Pretty good so far! I was supposed to ovulate yesterday but I don't think I did which sucks. Usually I get really bad cramps and get super emotional, but nothing yet. Also I normally temp but my thermometer broke Saturday and is giving temps below 94. Other than that I am purging junk and spring cleaning all week!
2 Laps and 1 Abdominal Myomectomy 6 rounds of clomid 5 rounds of iui Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month) IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide ER 12/1/2016
ER-Retrieved 22 eggs 10 fertilized 4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls FET 1/10/2017 Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017 FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March
CD 16 here in TWW had IUI#2 on sat 2/20. We planned "2 inseminations" one BD fri and the other IUI on sat due to one follicle was mature and 5mm larger than the other on CD12 follicle check and possibly would ovulate before the second one. Luckily DH counts were great only after 12 hrs from abstaining. I take my beta sat 3/5...wishing everyone luck !!
4dpiui today...just hanging out in the TWW trying to keep busy. I hate wishing away time, but I really do wish the next 8 days would fly by so I can test. This waiting stuff is for the birds.
Can't sleep right now, mainly because I'm in a hotel and I have issues sleeping in new places. My orientation for ivf begins in 6 hours (ack!), here is hoping I don't fall asleep during it (or even more importantly, during the 4 hr drive back home after!)
I had my progesterone levels check on Saturday (CD20) and they came back at 20.6! I'm pretty happy with this number. I started testing today at 10 dpo. I thought I saw something but the more I stared at it, the whiter my Wondfo looked, so definitely had a case of 'line eyes'.
Me: 31 | H: 32
Married September 2014
TTC #1 December 2014 RE appt 12/2015 CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent Dx: Unexplained Infertility February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6 BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16 It's a girl! Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S -------- TFAS March 2018 RE consultation 8/2/18 Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19 It's a girl! Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
@linzylemonz365 I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know what you are going through, but I read in another post you took the day off with your Husband, so I'm glad you are able to support each other.
I am doing alright. CD18 today. Lots of BD'ing this month. More than usual (lately anyways). I'm not feeling hopeful about this cycle but I am feeling good about it. Like we are moving forward.
I've been working hard lately, eating better and exercising on the regular...but I can't seem to get past the 14lb hump. I just float there. I will gain a pound or two and loose it again, but never more than 14.
I went for an initial consultation with a Chinese Medicine Doctor on Friday and borrowed the book 'Making Babies' from the public library. It was co-written by a Western and Eastern medical Doctors so I'm jumping head first into this adventure. The doctor seemed knowledgeable and appeared to be excited to help. She gave me some herbal tea and some really gross herbal balls to drink and eat over the next two weeks. Mostly to cleanse my body and prepare for her next step. I also received acupuncture and it was way more relaxing and stress reducing than the acupuncture I received from a Naturopath. So I'm feeling good about that.
We go and see the RE on Friday afternoon to talk about possible medicated cycles. So we shall see what the next month or so brings us!
Hello all, i had signed in here before but then my account was banned a couple of times for no reason so i was deleted from this board. I would like to join back My dx and treatments are in my signature, shortly i have pcos and trying letrozole. There has been a problem with my insurance so i couldnot continue with IUIs after the first trial so we are trying TI with letrozole lately. The good part is i am ovulating every time with letrozole but cannot get any BFP. As of now, i am CD 16 today and couldnt detect any positive OPK yet( i had positive on CD16 last cycle) . But i started to feel a change in my boobs so i do not know if i ovulated pretty early this cycle and i totally missed it. I was not too hopeful about this cycle anyways but i still cannot escape the dissapointment feeling. Shortly i have no idea if i am in tww or waiting for ovulation. Sorry for the long post, i am loosing my patience lately. Good luck to every body !!!!
It's been a while for me. I was so stressed/obsessed with having a baby. I tMy obgyn wanted to try a few things before referring to an RE. I felt discouraged, but got through it. I just didn't want to bring you all down with me.
Update for me: Saw an RE last Thursday and IUI will be our next step if this last round of clomid is not successful. All reports indicate that my diabetes is the culprit for my fertility issues so I am working hard to bring my levels down (last A1c was 7.5 RE wants it at 7) I am currently 8dpo according to my BBT. if no success this month then we wait to see an A1c of 7 before scheduling an IUI. Still feeling a little discouraged, but we are again getting through it.
I felt it was a good time to come back and hopefully I can still be supportive and feel supported. Thanks!
@linzylemonz365 I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.
@plainjanie I read Making Babies in September and started following many of their recommendations for my fertility type. I started seeing an acupuncturist in November and got pregnant that cycle, 15 months of trying after my first loss! Unfortunately I lost that pregnancy too, but the experience made me a complete believer in TCM. Now I'm reading The Infertility Cure, which goes into more depth about TCM. I'm finding it very interesting and it builds nicely in Making Babies.
We had our infertility consult last week, and the nurse we met with was intrigued by the fact that we got pregnant the cycle we started acupuncture. She recommended I keep up the TCM treatments for a few cycles before starting testing, so we are going to keep doing this for now and see how it goes. She said we could do a Clomid cycle or two (monitored) but would rather wait to see if the acupuncture will help us conceive naturally again. So we'll keep doing what we're doing for now!
me 30; DH 35 TTC since May 2014. Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d. Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1). AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR. RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW. Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining. Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining. Short LP (8 days). Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days
linzylemonz365, I'm so sorry. I just said a little prayer for you, and I hope that's ok.
So much has happened since my last check-in; I had overstimulated on my IVF meds (even on the lowest dosage) so when I had my egg retrieval last week, they retrieved 23 eggs. 17 of those eggs were mature, and 15 fertilized. I just got the call yesterday (day 5) that 8 of those eggs had made it to blastocyst. The grades of those embryos were 6BA, 6BB, 6BC, 6BC, 5??, 5??, 4??, 4?? (I couldn't write quickly enough while hearing over the phone). Those eggs were all frozen, since I overstimulated and they converted me to a FET. The plan is to prepare for a transfer of two of those frozen embryos in mid-March.
DH and I happen to be pro-life, so we said from the beginning that we were worried about having too many embryos frozen, as we feel an obligation to see them through; and of course, now we have eight! I'd be lying if I didn't say there was some fear mixed in with the joy when we heard this news, yesterday. Of course, we know not all of them will implant; and we opted out of PGS testing for personal reasons, so a huge unknown is whether those 8 embryos are chromosomally normal. Only time will tell, I guess; but we have faith that God has a plan for our family that we can't yet see.
(By the way, should I be on a separate board for IVF, somewhere? I see almost everyone here is doing IUI, so I wasn't sure!)
Me = 33, DH = 34 Married for 5 years, TTC for 4 years
History: 3 MCs at 12wks, 8wks, 5wks = referred to RE in March '15 dx: MFI (0% morphology, 18% motility) 3 b2b IUIs on Gonal-F & Ovidrel = 3 BFNs Round 1 of IVF in 2/16 = overstimmed with E2 of almost 6,000. 23 eggs retrieved, 17 mature, 15 fertilized, 8 blasts frozen on day 5. Fresh cycle canceled due to too many eggs.
Currently: Recovering from moderate OHSS and prepping for a FET in March April (delayed another month due to ovaries 3x the normal size, filled with too many cysts, due to overstimming back in Jan/Feb).
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance,and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. --Romans 5:3-5 ESV
Got good news this week, i was supposed to schedule my HSG after af, but i was late (no surprise there, my cycles are all jacked up ) so i tested Saturday and got a pos. Then got my coworker to scan me and i was measuring 3.5 wks! Went for blood work yesterday, my progesterone is low so i started endomitrin last night and i go in tomorrow for an official scan and more labs. Im hoping our big set of labs from last week are back by tomorrow so we can make sure this one sticks. Keeping our fingers crossed.
@salt+light - There are a lot of IVF threads over on the infertility forum if you want to connect with others doing IVF on similar cycles! Congrats on getting so many embryos! And good luck with your FET and with whatever you decide to do with them all if you are successful! What about embryo donation?
***BFP & Child Warning***
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014 IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17 FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
Doing fantastic. Got my new medications to try to get me to ovulate. First progesterone to force a period because I don't get them on my own and then I start clomid on day 3 of my cycle. I just started spotting tonight after almost 8 months of no period and over a year of no period without taking sometype of medication. And holy cramps I forgot how bad my TOM can get. I'm still frustrated because I have been trying to get ahold of my doctor for over a week and haven't had any luck. And my doctor briefly mentioned a 24 day blood test I needed to come in for but idk if that means 24 days after I started the progesterone or the clomid or what it is for.
Hello all, i had signed in here before but then my account was banned a couple of times for no reason so i was deleted from this board. I would like to join back My dx and treatments are in my signature, shortly i have pcos and trying letrozole. There has been a problem with my insurance so i couldnot continue with IUIs after the first trial so we are trying TI with letrozole lately. The good part is i am ovulating every time with letrozole but cannot get any BFP. As of now, i am CD 16 today and couldnt detect any positive OPK yet( i had positive on CD16 last cycle) . But i started to feel a change in my boobs so i do not know if i ovulated pretty early this cycle and i totally missed it. I was not too hopeful about this cycle anyways but i still cannot escape the dissapointment feeling. Shortly i have no idea if i am in tww or waiting for ovulation. Sorry for the long post, i am loosing my patience lately. Good luck to every body !!!!
Hi ZoeFer yes I saw that you were being banned and sent messages to the administrators about it a while back. Apparently your IP address is very close to someone else's who got banned, and the database kept sweeping you up in the ban. I'll keep a vigilant eye out for you in the future, I'm so sorry that happened.
@GoldenKeys can you add me to the bfp hall of fame? I got my bfp on Wednesday!
Me: 31 | H: 32
Married September 2014
TTC #1 December 2014 RE appt 12/2015 CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent Dx: Unexplained Infertility February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6 BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16 It's a girl! Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S -------- TFAS March 2018 RE consultation 8/2/18 Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19 It's a girl! Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
Got a headache and AF is supposed to come today, so I think she's on her way We had a BDthon though- In follicular monitoring the follicle was 18 something, so our doc advised BD from Thursday and then a scan on Sunday was not possible, so we continued to BD. Monday, it ruptured and there was another which was 18 something, so again BDed till Tuesday. Whew. Do feel my ET was thinner this time on Day 9, despite taking medicine, when I compared it to previous follicular monitoring reports.
Married for 4 years, TTC for 1.5 years Unexplained infertility
History: Hypothyroid, under control Low ovarian reserve 2 IUIs IVF #1 no luck IVF #2 ongoing
Hi. I am new here, been TTC over 5 years. Have PCOS. Had SA, HSG, and baseline u/s done last month. Supposed to start clomid when AF comes. I started spotting last night but it's early. Worrying if it could possibly be implantation bleeding. Wouldn't want to ruin it with clomid if it's for real!
Re: TTTC - 02/22/2016 Quick Weekly Checkin Thread
Fur-children: 3 dogs + 2 cats (all rescued)
6 rounds of clomid
5 rounds of iui
Several HSG's sprinkled throughout the years to up my chances of a BFP
Several dilation of cervix because they suspect the scar tissue is hindering it from fully opening (partially adds to the severe cramps all month)
IVF #1 Gonal F, Menopur and Cetrotide
ER 12/1/2016
4/4 day 5 embryos were normal for PGS!!! 2 boys/2 girls
FET 1/10/2017
Gallbladder surgery 1/10/2017
FET estimated end of Feb, beginning of March
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
TTC #2 starting 9/2019
BFP 7/13/2020!
Due 3/18/2021
TTC #1 since 2/2015
Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016 Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016
Can't sleep right now, mainly because I'm in a hotel and I have issues sleeping in new places. My orientation for ivf begins in 6 hours (ack!), here is hoping I don't fall asleep during it (or even more importantly, during the 4 hr drive back home after!)
See all you ladies in your 2ww
TTC since 2011
sorry to hear that
I had my progesterone levels check on Saturday (CD20) and they came back at 20.6! I'm pretty happy with this number. I started testing today at 10 dpo. I thought I saw something but the more I stared at it, the whiter my Wondfo looked, so definitely had a case of 'line eyes'.
RE appt 12/2015
CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent
Dx: Unexplained Infertility
February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6
BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16
It's a girl!
Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S
TFAS March 2018
RE consultation 8/2/18
Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19
It's a girl!
Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
@linzylemonz365 I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know what you are going through, but I read in another post you took the day off with your Husband, so I'm glad you are able to support each other.
I am doing alright. CD18 today. Lots of BD'ing this month. More than usual (lately anyways). I'm not feeling hopeful about this cycle but I am feeling good about it. Like we are moving forward.
I've been working hard lately, eating better and exercising on the regular...but I can't seem to get past the 14lb hump. I just float there. I will gain a pound or two and loose it again, but never more than 14.
I went for an initial consultation with a Chinese Medicine Doctor on Friday and borrowed the book 'Making Babies' from the public library. It was co-written by a Western and Eastern medical Doctors so I'm jumping head first into this adventure. The doctor seemed knowledgeable and appeared to be excited to help. She gave me some herbal tea and some really gross herbal balls to drink and eat over the next two weeks. Mostly to cleanse my body and prepare for her next step. I also received acupuncture and it was way more relaxing and stress reducing than the acupuncture I received from a Naturopath. So I'm feeling good about that.
We go and see the RE on Friday afternoon to talk about possible medicated cycles. So we shall see what the next month or so brings us!
Me: 30 DH: 33
Married: February 15, 2013
TCC: October 2013
MFI- low count/morphology
May / June 2016- Monitored cycle and TI- BFN
June / July 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #1- BFN
August 2016- Gonal-F + IUI #2-
My dx and treatments are in my signature, shortly i have pcos and trying letrozole. There has been a problem with my insurance so i couldnot continue with IUIs after the first trial so we are trying TI with letrozole lately. The good part is i am ovulating every time with letrozole but cannot get any BFP.
As of now, i am CD 16 today and couldnt detect any positive OPK yet( i had positive on CD16 last cycle) . But i started to feel a change in my boobs so i do not know if i ovulated pretty early this cycle and i totally missed it. I was not too hopeful about this cycle anyways but i still cannot escape the dissapointment feeling. Shortly i have no idea if i am in tww or waiting for ovulation. Sorry for the long post, i am loosing my patience lately.
Good luck to every body !!!!
It's been a while for me. I was so stressed/obsessed with having a baby. I tMy obgyn wanted to try a few things before referring to an RE. I felt discouraged, but got through it. I just didn't want to bring you all down with me.
Update for me: Saw an RE last Thursday and IUI will be our next step if this last round of clomid is not successful. All reports indicate that my diabetes is the culprit for my fertility issues so I am working hard to bring my levels down (last A1c was 7.5 RE wants it at 7) I am currently 8dpo according to my BBT. if no success this month then we wait to see an A1c of 7 before scheduling an IUI. Still feeling a little discouraged, but we are again getting through it.
I felt it was a good time to come back and hopefully I can still be supportive and feel supported. Thanks!
TTC since May 2014.
Aug 2014 BFP, EDD April 22, 2015. Low progesterone, started suppositories. Loss at 5w6d.
Nov 19, 2015 BFP at 13 dpo, EDD July 29, 2016. MMC discovered 12/29 (9+4). Natural miscarriage 1/16 (12+1).
AMH results 0.42, 1.2; FSH 12.1, AFC 10, dx DOR.
RPL testing results normal. Nurse recommended progesterone suppositories in TWW.
Clomid + trigger + TI cycle August 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
Femara + trigger + TI cycle December 2016 - failed. Thin lining.
Short LP (8 days).
Acupuncture & Chinese herbs starting January 2017, lengthened LP to 10 days
Summer 2016 LFAF awards:
Winter 2016/2017 LFAF awards:
So much has happened since my last check-in; I had overstimulated on my IVF meds (even on the lowest dosage) so when I had my egg retrieval last week, they retrieved 23 eggs.
DH and I happen to be pro-life, so we said from the beginning that we were worried about having too many embryos frozen, as we feel an obligation to see them through; and of course, now we have eight! I'd be lying if I didn't say there was some fear mixed in with the joy when we heard this news, yesterday. Of course, we know not all of them will implant; and we opted out of PGS testing for personal reasons, so a huge unknown is whether those 8 embryos are chromosomally normal. Only time will tell, I guess; but we have faith that God has a plan for our family that we can't yet see.
(By the way, should I be on a separate board for IVF, somewhere? I see almost everyone here is doing IUI, so I wasn't sure!)
Married for 5 years, TTC for 4 years
3 MCs at 12wks, 8wks, 5wks = referred to RE in March '15
dx: MFI (0% morphology, 18% motility)
3 b2b IUIs on Gonal-F & Ovidrel = 3 BFNs
Round 1 of IVF in 2/16 = overstimmed with E2 of almost 6,000. 23 eggs retrieved, 17 mature, 15 fertilized, 8 blasts frozen on day 5. Fresh cycle canceled due to too many eggs.
Recovering from moderate OHSS and prepping for a FET in March April (delayed another month due to ovaries 3x the normal size, filled with too many cysts, due to overstimming back in Jan/Feb).
Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. --Romans 5:3-5 ESV
Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
Got my new medications to try to get me to ovulate. First progesterone to force a period because I don't get them on my own and then I start clomid on day 3 of my cycle. I just started spotting tonight after almost 8 months of no period and over a year of no period without taking sometype of medication. And holy cramps I forgot how bad my TOM can get.
I'm still frustrated because I have been trying to get ahold of my doctor for over a week and haven't had any luck. And my doctor briefly mentioned a 24 day blood test I needed to come in for but idk if that means 24 days after I started the progesterone or the clomid or what it is for.
Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx: Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc
If this happens to anyone else please send an email to to get it fixed.
Married for 7 years, TTC for 4 years
dx: Diminished Ovarian Reserve
2 Clomid IUI's + 4 injectable IUI's= 5 BFNs and 1 mc
can you add me to the bfp hall of fame? I got my bfp on Wednesday!
RE appt 12/2015
CD3 labs normal | HSG 1/8/16 clear | H's SA excellent
Dx: Unexplained Infertility
February 2016, cycle 16 - cycle #1 with Letrozole 5mg + TI | Progesterone=20.6
BFP 2/24/16 - EDD 11/7/16
It's a girl!
Isla Quinn born 10/29/16 at 38w5d via C/S
TFAS March 2018
RE consultation 8/2/18
Suprise! BFP 8/8/18 natural cycle | EDD 4/19/19
It's a girl!
Afton Noelle born 4/10/19 at 38w5d via natural VBAC
Married for 4 years, TTC for 1.5 years
Unexplained infertility
Hypothyroid, under control
Low ovarian reserve
2 IUIs
IVF #1 no luck
IVF #2 ongoing