My 9 month son still sleeps in bed with us. How do I get him too sleep in his own crib in his own room. Any ideas would help!!! I stay at home with him and he's constantly wanting too bed held he freaks out if we live the room sometimes. I've heard hes gonns cry constantly all night &idk what too do. Too me that's so sad and I feel like I'm just gonna end up goin back in his room and picking him up..
Re: Help please 9month son sleeps in bed with us
1) are you bf? we had horrible nights for around 4m-9m because my child was so sensitive to beans. they make him sooo gassy and gas drops only helped a little. i never would have thought beans would be a problem. also if i have even a little caffeine we will be up all night.
2) no cry sleep solution by elizabeth pantley, i found a pdf online for free. i still let our 9mo sleep in the bed but was having problems getting him to take naps. the advice in the book worked well and it even helped make bedtime better. we didn't want to cry it out and we haven't.
also have you tried wearing your baby or expanding his play area to stop him from crying when he's awake