
Medicated IUI with late Ovulation- anyone experienced this?

Just curious if anyone has done a medicated (Clomid) IUI with a late ovulation (day 19).  My cycle always has been long (avg 35 days) with Ovulation usually around day 19.  Even with 1 round of 50 mg of Clomid and 3 rounds of 100 mg Clomid (days 5-9) my ovulation per OPK and BBT have all been ~day 19.  We have an appt with RE at the end of March and just wondering if anyone else has had a similar situation and what your RE did as far as IUI.  TIA for any info!

Me 36, DH 35

TTC since 8/2014

Clomid started Oct 2015

4 Clomid Cycles all with BFN

First appt with RE diagnosed with PCOS and Uterine Polyp

RE started Metformin

Polypectomy  May 13, 2016

<a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >
< img src="" />
< br /> My Ovulation Chart</a> || <a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >Ovulation Tracker</a>

Re: Medicated IUI with late Ovulation- anyone experienced this?

  • Are you being monitored while taking the Clomid? You should have gone in at least twice for u/s and b/w. You would know, based off the u/s, when you're going to O (at least close to). Fertility medications affected us all differently. One cycle on Clomid I O'd late and another really early. I recommend adding a trigger shot, assuming you're being monitored...that takes all the guess work out of it. Also, Clomid can mess with OPKs, so they're not necessarily reliable. GL!

  • @nordyMN89 No, my OB does not monitor with US, just B/W

    Me 36, DH 35

    TTC since 8/2014

    Clomid started Oct 2015

    4 Clomid Cycles all with BFN

    First appt with RE diagnosed with PCOS and Uterine Polyp

    RE started Metformin

    Polypectomy  May 13, 2016

    <a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >
    < img src="" />
    < br /> My Ovulation Chart</a> || <a href="" style="font-size:smaller;" >Ovulation Tracker</a>
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  • It is recommended you see a RE who can fully monitor you. Have you had other testing before starting the clomid? You can only take clomid 6 times max in your lifetime, so you want to make sure it is worth it. 

    The Dr should be monitoring when you will ovulate, how many follicles, if cysts are present, and more. You are risking high order multiples when not properly monitored. A bunch of babies sound like fun to someone suffering infertility, but you will have to make the hard decision about reduction surgery. 

    I hope you truly seek out a specialist that can properly monitor you. Good luck! 

    RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS  RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
    Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I'm going to have to somewhat echo what the PPs said above.  It can be very dangerous if you aren't having regular ultrasounds and being monitored by an RE while taking clomid.  One possible risk is thinning of your endometrial lining (a common side effect with clomid), which can permanently affect your fertility.  Most OBs don't monitor properly when they prescribe clomid.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • I did 3 Clomid + trigger shot IUI cycles with my RE last yr. First one was 50 mg and I didn't trigger until cd17 and did IUI on cd19. My non medicated cycles have always been 32-36 days. We upped the Clomid to 100mg the next 2 cycles, both were cd 12 trigger and cd14 IUI. If I wasn't having ultrasounds done, we would have totally missed my much earlier ovulation the last 2 cycles. 
      We didn't have any success with the 3 IUI cycles but we are dealing with male factor and my insurance coverage required them before moving onto ivf. 
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