How many weeks are you?
Do you know the sex of your twins?
Anything annoying, exciting, scary going on with the pregnancy this week?
What's something on your to-do list weighing on your mind?
Have you/will you go on a hospital tour?
Any questions for the group?
*** Now, post those twin bump pics!! It doesn't matter if it's not a pic from this week.
Re: *** Thursday Twin Check-In 2/25 *** (plus twin bump pic week!)
How many weeks are you? 29 tomorrow
Do you know the sex of your twins? di/di boys
Anything annoying, exciting, scary going on with the pregnancy this week? Not really. I tweaked my back a few days ago but luckily it feels much better today (I worked out yesterday just to see if I could stretch thing out and I think it helped). I keep feeling an elbow or knee right in the center of my belly. Wish I had a window to see which one was doing it (maybe both!).
What's something on your to-do list weighing on your mind? Lots of house projects in general! I will have a little more time on my hands once I'm done co-chairing the elementary school auction in a couple weeks but I'm only getting bigger and bigger and it will be harder to move around and get the projects done.
Have you/will you go on a hospital tour? Yes - we went a couple weeks ago and took our oldest along and it was fun to see. The hospital has been remodeled since I had my last baby. The mother/baby rooms are WAY nicer.
Any questions for the group? I don't think so!
How many weeks are you? 27w4d
Do you know the sex of your twins? di/di girls
Anything annoying, exciting, scary going on with the pregnancy this week? Nothing too much other than I can't seem to help but run the bump into things this week. It's also a lot harder to get out of the car when I can't open the door the whole way! I also seem to be getting pregnancy brain -- trying to get into the wrong car, putting things away in the wrong place, having no idea what people are talking about even though we discussed it yesterday...that sort of thing.
What's something on your to-do list weighing on your mind? Getting everything from our out of state shower unpacked and put away. Finishing up the nursery.
Have you/will you go on a hospital tour? We are going around 30 weeks at the recommendation of the MW. She suggested that time since we will have a better idea by then if we will have c-section or attempt a vaginal birth.
Any questions for the group? Does anyone else make bump comparisons? I feel like having twins I should look a lot bigger than most singletons at this stage...and I just feel like I don't. I know it has to do with every pregnancy being different, every body being different, and likely seeing myself differently than others do, but I guess it's a form of body image I never thought I'd deal with.
28 weeks, 6 days. 3rd pregnancy. Really feeling big since I hit the 3rd trimester!
It's hard not to compare - just the way humans are wired. Don't feel bad, we all do it.
Sometimes I feel a lot bigger with twins and sometimes I look back at pictures with my 1st and 2nd pregnancies and it doesn't seem that much different. I'm measuring 33 cm (last week), so really, measuring 5 extra cm for carrying a whole other baby isn't too bad.
But, yes, everyone carries differently. I have a FB friend who is pg w/her first and she's tall and thin and you can barely tell she's pregnant and she's about 33 weeks along. Amazing how different bodies show it or hide it!
How many weeks are you? 25w5d
Do you know the sex of your twins? Mono / Di girls
Anything annoying, exciting, scary going on with the pregnancy this week? I thought I was just feeling some generic discomfort peeing because I have 2 heads near my bladder and 4 feet by my kidneys, but I actually have a UTI. On antibiotics which is annoying because they want you to take them on an empty stomach, which I never have. Both girls are head down but I'm not banking on them staying that way.
What's something on your to-do list weighing on your mind? We just closed on a house Monday (yay!) And at this point I am just obsessed with how many projects we can get done before we move. And packing! So much packing.
Have you/will you go on a hospital tour? My OB practice does a meet and greet so we can meet all the docs at the hospital where we will deliver, which includes a tour.
Any questions for the group? Have any of your doctors imposed "term limits?" As in, we won't let you go past x weeks?
Then again, people keep saying they thought I'd be bigger. #geethanks
How many weeks are you? 30w3d
Do you know the sex of your twins? Di/di girls
Anything annoying, exciting, scary going on with the pregnancy this week? Ughhh cholestasis. Or assumed cholestasis. Started meds for it go back next week to check again and then maybe weekly NSTs? We will see. Also just ridiculously slow and tired now but I imagine that is just how it goes
What's something on your to-do list weighing on your mind? Just getting everything organized. I feel paralyzed. Like I know I have a ton to do, but none of it is getting done/I don't feel up to it
Have you/will you go on a hospital tour? We just went on Tuesday! I don't always feel like that stuff is applicable with twins because our situations are am different, but now we know the basics of where to go and park and they gave us a printout birth preferences chart that we plan to use
Any questions for the group? Don't think so!
Thanks! I windexed the mirror just for you guys! You should still post a pic!
@khochanadel - cute bump! AND love the Royals shirt!!
Congrats on the house too. Good luck with all the packing! We just moved last May when I wasn't pregnant. I'm still trying to get projects done from that initial move!
My Dr. has been saying they like to induce w/twins between 37 & 38 weeks.
I bet your twins are just in a comfy cozy position all curled up
@MrsKubley - you do have a lot of torso room! You look fabulous - have a fun night out!
Have a good weekend everyone. It's going to be 70 here tomorrow!! (Kansas City)
I'm having mono-di girls! My MFM said they won't let me go past 36 weeks
on another note, posting my belly pic this week!
khochanadel said: