July 2015 Moms

DS doesn't like fruit

I've tried apples, peaches, bananas, pears, mixed berries, apricots and DS just does not like fruit. Any suggestions? He does love vegetables but I don't want to ignore fruits. DH is a super picky eater so and I'm really hoping to avoid that with DS 

Here's the face he makes when he eats fruit. And we did give him one more bite so we could take a picture  o:)

Re: DS doesn't like fruit

  • Have you tried sweeter veggies like sweet potato or carrot? I'm wondering if that would make for a smoother transition...
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  • Maybe mix the fruit with something you know he likes.
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  • Maybe give him a few days and try again. I'm sure eventually he will like them. Like previous post says try mixing it with veggies. By the way such a cute picture! Lol :)
  • DS has only had apples and bananas (as far as fruits go) and he HATED bananas at the beginning (much to my dismay...it's such an easy snack!), but after offering it to him over and over again he finally warmed up to them.
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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I second mixing fruit with something he likes. Cauliflower pairs well with a lot of fruits.
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  • Ours too!!! She won't eat fruit unless I give her a piece of whole fruit (like apple or pear). She pretends to gag with fruit purees. Even when I try to mix it in with veggies, if she tastes it- no way. We are doing BLW now. She'll gnaw on fruit but not like she downs veggies. She prefers chick peas, squash, spinich puree. She's a nutter! (She doesn't really care for bananas no matter the form).
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