Pregnant after 35

Very very low Hcg. Freaking out!

hi, I am exactly 5 weeks pregnant and my Hcg is only 210. 4 days ago the Hcg was 33. Although it's doubling well but Dorctor said it is too low for 5 weeks.

Anyone has similar experience? Does your pregnancy end up normal? Chemical or ectopic? Thanks!

Re: Very very low Hcg. Freaking out!

  • I didn't have early HCG levels checked so I don't have personal experience with this but from everything I've read/heard the rate of increase is much more important than the actual number. You may be a little earlier than 5 weeks for whatever reason (maybe the assumed conception date is off, also there is normal variability in the length of the luteal phase and implantation timing). 5 weeks is so early than even a few days difference will be noticeable in HCG levels. I hope your numbers keep going up! Good luck to you!
    Me: 40  DH: 43
    Married 5/30/15
    TTC #1 June 2015
    BFP #1 9/28/15, EDD 6/10/16. DS born 5/23/16!
    TTC #2 May 2017
    BFP #2 m/c 11/18/17 5w5d
    BFP #3 12/17/17 EDD 8/25/18. It's a boy!
  • I didn't have that issue, but I wanted to wish you the best of luck.
    TTC#1 since Jan 2015
    BFP 2/19/15  •  MMC found at 9 wks  •  D&E at 11 wks (age 36)
    BFP 8/29/15
      •  CP (age 37)
    BFP 11/18/15  •  DD born at 41 weeks <3(age 37/38)

    TTC#2 since May 2017
    BFP 10/18/17  •  MMC found at 8 wks  •  Misoprostal at 10.5 wks (age 39)

    BFP 2/16/18
      •  CP (age 39)
    BFP 4/13/18
      •  CP (age 39)
    BFP 5/07/18  •  MMC found at 10.5 wks  •  D&E at 11.5 wks 
    •  Testing showed it was a girl with Trisomy 22. (age 39/40)
    9/5/18 Diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (4-5 follicles, one ovary had none and was very atrophied)

    RE says the low egg count is likely causing my recurrent pregnancy loss. Less eggs results in more aneuploidy.

    BFP 9/24/18  • 
    CP (age 40)
    BFP 5/11/19  •  Fraternal twins  •  MMC found at 10w5d (Baby A 6w, Baby B 10w)  •  Misoprostal at 11 weeks (age 41)

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  • With my daughter, my early HCGs were very low, but always doubled within the appropriate amount of time.  All was fine with her and she developed normally.   I think that the important thing is how it doubles and not the starting number (I want to say that hers was less than 50).  Good luck to you!
  • No, sorry - but wanted to wish you luck.

    Also, is there a chance you're not as far along as you think? I had my dating u/s at what I thought was 8wks, but I turned out to be measuring 6w5d. Since everything looked good (hCG was where it needed to be and there was already a heartbeat), they said I'd probably just ovulated later than I thought. 

    Maybe you did, too?
  • From what I've always been told, its not where your number starts but the doubling time that matters. I hope that helps. Are you having another blood draw?
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