July 2015 Moms

A friend in need

hi ladies. I haven't really been active here, but I need all the help I can get right now.

My friends little girl, Emmy has been diagnosed with Dilated cardiomyopathy- an enlarged heart. She is 22 months old. Even though she is currently on medication to stabilize her, the only true "cure" is a heart transplant. 
So if you, or anyone you know can help us raise the funds, we would so so appreciate it.
Below is a link for more information/donations.

In addition to this, Emmy would appreciate any and all prayers. 

thank you.


Re: A friend in need

  • AziaNickAziaNick member
    edited February 2016
    Have you tried gofundme or local non profit organizations around your area that could spread the word? Or even local stores and restaurants? And I am so sorry about your frlenda little girl. Happy thoughts sending their way :)
  • Yes. Were holding a few fundraisers. Thank you!!!
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