I just want to know if someone doesn't fit into one of those categories. Like, is having KITTENS or, idk. :)
    Or have xxy chromosomes and be considered intersex.
  • megstervt said:
    I am kinda hoping someone picks other, I just want to know if someone doesn't fit into one of those categories. Like, is having KITTENS or, idk. :)
    From what I remember, there are a couple of people pregnant with baby T-Rex's. I have already determined through my 11w ultrasound, that I am pregnant with a baby possum. It looks more like a possum, than a fetus. 
    I thought I was having a t-Rex!  Found out last week at an urgent ultrasound it's a boy and he appears very human. Guess we need to figure out a human nursery and return the barb wire fence we planned for the backyard. 

    At my most recent u/s, baby girl yawned and she seriously looked like a baby T-Rex.... I'm not even joking :).  
    Anniversary: 10/10/09
    DS: 11/21/14
    DD: 7/5/16

  • This is pretty even! Neat to see
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
  • A little over a week till we know EEEK!
  • I'm surprised more people didn't answer special snowflake or maybe they're just waiting to answer. Our a/s isn't until March 28th, but we are team green.
    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We just had our ultrasound today. I voted girl, but maybe I should have chosen special snowflake just to be different. The tech said our baby is most likely a girl, but baby was not in an optimal position to confirm for sure.....so for now we will assume we are having a girl, but will have to wait until the next ultrasound to confirm.
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