July 2015 Moms

Preemies more likely to be anxious adults?

A link I just happened to come across - https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/11765769/Premature-babies-more-likely-to-be-anxious-adults.html
I'm fully aware there's plenty of variables which could have affected this study, I was just wondering if anyone else has credible sources of studies that also found this information?
I myself was born 7 weeks early and my sister 6 weeks and we both suffer from anxiety. I believe this is merely coincidence though.
If anyone else has any links or experience they'd like to share, I'm interested to see.

Re: Preemies more likely to be anxious adults?

  • Interesting article. So my mother was born at 24 weeks, I was born at 26 weeks and my brother was born at 30 weeks. Premature babies of course have developmental problems and also problems throughout there lives. Problems that can be resolved and problems that don't show up until later. Just a variety of problems and it varies per person. My mother has a masters and she is a go getter and loves adventure. Actually, we all do. We have always traveled and love the outdoors. It could also be the environment because I am from hawaii. Who knows. My brother has 2 bachelors and 2 masters. He is also a go getter. I am in the process of getting my masters in psychology, I have a photography business and I also write. So for the IQ and the motivation part...it really depends. I have been through a lot of different types of therapy in order to develop and I also have other problems that weren't because of me being premature. My daughter on the other hand, even though she was born at 37 weeks, she was 3 lbs 9 oz. She also is at high risk for autism. She has a team that consists of a nurse practitioner, physical therapist and occupational therapist. She is 8 months now and almost 12 lbs. some babies are healthier and luckier then others. Your right, a lot of factors play into it. And we all had a great team behind us. :)
  • I mean maybe? Interesting read and I do see some points they make. I understand it is probably a very traumatic experience for a baby so this event could cause anxiety for the future and perhaps also the parents behavior. Interesting bc I had never thought of all the points made. They seem to make a case. But idk about all the IQ talk and hard to get a job etc. Seems far fetched to me. I had anxiety in 2012 for about 6 months and it was HELL. I never ever want it to return...I still get it sometimes, but nothing like before. I now know how to control it and what it feels like when it's coming so I choose to do things that make it literally just go away - I have to watch my thoughts and keep my mind at peace through prayer (just what works for me). 
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