May 2016 Moms

Third tri appetite

For those of you who have reached the third trimester (almost everyone now, yay!), how does your appetite compare to previous trimesters?  I was starving in first tri but didn't like anything, not hungry at all in second tri and now in the third, I'm freaking ravenous. I have a friend who is 30 weeks and doesn't care much at all about food. 

That being said, I've been trying to choose healthy yet filling foods - any snack ideas that met those criteria? Even though I feel so hungry I'm finding it difficult to fit much in my stomach at one time. Plus heartburn.  :s
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Re: Third tri appetite

  • I am hungry ALL THE TIME.  I wasn't hungry much in the first trimester, and ended up losing 15+ pounds (I had no nausea/vomiting, so it wasn't from that), and the second trimester dealt with some swings in cravings.  Now, I'm hungry all the time but at the same time 90% of the food in the house isn't appetizing. 

    I keep a snack basket on the counter of some healthy (and maybe not so healthy) choices.  Pudding cups, various kinds of nuts and individual juices, crackers, trail mix, etc.  I try to cook on my nights off so I can get 2-3 meals in advance so that I have good meals ready rather than eating junk food. 

  • No changes in 1st tri, 2nd trimester is when I started eating a ton and still keeping steady with that into 3rd trimester. I am the wrong person to ask about healthy snacks because most of mine are not, except fruit. I will binge on some fruit a lot of the time. Things I find filling are pastas, breads and I can throw down some good wings! Starving as we speak.. -_-
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  • It varies by day, some days I could skip dinner and other days I can't eat fast enough. 

    One of my latest cravings isn't terribly unhealthy but it's not the best possible choice - chobani flip peanut butter dream. It satisfies the salty/sweet craving and is actually filling. The Greek yogurt helps my heartburn too as a bonus. 

    If I'm being smart I usually snack on raw unsalted cashews because they're portable and are super filling in small quantities. 
  • Bltbear82 said:
    It varies by day, some days I could skip dinner and other days I can't eat fast enough. 

    One of my latest cravings isn't terribly unhealthy but it's not the best possible choice - chobani flip peanut butter dream. It satisfies the salty/sweet craving and is actually filling. The Greek yogurt helps my heartburn too as a bonus. 

    If I'm being smart I usually snack on raw unsalted cashews because they're portable and are super filling in small quantities. 
    I forgot about those Chobani flip things. I'll have to try those again. 
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  • No appetite changes here. For me it's been pretty steady throughout -- I didn't have bad morning sickness in the first trimester, nothing changed in the second, so far nothing's changed in the (early) third.

    People seem disappointed when I don't have any interesting aversions or food cravings to tell them about (I went through a brief period of being obsessed with mangos and another brief period of kiwi obsession, but I guess that's not weird enough to be good conversation), but oh well, I'm boring.
  • I definitely feel way more hungry this trimester. One thing that I like to eat that is healthy and surprisingly filling is chick pea salad. I'll use a whole can of chick peas and add whatever to it - usually corn, onion, cucumber. I'll have it with balsamic vinegar or even just salt and pepper. Sometimes I'll just eat a can of chick peas with salt and pepper because I'm weird. 
  • I definitely feel way more hungry this trimester. One thing that I like to eat that is healthy and surprisingly filling is chick pea salad. I'll use a whole can of chick peas and add whatever to it - usually corn, onion, cucumber. I'll have it with balsamic vinegar or even just salt and pepper. Sometimes I'll just eat a can of chick peas with salt and pepper because I'm weird. 
    This is awesome. I like to make my own hummus in the Vitamix but of course all I want with it is allllll the pita bread. It's just not the same with veggies, sadly. 
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  • Appetite has been the same, pretty much since the middle of the second trimester I am hungry all the time and need to eat consistently through out the day. If I come close to missing a snack time or meal my body lets me know, and I am absolutely ravenous.

    HOWEVER the HB just started recently as I approached the 3rd tri. It came out of no where and with a vengeance. NO matter what I eat I get HB after, its awful. Tums have become my BFF. I have never in my life experienced HB like this. BOO!

    Some snacks I have during the day that are relatively health and fulfilling are cottage cheese/hummus with wheat thins, greek yogurt with honey and fruit, or instant oatmeal with nuts. Peanut butter is always my friend too when I need a quick protein to keep me going.

  • Just hit third tri yesterday...but I will say that my appetite during my whole pregnancy is not exactly what I thought it would be. I can EAT (put a pizza in front of me and I will devour it) but I am never really hungry per say, or craving anything in particular. But when food is in front of my, I will eat it.

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  • dshannahdshannah member
    edited February 2016
    Stacey's Pita Chips!!!!!

    I haven't noticed any appetite changes, just increased heartburn, but Stacey's Pita Chips are like little miracles for getting rid of heartburn while you wait for the TUMS to kick in.

    ETA: I did notice that I can't eat as much sugar as I used to: sweet granola is not longer my friend.  It just causes so much heartburn.
  • yogahh said:
    Just hit third tri yesterday...but I will say that my appetite during my whole pregnancy is not exactly what I thought it would be. I can EAT (put a pizza in front of me and I will devour it) but I am never really hungry per say, or craving anything in particular. But when food is in front of my, I will eat it.
    I get this! There's nothing particular I really want but if something is cooked and placed in front of me, I can now eat massive amounts. My 2yo DD said, "mama was really hungry!" Dayum. 
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  • Just to add- if I dont eat regularly I get crazy horrible acid buildup. So I might be eating more just as a way of preventing it? Or that is my excuse anyways...

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  • Not third tri yet, but I feel like I've had the same appetite since becoming pregnant with #1 lol- I'm hungry a lot.
  • nerdymama15nerdymama15 member
    edited February 2016
    @yogahh I thought you were the one always wanting Papa Johns and McNuggets? lol ;)  Just messing with  ya

    I won't hit third trimester until next week.  But I've noticed a difference in hunger the past few weeks.  I want to eat everything except what I'm supposed to eat.  Healthy stuff just doesn't cut it.  I need frozen pizzas and burgers and chips and candy.  That seems to be all this kid wants to eat.  I'm still trying to eat some veggies, but the healthy stuff just does not satisfy the hunger like the junk does. 

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  • I've noticed a huge hunger uptick since the 3rd tri started.  Starving all the time.  I can put away more food than I could in the 1st 2 trimesters, which surprises me because I thought you were supposed to be able to eat less due to the baby taking up more room in there.  My body has come back around to the idea that vegetables aren't the enemy, so that's good, but I still want every single carb I see.
  • 29 weeks here! Between 24-25 weeks, I was insanely hungry, then my appetite went back to normal. As of yesterday, my appetite is back up there again.  Unfortunately, my appetite increases seem to correlate with extra tiredness, which makes it hard to get my workouts in. I'm guessing it's a growth spurt?

    My OB told me to cut out drinks with calories (other than milk), replace simple carbs with complex ones (eg- brown rice, not goldfish crackers), and veggies instead of fruits.

    I've found that spicy food is a must for me to prevent heart burn- somehow I only get it when I eat primarily bland foods.  Spicy food also seems more filling to me at times.

    Although I've had no issues with my stomach being able to handle food volume, sometimes eating more frequently helps me to manage my hunger a bit better.
  • @yogahh I thought you were the one always wanting Papa Johns and McNuggets? lol ;)  Just messing with  ya

    I won't hit third trimester until next week.  But I've noticed a difference in hunger the past few weeks.  I want to eat everything except what I'm supposed to eat.  Healthy stuff just doesn't cut it.  I need frozen pizzas and burgers and chips and candy.  That seems to be all this kid wants to eat.  I'm still trying to eat some veggies, but the healthy stuff just does not satisfy the hunger like the junk does. 
    Oh god, I forgot about the Papa Johns. We had it once during 1st tri and that was enough for me! 
    And who didnt want a good McNugget a few weeks back, ;)

    pizza weird cats nutella chicken nuggets

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  • I feel like I can eat all the time. 1st trimester I was so sick and couldn't stomach anything. 2nd trimester I was feeling good and eating well. Now I have have more of a sweet tooth and and generally eating healthy, but I've noticed I have to eat smaller meals b/c eating too much will make me sick. I feel like all of my organs are in my throat. 
  • I actually have no desire to eat sweets but I want all the salty things the universe could possibly provide. 
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  • My hunger waxes and wanes. I still have the occasional ravenous day, but mostly my appetite is far more reasonable this pregnancy than last time. I snack on small salads, nuts, Greek yogurt, Wasabi peas or baby bell cheese most of the time. I also have been getting acid buildup or headaches if I don't eat often enough, so I snack preventatively more often than out of hunger.
  • 1st and 2nd tri I had no appetite. I had a couple weeks recently where I was ravenous all the time, but my appetite has lessened a lot again. The difference I notice now is that when I'm hungry, I'm HUNGRY! 
  • 30 weeks here and I could eat all the time! I do get full really fast, though, so I will eat every couple of hours but not a ton of food. 
  • I am so freaking hungry... it is a huge battle over here to not go insane. I track my food, and in 1st trimester, I ate 1500-1600 calories per day; in 2nd trimester it was 1600-1800 calories a day; now, it's basically 2,000 calories every single day. I really hope my appetite goes back down in a couple of weeks!
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    Me: 32; Him: 36
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    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • Side note: food choice seems to have no impact. I can eat scrambled eggs and chicken sausage, or I can eat poptarts...they keep me full equally long.
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • I found these organic chicken sausages that are just 100 calories a piece...I will seriously eat 4-5 in a day. They are freaking $7 a package.

    I have made a point to stop eating frozen foods (except pizza when I'm craving pizza bc I can track nutrition of a frozen pizza easier). I've found frozen meals do NOT keep me full whatsoever.  I switched from Eggbeaters back to whole eggs. I eat full-fat mini babybel cheeses. And, I drink full fat creamer from a local creamery in my coffee every morning. I've just found full-fat, whole foods are my best bet.

    And, sometimes, I just need to eat a freaking chocolate bar. 
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    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • Side note: food choice seems to have no impact. I can eat scrambled eggs and chicken sausage, or I can eat poptarts...they keep me full equally long.

    Thanks... now I am craving eggs and sausage...

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  • @saladflambe I agree with the full fat options. I do that with milk and cheese but always have (the things they do and add to milk to get it lower fat are in the end, not very good for you). I always put heavy whipping cream in my coffee, so good. Meanwhile...I am becoming full fat myself. 
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  • yogahh said:
    Side note: food choice seems to have no impact. I can eat scrambled eggs and chicken sausage, or I can eat poptarts...they keep me full equally long.

    Thanks... now I am craving eggs and sausage...
    :) What I had for dinner. And PB toast
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • I definitely feel way more hungry this trimester. One thing that I like to eat that is healthy and surprisingly filling is chick pea salad. I'll use a whole can of chick peas and add whatever to it - usually corn, onion, cucumber. I'll have it with balsamic vinegar or even just salt and pepper. Sometimes I'll just eat a can of chick peas with salt and pepper because I'm weird. 
    This is awesome. I like to make my own hummus in the Vitamix but of course all I want with it is allllll the pita bread. It's just not the same with veggies, sadly. 
    If you love chickpeas, put them in your food processor (or mash them by hand) until they're creamy and add what you'd normally add to tuna. So amazing!!

    for me, I was very picky first trimester, absolutely insane second, and now I would say I have the appetite of a lightweight boxer. Just constant food instake. 
  • Third trimester next week but since I'm being induced at 39 weeks I'll just say third trimester......anyways....had pizza for lunch and pizza for dinner and then felt guilty so I ate a crown of broccoli. Babies are expensive because pizza 
  • I actually feel like I'm finally experiencing a slowdown in appetite. I didn't think it would ever happen! I guess at 30 weeks I'm finally experiencing my stomach getting more cramped. I know my lungs are, can't get a deep breath. Plus, I'm with @wsgjmw1 with the heartburn. I didn't even eat dinner last night after a big breakfast and lunch and a lot of heartburn. First meal I've skipped the whole pregnancy!

    I am definitely craving more sweets now, though. I was snacking a ton, and now it's much less.

    I'm eating lots of fruit and yogurt when I do snack.
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  • Before becoming pregnant I was prone to becoming super hangry (hungry/angry), I think LO had inherited this because I usually feel more kicks right before lunch or if I'm hungry and not much after eating. Snacking between meals has served me well so far but I can definitely tell my stomach is getting squished!
  • I've no idea if this is "real," but today, I decided to eat a piece of chocolate at the end of each meal, and I've been MUCH less prone to snacking today. Like maybe I was snacking so much because I was trying not to cave in to the chocolate craving -- if I just have the damn chocolate, maybe I won't eat a million things
    ~~Signature Trigger Warning~~

    Me: 32; Him: 36
    Married: Oct 20, 2013
    BFP 1: Aug 31, 2015
    EDD 1: May 12, 2016
    DD1 Emma born May 12, 2016
    An Honest Account of New Motherhood (with Postpartum Anxiety, Depression, and OCD)

    BFP 2: October 07, 2019
    EDD 2: June 20, 2020

  • Lately I'm hungry all. The. Time. But I can only eat a little bit each time. So it feels like I'm just constantly eating. And I also noticed that it doesn't matter what I eat, nothing is really more filling than another sadly. So my attempts to eat more protein and good fats to hold me over kind of fail me 
  • It seems I'm a bit backwards. I was always hungry 1st Tri and I had no morning sickness so I gained a bit more weight than I was happy with. Now in the 3rd Tri I don't feel as hungry but I am definitely craving the sweets. I want ice cream all the time... Not good.
  • The last two weeks all I've wanted to do is eat everything but at the same time nothing satisfies me. I lost a ton of weight in first tri due to food aversions and second tri I didn't have any cravings and was never really hungry. Not now, I could eat non stop, but I do get full fast but the fullness only lasts maybe an hour tops. So I've been trying to eat healthy things but sweets are calling my name.
  • edited February 2016
    I love everything! I couldn't stomach food or water until about 20 weeks but now love all foods of all types at all times. I don't have a "full" button or something because I feel like a bottomless empty pit. 

    Right now I am eating a salad with roasted sweet potato and carrots, homemade dressing. Before that I had jalapeño chips and a grapefruit. Then before that 4 slices of bread (almond butter and jelly on top) on homemade bread. Later someone is coming over with sushi. I will eat anything and everything brought over for me ;)  
  • I want all things salty or sour. I'm dying now for some sour gummy worms. 
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