So I'm a young mom (20) and my mom will be a young grandma (38). My mom
offered to help me by taking my baby a few days after delivery to her
house so that I can rest a little bit. I told her no because I'm breast
feeding and I'm not ready to let him go, me and my SO would like to bond
with him as well. She is under the impression that on her days off she
will have him she won't be and I let her know that when I'm ready to let
him go I will let her know as well as if I need her I will let her
know. She then replied with, " Well your gonna need rest and your going
to need a break from him and get tired of him". When I was younger my
mom would always say things like "I need a break from you guys", and
would make me feel really bad because I didn't want to go yet she'd
force me to go to the persons house. . Me and my mom have NEVER had a
relationship. So the only time we talk, is if she needs money, (hasn't
in awhile) or it's about the baby. I wanted to set some boundaries and
let her know how I was feeling and ended the text with, "I would never
keep him from you, we love you and appreciate everything you have done"
and she didn't respond. I think I made her upset, and that was not my
intention. So, was I wrong for telling her no? She said "You hurt my
feelings, by the way you act (not letting her have him overnights), but
I'll get over it I guess". What is your definition of "help"? Should
let him go? T.I.A.

Re: Was I wrong?
no all the time. I told her to lay off and I know where to find her if I need help. It is
more work to be away from baby when breastfeeding then it is to just keep baby with you!
This might also just be me, but I would not let anyone tell me I'm going to get tired of my baby. My baby may tire me out but I do not get tired of her. That would have been an immediate correction. But I don't know your mom so maybe it's easier to just pick your battles.
EDIT: Ugh just realized this is a zombie thread. OP if you ever read this, I hope your son is safe and healthy and you and your mom have established healthy boundaries!