Hi ladies, it doesn't look like this board is very active but I'm hoping that some of you are still lurking around. My second son was stillborn at 39 weeks on 10/15/15 - ironically enough infant loss and stillborn awareness day. Every day since then has been a struggle but I am pushing through for my 6yo son and my husband. I don't know where I would be without them and therapy. As the days go by it has gotten easier to cope - instead of crying 24/7 i can usually contain it to before and after work. Raymond was a miracle that I prayed for for a long time. He was conceived through ivf after my husband's battle with cancer left him sterile. Some days I still feel very lost and very lonely even though I am surrounded by friends. All of the moms that I have met that have endured a loss are amazing women - no one should ever have to go through this though.
Re: Stillborn son @ 39 weeks
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your son Raymond.
I am glad you posted here. October is still so recent.
Can I ask how you ended up going back to work? I need to prepare myself to do this but am wondering what to expect. My loss was Dec 30 and I am still waiting to feel myself again; I can't help worrying I won't be better in time to face everyone.
so many hugs to you and your family!!
Sending hugs to you!
Going in to visit gives you the opportunity to get past the challenge of going back and facing people while giving you the flexibility to leave when you need. Also if you can maybe start back doing a few 1/2 days or the end of the week to ease yourself in.
Hope this helps.
Getting back into the swing of things has been hard but being back has also helped in some ways to adjust to my "new normal".
I'm so sorry for the loss of your precious Raymond. I know what you mean about not being able to believe this is your reality. We are coming up on two years since our loss and there are still days my brain just can't grasp the concept. I don't post here much any more, but just wanted to send hugs your way.
Trigger Rainbow Mentioned
I lost my son at 39 weeks and welcomed his younger sister 11 months later. So I can relate to the fears and mixed emotions. I did a lot of journaling and letter writing to my children and found that to be helpful. Hugs to you.
<a href="http://www.lightshinesbright.com/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">My faith-filled pregnancy loss blog</a><br>