How many weeks today? 13! Yeah for the second trimester!
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Baby is the size of a Clownfish.
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? My boobs just started being very tender and sore. All of my previous pregnancies, they were like that from the start.
Questions? How do you fit a sex life into real life. I work full time and have 3 kiddos at home. Add that to the fact that I can literally fall asleep every night by 8:00pm since I am exhausted. I feel horrible for my hubby! It hasn't ever been this bad.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? Not the first grandchild on either side. I have 2 nephews and 3 nieces on my side and dh has 3 nephews and 1 niece. (Plus he has step nieces and nephews but I don't know how many).
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? My blood pressure has been high so my OB put me on medication for it and my pharmacy had to order it. It was supposed to be in yesterday but he said that the supplier didn't ship it so now I have to go back up there today! I just want to start it to see if it helps and if I'm gonna have any weird symptoms.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? This will be the second grandchild on both sides with the first being my DD so no cousins for us yet.
@jamiesc58 honestly we just fit sex in whenever we can and I'm up to it. Although I've been more willing here recently I woke DH up around 4 the other morning because I was feeling frisky. We only have 1 kid though so that will probably change the more kids we have.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Lemon or Brilliant Beet
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? HEADACHES. Headaches from hell
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? This will be the first grand on both sides and the first great grand on one side.Needless to say, they are STOKED.
first time momma -a heart at peace gives life to the body-
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? acne, when will it go away???!!!
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? first on my side of the family, 3rd on my husbands. We have 2 nephews from my sis in law (11 and 13yrs old)
Rants/Raves/ Symptoms? I'm dying to find out if it's a boy or girl already!! A wee bit jelly jels of everyone that found out earlier with the blood test. My mom and mil are planning the shower and want to know what it will be before picking a theme. Other than that excited baby can hear us now - i have been playing music and DH is playing sports commentary haha
GTKY? First on my side, second on hubby's so one cousin.
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Still dealing with headaches. Now my back is starting to ache. I do have an existing back issue though, so I'm not surprised.
Questions? Did any STMs use a support band? My OB will be ordering me one and I was wondering if they actually help.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? First on both sides! This baby is already getting spoiled thanks to my generous parents. The other side is less than enthused.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Navel orange
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Lots of stuff happening in my stomach and lower regions, assuming it's RLP/stretching and things shifting position. My hips and thighs have been sore. Tried sleeping with a small pillow between my legs last night and it seems to have helped!
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? First grandchild--I'm an only child and my husband is significantly older than his sister. The parents are excited!
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? an avocado, a dill pickle or a Batman action figure.
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Continued stupid SI joint pain.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? I'm an only child, so this is the first grandchild for my mom. On DH's side, his brother has two children (5 and 1 by the name baby is here) so that will be nice!
How many weeks today? 13, & really ready for first trimester to be over.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? She's a peach!
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Still nauseous at night, which is crappy, but hopefully this is the last gasp for that.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? She's got four cousins on my side, and probably the last. Three on DH's side but will probably have more as his little brother doesn't have kids yet. She's my grandmother's 13th great-grandkid, which is cool.
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? getting stretch marks on my under-boobs and hips already I thought these things were genetic and I'd be immune (mom, g-ma, nor great g-ma got them). Also having MAJOR round ligament pain and lower back pain.
Questions? Anyone else having nearly debilitating round ligament pain?
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? 1st grand (and great-grand!) on my side and 2nd on hubby's (we have 1 nephew).
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Crampy today (just RLP). But I am feeling some flutters occasionally, which is my favorite part of pregnancy!
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? DS was the first on my side; this one will be the third (one cousin). On DH's side this one will be the... 5th or 11th depending if you count step-grandkids or not. So lots of cousins over there
@jamiesc58 Great question... can't help you much there. I think we have only DTD twice since I got pregnant, mostly because I just haven't been up to it. We also only have one kid but prior to pregnancy we did it during naptime on weekends and sometimes after DS goes to bed.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? A navel orange
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Give me all of the fruit!!!! Especially kiwi. On the other hand, not liking the beginning of the stretch marks on my upper thighs.
Questions? Nada this week.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? This is the first grandchild on both sides, so everyone is very excited. I, however, am not excited at home much my MIL is trying to take over.
Re: **Wednesday Ticker Change!**
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Baby is the size of a Clownfish.
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? My boobs just started being very tender and sore. All of my previous pregnancies, they were like that from the start.
Questions? How do you fit a sex life into real life. I work full time and have 3 kiddos at home. Add that to the fact that I can literally fall asleep every night by 8:00pm since I am exhausted. I feel horrible for my hubby! It hasn't ever been this bad.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? Not the first grandchild on either side. I have 2 nephews and 3 nieces on my side and dh has 3 nephews and 1 niece. (Plus he has step nieces and nephews but I don't know how many).
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Lemon
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? My blood pressure has been high so my OB put me on medication for it and my pharmacy had to order it. It was supposed to be in yesterday but he said that the supplier didn't ship it so now I have to go back up there today! I just want to start it to see if it helps and if I'm gonna have any weird symptoms.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? This will be the second grandchild on both sides with the first being my DD so no cousins for us yet.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Lemon or Brilliant Beet
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? HEADACHES. Headaches from hell
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? This will be the first grand on both sides and the first great grand on one side. Needless to say, they are STOKED.
-a heart at peace gives life to the body-
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Lemon
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? acne, when will it go away???!!!
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? first on my side of the family, 3rd on my husbands. We have 2 nephews from my sis in law (11 and 13yrs old)
How Big is baby?
Avocado - yum!
Rants/Raves/ Symptoms?
I'm dying to find out if it's a boy or girl already!! A wee bit jelly jels of everyone that found out earlier with the blood test. My mom and mil are planning the shower and want to know what it will be before picking a theme. Other than that excited baby can hear us now - i have been playing music and DH is playing sports commentary haha
First on my side, second on hubby's so one cousin.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? Avocado
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Still dealing with headaches. Now my back is starting to ache. I do have an existing back issue though, so I'm not surprised.
Questions? Did any STMs use a support band? My OB will be ordering me one and I was wondering if they actually help.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? First on both sides! This baby is already getting spoiled thanks to my generous parents. The other side is less than enthused.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)?
Navel orange
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms?
Lots of stuff happening in my stomach and lower regions, assuming it's RLP/stretching and things shifting position. My hips and thighs have been sore. Tried sleeping with a small pillow between my legs last night and it seems to have helped!
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have?
First grandchild--I'm an only child and my husband is significantly older than his sister. The parents are excited!
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? an avocado, a dill pickle or a Batman action figure.
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Continued stupid SI joint pain.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? I'm an only child, so this is the first grandchild for my mom. On DH's side, his brother has two children (5 and 1 by the name baby is here) so that will be nice!
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? She's a peach!
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Still nauseous at night, which is crappy, but hopefully this is the last gasp for that.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? She's got four cousins on my side, and probably the last. Three on DH's side but will probably have more as his little brother doesn't have kids yet. She's my grandmother's 13th great-grandkid, which is cool.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? avocado
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? getting stretch marks on my under-boobs and hips already
Questions? Anyone else having nearly debilitating round ligament pain?
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? 1st grand (and great-grand!) on my side and 2nd on hubby's (we have 1 nephew).
Edited: somehow half my post didn't show up.
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? lemon
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Crampy today (just RLP). But I am feeling some flutters occasionally, which is my favorite part of pregnancy!
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have?
DS was the first on my side; this one will be the third (one cousin). On DH's side this one will be the... 5th or 11th depending if you count step-grandkids or not. So lots of cousins over there
How big is baby (fruit size or other)? A navel orange
Rants/ Raves/ Symptoms? Give me all of the fruit!!!! Especially kiwi. On the other hand, not liking the beginning of the stretch marks on my upper thighs.
Questions? Nada this week.
GTKY- Will this baby/babies be the first grandchild on either side? If not, how many cousins will they have? This is the first grandchild on both sides, so everyone is very excited. I, however, am not excited at home much my MIL is trying to take over.