July 2016 Moms

Tuesday Ticker Change

Another week has passed!

How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO?


Anything baby-related today?

GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO?

Re: Tuesday Ticker Change

  • How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? 20 weeks! Woohoo halfway there as the size of a banana

    Symptoms/Rants/Raves: Heart burn, shortness of breath

    Anything baby-related today? none! 

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO?  

    Probably a house (for all of us) so that we have more bedrooms. I know I am cheating but I really don't want to give up my craft room =(
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? 20 weeks! I can't believe it - halfway there! Baby is the size of a banana today.

    Symptoms/Rants/Raves: I posted this on the February symptoms thread yesterday, but I have been having back spasms in my right shoulder blade/right boob, and they've been super painful. Luckily they seem to have subsided, so I'm hoping maybe I was just light on water those days and can prevent them by staying hydrated.

    Anything baby-related today? This past weekend we cleaned out the nursery (was previously our catch-all room), and DH put up the crib. Nothing today, but A/S is tomorrow!!! Can't wait to see this LO for longer than a couple minutes.

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO? Double strollers seem to be pretty crazy expensive, so let's go with that.
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  • How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? 21 weeks! Not a fruit but baby is the size of a weasel 

    Symptoms/Rants/Raves: I had the stomach flu over the weekend, which was terrible. Other then that feeling pretty good. 

    Anything baby-related today? Just got back from a doctors appointment, everything with my 20 week ultrasound looked perfect! 

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO? Idk, I've pretty much gotten everything I've wanted for this LO so far. I know, no fun lol 
  • How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? 
    20 weeks!!! Banana, endive, axolotl

    Congestion, hip pain when sleeping, fatigue. Over all feeling great!

    Anything baby-related today?
    Getting anxious/excited for our anatomy scan tomorrow morning and reveal party this Saturday.

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO?
    An entire nursery furnished by Pottery Barn!

  • Another week has passed!

    How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO?


    Anything baby-related today?

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO?

    19 weeks. Baby is the size of an old school nitentendo game boy. 

    Im feeling good. No complaints. 

    Finally wore a pair of maternity yoga pants.. A fricking mazing. So comfortable!! 

    A wet nurse ;)  

  • How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? Baby Bok Choy Cabbage or a Baseball hat

    Symptoms/Rants/Raves: Sciatic pain is horrible every time I work. I can't take a step without pain! Otherwise feeling pretty good on the baby front. Worried my cold is turning into a chest cold- my chest HURTS and I keep coughing which gives me RLP. 

    Anything baby-related today? Nope! Follow up anatomy scan for more pictures on March 10, and OB March 11. Nothing until then. 

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO? Stokke furniture and Aden and anais everything! 
  • How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? 21 weeks. Carrot/pomegranate/weasel 

    Symptoms/Rants/Raves: Not much. A little RLP and heartburn. Starting to feel actually pregnant now that my belly has finally popped and I'm feeling a bit short of breath, etc. But overall I can't complain. 

    Anything baby-related today? No, midwife appointment next week 

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO? A house! We're moving DS into the guest room and losing that space which is frequently used. Plus I am so over having a 4 level split with kids. Stairs everywhere, so many opportunities for injuries especially since my 2 year old can open literally any gate. 
  • @jlmartinez517 What are you doing for your reveal? We want to do one since this is our second and we won't be having any showers but still want an excuse to get the family together and eat some cake. I think we're going to give the envelope to my mom to coordinate, but other than that I'm not sure if we want to do the pink/blue cake batter or a balloon with confetti... or if we're just going to invite immediate family or ask aunts/uncles/friends to come too!
  • How far along are you? 21 weeks and the size of a pomagranite or carrot. 

    Symptoms/rants/raves: just cramping and nausea. Nexium and miralax have saved my life. Also random, but I feel my bump has gotten smaller the past couple days, but I'm assuming it's just bloat

    Anything baby related this week: no appointments or anything. We need to get stuff to trade in at babies r us and possibly get our car seat/stroller set and pack and play. 
    GTKY: I read some celebrity saying that everyone needs a night nurse, and they are the best thing ever! Since. 99.9% probably can't afford that, and in all honesty it seems unnecessary, maybe do that if money is no object. 
  • elldelelldel member
    edited February 2016
    How far along are you/what fruit/size is LO? 18 weeks; LO is a sweet potato (or a croissant, according to Ovia)

    Symptoms/Rants/Raves: Symptom wise, I've been getting headaches and backaches, and my nips have become really sensitive again. 
    Rants: I feel HUGE. Already. And I still have 22 weeks to go...
    Raves: A/S scheduled for 3/24! Yay!!

    Anything baby-related today? Nope

    GTKY: If money was not an issue, what one item would you spend a ridiculous amount of money on for LO?
    I'd probably furnish a nursery. I'm with you on the Pottery Barn, @jlmartinez517
  • @soberkfell we are going to tell the grandparents separately with a cupcake with the color frosting/decoration from a local bakery after our appointment. For our friends, we're having them over for lunch, pink/blue snacks and drinks and then doing a pull string pinãta with the color confetti inside. So, we will know before our friends but that's ok! I love the balloon idea! I'm sure Party City will fill a black balloon for you if you bring the envelope to them!  :) Have fun!!
  • How far along are you?  21w, a least weasel

    Symptoms/rants/raves:  I'm feeling pretty good, just some general aches and pains. I can feel him moving around quite a bit now. Orange juice is either his favourite or he hates it because he transforms into the karate kid in there after a glass

    Anything baby related:  Nothing today. Yesterday I did have a prenatal massage, it was magical and the cause of achy hip was discovered (a knot the size of Texas just beside it). Can't wait to go back

    GTKY:  Probably buy a house in my neighbourhood or stay home till the little fella starts pre-school
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