July 2016 Moms

STM's+..... Sibling Similarities?

Sorry about more then one post in a day.... just a "deep thought" kind of day and DH doesn't seem interested in my questions or gives me a "we will find out when we find out" answer

So, For everyone that has more then 1 child or even if you have siblings of the same gender how alike or different do you/they look??
I have a 5 month old son that has red/brown hair and green/brown to brown eyes. He looks so much like me when I was little and has my eyes and his fathers hair. I really never paid attention to siblings until I found out I was having another boy and started wondering how alike they are going to be.

Re: STM's+..... Sibling Similarities?

  • I just have DD so far, but my 3 siblings and I (3 girls and a boy) all look crazy alike. I've been mistaken for twins with both my sisters, and told that my brother looks like me with short hair and a beard. We all have brown eyes, 2 of us have dark brown hair, one has light brown, and one blonde, but our features are all very similar.

    DH on the other hand, has 2 brothers and none of them look alike. One brown hair with blue eyes, average height, and more muscular build (DH); one red hair with brown eyes, tall, and a slim build; and one blonde hair with blue eyes, average-shortish height, and a slim muscular build (blonde hair bro is a half brother, same mom but his dad is DH's stepdad). Their facial features are all quite different. Once you know they're brothers you can pick out things in common, but if you saw them walking down the street you'd never assume they were brothers.

    My brother has 3 boys - first boy is his spitting image, brown hair and eyes, olive skin. Second is SIL's spitting image - blonde hair and blue eyes, pale skin. Third is a really good mix of both boys, almost like the link between them which is pretty cool. He's still a baby though so we'll see if he starts to favour one over the other.
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  • nopegoatnopegoat member
    edited February 2016
    I have three boys so far.  My oldest is the spitting image of my H. He has a darker blonde hair with brown eyes and has more of an olive skin tone.  #2 has lighter blonde hair, blue eyes, and more of my pale skin he's kind of my mini, #3 has the darker blonde hair and blue eyes I think he's a good mix of both my other boys. While they look pretty different individually to me, you can definitely tell they are brothers when together.  I'm kind of hoping boy #4 has brown eyes like my first. 

    This isn't the best comparison, because of lighting and all that but it kind if gives you an idea.  

    ETA we are not related to @DobbysSock!  I didn't read the other comments beforehand and OMG at almost the exact wording to describe my boys lol! 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • My boys are two years apart and look super duper alike. Similar features, same hair and eye color, only 5 pounds difference. My oldest has slightly paler skin that's it. Very curious to see if I'm making a third clone 
  • I have a girl and a boy and they have very similar faces. DD is darker skinned and darker haired more like my DH, DS has lighter like me. But in face shape and expressions I see them as very alike and even see them alike to my nephews a lot of the time. Everyone always says they both look a lot like me 
  • We are pregnant with number 2. But we have this conversation all the time! What features this baby will have that are similar or different from their big sister. 

    This is a picture of my siblings (I'm on the far right) and I. We all look very similar! So we'll see if this happens for my own kiddos too. 

  • I should add, that's our mama in the middle ❤️.
  • My older brother and younger sister look alike and I look nothing like anyone in my family. They tease me about it all the time. I would love for our next one to look like Murph because he is pretty cute. 
  • LDSJM123 said:

    I should add, that's our mama in the middle ❤️.
    Your photo made me smile! Now I want to take grown up photos with my mama!

    Family pictures were a Mother's Day gift for her from all of us. Our last family session was my senior year of high school! The gift was very well received.
  • We are a mixed race couple and I cannot wait to see what baby #2 looks like! We already have a girl, her skin tone is kinda in-between, but she has more of my husband's features. And #2 will be a boy....ahhhh can't wait.
    TTC since June 2011
    DH: perfect SA
    Me: 30, moderate endo, unexplained infertility
    IUI or IVF in December

  • @kdm06c I was thinking the same thing as I read your description haha. Your boys are adorable 
  • Family Christmas pics 2015

    DS at 2 1/2 years old.

    DD at 2 years.
    As babies DS and DD looked like the same baby. DS has blonde hair, it's getting darker now and blue eye. DD has strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. To me they look the same to me. DH has green eyes and brown hair(was blonde as a kid) I have blue eyes and blonde hair. I can't tell who the kids look like. 
  • I'm curious to see what our #2 looks like. 

    DD has her dad's complexion:peaches and cream fair, dark hazel eyes, and her blonde hair is almost brown at 3 years.

    I'm not quite as light and have dark blonde/blue. DH has a blue eyed mom and brother, so I know we could have a blue eyed baby. DH also has a lot of red in his beard, so we could have: brown, blonde, red hair and brown, hazel, or blue eyes. His pale skin or my freckles. 

    My sister's kids were as opposite as possible as babies. They are biracial and her daughter was darker than either parent with almost black eyes and black hair. Her son was quite fair and turned blonde in the sun in summer. Now that the baby is four, they are starting to look much more alike. 
  • This thread is so cute! 
  • @brittanym211 I have been wondering the same thing! Ds is 8 months and we just found out we are having another boy also! My family genes are very strong and growing up my sisters and I all look quite alike and even our cousins could be mistaken for siblings. Ds fits right in the family! Fair skin, bright blue eyes, light hair. 
  • I really hope I get atleast one that is a spitting image of me! DS looks a lot like me but if you put him beside DH there are many similarities..... I had wild "bushman" or as my mom called it "MonChiChi Doll" Hair when I was born and it was pitch black! I really want atleast one to have that too because it was soooo cute and never fell out just lightened to brown as it grew.
  • I am not posting a picture do to creepers, but my two children are my clones in face, hair and coloring. Oldest one is tall and slender and has no butt like DH (and his whole family), #2 is shorter but very proportionate in frame, with a booty, which is my whole family.
    Thank God for Raid.

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