October 2016 Moms

anyone still nursing?

I am 7 weeks, and still nursing my 16 month old (nights only for less than 5 min)

wondering how to wean him without getting mastitis?!?

Re: anyone still nursing?

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    I'm 7 weeks nursing my 14 month old. I'm pretty sure its mostly for comfort as I don't think he's getting much out of me. We're only nursing in the morning and before bed. I'm not looking to wean him anytime soon.

    Is there a particular reason why you're looking to wean? No judgement, just wondering. :)
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    Married to DH for 6 years (together for 16)
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    I'm 5 weeks and nursing my 10 month old. She still nurses day and night, I have no weaning tips to share. I'm hoping to nurse her until she decides to give it up. 
    Married DH 12/31/13
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    I'm still nursing DD who is 22 mo and I don't think she will ever stop! Lol
    Baby #1: Elena 4/6/14
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    Yup. I'm not sure you have to wean unless you feel done. You can nurse through pregnancy with no ill affects. 

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    My nursling is almost 3. 

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    Koalamomma3Koalamomma3 member
    edited February 2016
    No tips on weaning just wanted to say it's nice to see other "extended nursers". I nursed dd3 until she was about 2 1/2 and got plenty of comments from people including family who were very opinionated about how she was way too old to be nursing still. I love that it's becoming more normalized.  Okay random comment over. 
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    DD is still nursing; she's 16 months old. She's mostly self-weaned but still comfort nurses once or twice a day. I have nursed through 3 of my 4 pregnancies now. DS1 and DS2 tandem nursed for a month or so. There's no reason to stop unless your boobs hurt too much or if later on you're at risk of PTL. They usually ask women to stop nursing if that's a potential problem. 

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    Still nursing my 15 month old. No intention of stopping, until he's ready. I do wonder if my supply is suffering already though. He's seemed frustrated during nursing the past few days. 

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    I am still nursing my 24month old but I think my supply is getting less and less and I hardly ever have that full feeling anymore when he doesn't nurse all day he mostly does it for comfort in the morning and thru out the night, I was planning on weaning before I even found out I was prego but this will be my first time weaning a child, and he is such a mommy's boy I am having a hard time with trying to even figure out how to do it! Because it breaks my heart that I won't get that special bonding moment anymore. 
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    I still occasionally nurse my almost 2 1/2 year-old. A couple mornings last week he asked for "cuddle milks" in the morning but I haven't nursed him this week I don't think. He's mostly done but still asks every now and then and I'm pretty sure I'll still have milk by the time this baby comes because I keep thinking I'll dry up but nope! Even if it's been a couple weeks there is still milk there.

    As for your original question @auglove12, if you want to wean just do it gradually and mastitis shouldn't be a problem. Like if your LO only nurses once before bed (not sure what you meant by 'nights'), try shortening the time spent nursing or offering one side one night and the other side the next night, or try to skip one night every three or four days then go to every other night then only nurse a couple times a week.... But if you don't feel uncomfortable and your LO isn't asking, you could just stop offering and pump if you find it uncomfortable. Basically, this is a long way of saying there are tons of ways to wean - you could do it gradually or cold turkey. Just keep an eye on your comfort level.

    Also, PSA to anyone thinking of weaning - it is an emotional firestorm. Your body is quite accustomed to the oxytocin released when nursing and the withdrawal is real and brutal. Expect to feel really teary and emotional because weaning is both a chemical and a psychological change and you need to be mentally prepared. I am still sleeping with a teddy bear as a comforter because I NEEDED to cuddle something when I stopped nursing DS to sleep every night. I think I'm good now, but I was a weepy emotional wreck for about two weeks when I stopped daily nursing. It helps if you prepare your partner for this because they won't understand what's happening.
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    @DoubleAteam I understand that bonding feeling. Now when I put DS to bed, we sit in his chair and cuddle and I might sing him a lullaby, while he plays with my hair just like he did when he was nursing to sleep. Then I put him in his bed. I think we both feel satisfied by our five minute nightly cuddles in place of his "cuddle milks."

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    I'm still nursing my 14-month-old! I went 20 months with her brother but I'll probably go as long as she wants because she seems fairly amenable to being night weaned, unlike her brother. I sent her away on a weaning trip (DH took her to the ILs) for three nights and four days and she was fine while away from me but desperate when she came home, and I had mastitis, so I just had her nurse it out and we've been going strong ever since. I do think the time apart triggered early ovulation and the current 6-week pregnancy, though. I never realy wanted to nurse while pregnant so I'm hoping I dry up and she loses interest. 
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    @Paturkey You are not kidding about the emotional firestorm of weaning. I was severely depressed for a month after weaning my son. (He was fine.) Uff da. Motherhood.
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    @greenlia I'm "loving" that in the commiserating sense. Glad you got through it. It's brutal.
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    I'm 7 weeks and nursing my 22-month-old - in the morning, at nap time and at night.  I'm really torn about weaning him.  On one hand, it has been painful to nurse while pregnant.  Also, it would be nice to let my husband put him to bed.  On the other hand, I really love the closeness we have because of nursing and I want to provide him the benefits of breast milk for as long as possible.  He's nursing less, so I'm hoping he'll self-wean.  Am I being delusional?
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    @ignoscemihi If hoping he'll self wean is being delusional, I'm also guilty. But actually several mom friends have told me how easily their toddlers stopped nursing when their milk dried up during pregnancy. 
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    @Paturkey : "cuddle milks" is ADORABLE. I love it. <3

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    daisymamadaisymama member
    edited February 2016
    Almost 8 weeks here, and nursing my 17 month old multiple times throughout the day/night, and my 3 year old at bed time/wake up. I know my milk supply has decreased drastically, though neither are ready to wean. My plan is to wean the three year old before new baby comes and tandem with my 17 month old (if she chose to wean, I'd be fine with that, but I highly doubt it :p ) and newborn.

    Love seeing all these older nurslings, it's definitely not all puppies and rainbows 24/7 but in my opinion, it's a very special connection.

    But to answer original question, I haven't weaned yet, but like previous posters mentioned, gradually shortening feedings/dropping them is the way to avoid mastitis. Or the probability of your milk completely drying up in the coming months is relatively high, so if you desire to wean, that can work in your favor. If you wish to continue nursing though, no harm in continuing till and through baby arriving  :)

    Edit: spelling and typos.

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    I'm still nursing my 15 month old baby girl. She has shown no signs of wanting to wean so as long as I'm able, I've been nursing her. She has rejected soy and almond milk and we're reluctant to give her cow's milk right now, but she's just not ready to give up mom's milk :)
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    Still nursing 20 month old. When he was a year, I stopped pumping at work and expected my milk to dry out. (I am a pharmacist. The days I work I am on from 8 am to 9 pm) and.... nope. My days off he nurses pretty regularly. Long nurses when he wakes up from sleep, and maybe 30 seconds to 3 min nurses pretty regularly throughout the day. I'm his sippy. (Although he also loves a good sippy) I have no idea how my body has figured this out, but I never feel full at work when I don't see him for 24 hours, and he never seems unsatisfied when I am home.

    I wish sometimes he wouldn't constantly try to get at me, but I don't really mind that he still nurses. I just can't lose weight while breastfeeding. I got down to prebaby weight with an extremely low calorie diet (1100 to 1200 while breastfeeding) and that's definitely not sustainable. And apparently I will continue feeding for another few years. Lovely. :-P
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    Has anyone done this nursing while pregnant before? I just told DH parenting is sucking the life out of me right now and he thought I was joking. Granted, my oldest (3.75) is super high needs this week. I'm wondering if nursing is impacting my normal pregnancy tiredness and brain fog or if this is just something to file under "every pregnancy is different." I feel like I can't get enough rest or fluids and I don't want very much food so I'm forcing it down. Fingers crossed DD is thinking about weaning.
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    @greenlia I haven't done the nursing while pregnant thing before and I don't count now as DS only nurses maybe a couple times a week. I suspect for you it's probably a combination of all the factors you stated: every pregnancy is different, you've got two kids to take care of, and nursing requires a lot of calories as does growing a human. Is there anything that sounds good to eat? Nutrition be damned at this point, just try to get as much down as you can. Maybe something like Ensure or something to give you a lot of calories and nutrients without much work?

    Here are a couple links from Kellymom - one is about nutrition during breastfeeding when pregnant and the other is their big Q&A about it. Maybe there are some ideas to help you out there. Good luck.


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    This is my second pregnancy I've nursed through. It is physically and emotionally draining! My "baby" is 2 and we're down to once or twice a day. That being said, it's really rewarding, it's the one time during the day we snuggle, and it lets me sleep in an extra 30 minutes. 
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    @Paturkey Thank you for the links! Didn't even think about checking Kellymom
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    @greenlia I am currently nursing a 10mo old and am 7w pregnant.  I plan to nurse through pregnancy but have never done it before.  I haven't had much of a decrease in supply yet... maybe 1oz total from what I used to pump at work.  I am not on here much but I'd love to have a nursing moms check-in for those of us who are hoping to nurse through pregnancy.  I could definitely use the support!
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    @nsquaredlife13 . Hey I'm in the same exact boat you are. I nurse my 14 month old too. I'm pretty sure it mostly for comfort and I am totally ok with that. My only complaint is my boobies hurt!!
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    Still nursing my 2y7mo DS. I know my supply has taken a huge hit but DS still nurses like crazy. My nipples are so sore :(

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    I nursed my DD a few months past her second birthday. Bittersweet! She still loves being cuddled and snuggled up super close so I get my time still. ;)

    When I started to get to the point of not wanting to be touched and needing my body back, I very slowly cut off each nursing session. Stop whichever session is her least favorite. We eventually just got to bedtime nursing. I avoided any spots were we used to nurse, as well. 

    I then implemented a time limit and said "no more nurse!" And gently unlatched.  First few times, she was angry. She cried. But she cuddled next to me, and fell asleep. She was never alone and still got her time. 

    Eventually, after a good month of this... I finally said no more nurse. And "all gone!" She knew what it meant. She didn't cry. She only tried for a few days. I made sure I wore high neck shirts to cover them well. We started a new ritual (read book, etc) to wind down and still continued to snuggle. 
    My breasts were a tiny bit tender and full at the very end, even with it being limited sessions once a day. You'll be surprised by how efficient toddlers are! But, the engorgement is NOTHING like after birth. I hand expressed a few times to get the tightness out, but then it wasn't an issue by the end of the week. 
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    8 weeks nursing my 18 month old. My nipples are on fire.... Anyone else? It hurts so bad, like when she was a new born! 

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    HJakes78 said:
    8 weeks nursing my 18 month old. My nipples are on fire.... Anyone else? It hurts so bad, like when she was a new born! 
    My boobs are tender but when my son latches the nipples don't really hurt. It's bizarre to me. 
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    Married to DH for 6 years (together for 16)
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    BFP 1.24.18, MC 3.13.18
    <3 BFP 4.25.19, EDD 12.31.19  <3

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    My nips are not feeling great, but my 15-month-old (in two days) is also teething and that never helps her latch.

    Does anyone know when milk is supposed to dry up or is it different for everyone?
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    @greenlia, I think it's different for everyone. I'm so worried about not making it to a year since I'm so close. I'm 8w and still producing but my nipples are definitely more tender. 

    How is it going for everyone else? 
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    My nipples are more sensitive and my supply seems to have increased. DS went from maybe once a week to like five times a week. I'm sure it's because my boobs are bigger and he's like, "oh yeah! I forgot about them but I'll have some cuddle milks now, thanks."

    @greenlia I'm sure it's different for everyone.
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    From what I've read, it's different for everyone and about 30% of moms don't lose their supply during pregnancy. 

    So far, other than my LO (16m) increasing frequency a bit a first and some nipple tenderness that doesn't bother me during nursing, I'm feeling about the same in that department. The tenderness does bother me during sex though. For about the first year after lo was born, DH wasn't allowed near them. About 4 months ago, it started to be OK again. Before my bfp, they became off limits again. That was actually one of the reasons I tested!

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    These days, when my son latches on I make a horrible face or gasp in pain or both. I'm glad he rarely nurses in public anymore! Weirdly, even though my nipples are super sore, it's suddenly OK for them to be touched during sex again (they've been off-limits since my son was born because it just felt strange and unsexy). Thanks, hormones!
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    The initial latch is uncomfortable but the rest of the session is fine. DS has plenty of soft, there's-still-plenty-of-milk-in-there poos :)

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