
IUI while pregnant?

Does anyone here know - are there dangers associated with IUI if the patient is already pregnant (without knowing it)? If a facility performs an IUI, must they make sure (and how - patients word or a pregnancy test in office?) that she is not pregnant? Thanks!! 

Re: IUI while pregnant?

  • They do ultrasounds while going through an IUI to check for follicles - so I'd assume they'd be able to see if you are PG or not.
    Me: 30 DH:31 DD:3
    3/6/16 BFP 
    EDD: 11/14/16

  • I had to do a pee test as soon as I got into my clinic every time I did an IUI, plus I was monitored with ultrasound throughout the 3 weeks leading up to the IUI. And if you're having to do fertility treatments, including an IUI, wouldn't you know if it had been successful? It's not like they wait until 2 weeks after you ovulate to do the IUI. I'm a bit confused as to how this would even happen.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

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  • So I had the clinic do two IUIs out of pocket, and without fertility drugs. Once in August and once in September. When my "preemie" was born at 36.5 weeks, my midwives told me that the docs and midwives had been wrong all along, that my son was a full term baby. This would mean that the 1st IUI took, and they did an another IUI after I was pregnant. The same clinic did the procedure both times; no one asked if I could be pregnant, nor did they give me a urine or blood test. I've been trying to draft a letter to the hospital regarding the ways in which the communication between professionals and with us failed during this pregnancy and birth, so I am trying to understand what the policy should have been versus what happened in our situation.. Does that make sense? I can't seem to find any info in an online search, so I thought I may have more luck here. Thanks :)
  • After the first IUI did you do any HPT's? Did you have ultrasound monitoring? How were you measuring throughout the pregnancy?
    Me: 30 DH:31 DD:3
    3/6/16 BFP 
    EDD: 11/14/16

  • In my clinic, you always need to have a baseline U/S and blood test (HCG and Progesterone) before starting an IUI cycle. Once they know that you are not pregnant and everything is okay with ovaries and uterus then you start your monitored IUI cycle. I was monitored by U/S and BW until I was ready for the trigger shot and IUI. But I was using medication to stimulate ovulation.
    I am definitely not an expert, but if you did not get any infertility medication, I can not imagine how IUI procedure itself could cause any problem for the baby. It is nice to hear that IUI worked for you.
    Congratulations !
  • Thanks! He's great - thinking of how and when to try again, so I'll likely be back on this board often soon!  I was pretty sure that once you're pregnant, nothing should enter your uterus because of risk of infection and because it's hard to know where in the uterus the baby has implanted. Maybe I'm wrong about that. The women's health clinic has been under the microscope lately because of some high profile cases of medical malpractice, caused by lack of adequate communication between professionals. I want to make sure I give them feedback so that they (and I!) can avoid this kind of situation in the future; my baby had to undergo hours of testing that was completely unnecessary, as he was full term, asymptomatic, and 7 lbs 10 oz. So grateful he's healthy but thinking back and thinking ahead and wanting to be empowered around this!
  • KKAM - yes, I did - at 10 dpiui, 11, 12, all negative. I stopped then because I "got my period".. It lasted a day and a half maybe. I was SO disheartened at that point, defeated.. Had been trying for years. I think I ordered sperm for the next month that very day. I got a clear positive the first day I tested after the next cycle - (9 dpiui). I got a blood test to confirm and the nurse asked if I had twins in my family because my HCG levels were double what they should have been. I said no, but I could've been pregnant already, because they'd inseminated the previous month. She said, nope not if you have a period, even though I explained that my period was highly atypical.  I had an SCH (subchorionic hematoma) with frequent bleeding through the 2nd trimester, so they gave me many ultrasounds and I always measured ahead. By the middle of the pregnancy I was measuring in the 98th percentile, and kept measuring like that. One midwife said that if I'd gotten pregnant at home, they'd have changed my due date by a couple of weeks. But since they inseminated (don't know why they NEVER referenced the first insemination?) they kept the due date the same.. 
  • I did not have any ultrasound monitoring prior to insemination.. 
  • I did not have ultrasound monitoring either with my first 3 IUI, as mine where none medicated ( no hormones so no one checked)
    Back then thought home pregnancies where 100% so never thought I could be pregnant either. (I wasn't pregnant, just to clarify)
    Learnt different after I been TTC that quite some women are pregnant even though they have a BFN on a HPT.
    So I guess you could indeed be pregnant while going through IUI without knowing.

    About the bleeding: My friend has her 'period' through all 3 pregnancies, so guess that one is hard to trust too.

    I believe I've read nothing should (and naturally nothing can) enter your uterus while being pregnant.

    So you've got one healthy strong little fighter that just had to be staying with you!


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

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