Just curious, what prenatal vitamins do you/did you take? Is there one that is the best or most recommended? I've been taking OB-Complete until now but my RE said I can take any over the counter prenatals. Looking for suggestions of what's possibly best.
Also, how did you prep for IVF? I've been reading that it's good to give up caffeine for example. I drink 1 cup of tea each morning as it helps wake me up. Is that bad or do I need to transition off of it? I've been eating healthier, but what other steps can I take to give myself the best change of it working?
***History & TW in Spoiler***
Re: Best prenatal vitamins? And a few IVF questions
@Tulips29 I've been taking the Wal-Mart brand I think. But just make sure you have folic acid and DHA in there and you'll be good.
As for giving things up/changing your diet, here's how my nurse put it: "I would rather you have a glass of wine/coffee to calm down, then be completely stressed out of your mind. The most important thing is to be calm during this process."
I would try to transition to having tea less often (especially since once you get your BFP you really should quite entirely,) but a cup now and again is probably not the worst thing in the world. And if it helps you maintain a zen state of mind, then it's better to have that one cup rather than be stressing. I cut out coffee and drinking for the most part starting January 1, but about once a week I had a glass of wine if I'd had a rough day, and on my birthday (which was in the middle of my stims) I had two drinks.
I have heard of folks taking CoQ10 to improve egg health, but I haven't done research. Have lots of fiber-rich foods, cuz the hormones are going to mess with your tummy. Make sure you are getting plenty of Vitamin D for sure. But more than anything, just try to be zen. I HATE people telling me to "be calm", but really it's more important than almost anything else. Do yoga, go for walks, journal, talk to a therapist, get a foot massage, whatever you need to feel as relaxed as possible. I posted a discussion a few weeks ago with some infertility affirmations, if that's something you are interested in.
Best of luck to you!!
---Trigger warning---
TTC since April 2013
Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
IVF round 1: January 2016
ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
First beta: May 23, '16: 998!! Second: May 25, '16: 1648
EDD: January 27, 2017
TTC - since 2014
7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
IVF #1 - March 2016
Retrieval #1 - April 2016
FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
Trying for baby #2...
FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN
No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
Trying for baby #3...
FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022
@Tulips29 Here is the link: https://forums.thebump.com/discussion/12661910/if-affirmations#latest
Let me know if that doesn't work and I will copy the affirmations directly here
---Trigger warning---
TTC since April 2013
Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
IVF round 1: January 2016
ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
First beta: May 23, '16: 998!! Second: May 25, '16: 1648
EDD: January 27, 2017
As for IVF prep, the only thing I would add is to keep your exercise regimen. It will help you recover from egg retrieval faster and you can keep doing the same workouts when you get your BFP. Some will tell you to drop physical activity or even try to say bed rest is best, but that flies in the face of expert advice.
@khochandel I've heard that it's not suggested to exercise a lot during the IVF process and especially after the retrieval and transfer. I happen to love spin classes, so wondering if I can keep going to them or if it's best to chose something else.
TTC - since 2014
7 rounds of Clomid - BFN
IUI #1 - October 2015 - BFN
IUI #2 - November 2015 - BFN
IUI #3 - December 2015 - BFN
IVF #1 - March 2016
Retrieval #1 - April 2016
FET #1 - May 2016 - BFP!!! DS - Born January 2017
Trying for baby #2...
FET #2 - January 2018 - BFN
No more embryos left; switched to a new RE
IVF/Retrieval #2 - January 2019
IVF/Retrieval #3 - March 2019
FET #3 - April 2019 - BFP!!! - DD: Born December 2019
Trying for baby #3...
FET #4 - October 2021 - BFP!!! - Due June 2022
---Trigger warning---
TTC since April 2013
Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
IVF round 1: January 2016
ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
First beta: May 23, '16: 998!! Second: May 25, '16: 1648
EDD: January 27, 2017
The key is to listen to your body. It will set your limits for you. Like @dragonfaerie said, if you're used to being active, you'll want to keep it up.
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
Blog: ourbinarystar.com
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
Best of luck to you!!! ☺️
***TW****MC mentioned & BFP mentioned***
TTC#1 since July 2014
AMH 0.1, DOR, Poor responder
Moved to Prague, Czech Republic for IVF
DE attempt in Czech Republic!!
March trip to Prague canceled due to Pancreatitis.
Headed to Prague April 30
3 different donors resulted in 1 PGS tested embryo and 1 fresh embryo
BFP on 5/15/16 at 5dp5dt
My blog: www.wearethehammitts.blogspot.com