July 2016 Moms

Monday Ticker Change

1 How many weeks
2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size?
3. Anything baby related this week?
4. Rants/raves/questions?
5. How was your Valentine's Day? 
April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

Re: Monday Ticker Change

  • 1 How many weeks? 20
    2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size? Very confused on this one.. TB says baby is the size of a banana (6.5in) but a different app I have says size of a paper airplane (10in from head to toe) Maybe TB is still measuring crown to rump at 20 weeks?
    3. Anything baby related this week? OB on Wednesday, and the long-awaited a/s scan FINALLY this Friday! 
    4. Rants/raves/questions? I finally caved and bought a boppy pregnancy pillow. The back pain isn't as severe anymore, and the hip pain isn't quite so bad, although it still wakes me up sometimes. My stretching and yoga exercises help a bit too.
    5. How was your Valentine's Day? DH and I haven't ever celebrated Valentine's, but we spent the day holed up in our apartment watching movies while it snowed outside. It was so nice to finally be able to spend an entire day together since I usually work Saturdays. 
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  • 1 How many weeks: 20 weeks
    2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size?paper airplane, banana or a mango because those are all the the same... Not
    3. Anything baby related this week? Follow up u/s tomorrow for the anatomy scan since she didn't want to cooperate the first time
    4. Rants/raves/questions? Why all the varying sizes I am guessing the same differences in measurement from head to toe vs head to rump
    5. How was your Valentine's Day? It was nice just very chill. 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • 19 weeks

    Size of a mango

    Nothing baby related

    Rant- still sick! Cough, please go away. I have so much I want to do :( 

    Valentine's Day- DH took care of DD while I laid on the couch, took a nap, took a shower, read a bit, drank tea, cleaned my nose and tried to get healthy. Thankful for DH! 
  • @rakel88 ahh have a great scan!!! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • 1 How many weeks? 18
    2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size? Sweet potato!
    3. Anything baby related this week? Nothing fun related to baby this week - but we leave on Thursday night for Daytona for the races this weekend :)
    4. Rants/raves/questions? Thinking I need to look into some stretches & yoga for the back pain I've been experiencing. I know it's only going to get worse but hoping to find some remedies! Snoogle at night helps but then by late in the day I've either sat or stood too long and I'm in pain. (Daytona should be fun...)
    5. How was your Valentine's Day? It was great. Spent the weekend doing different things together and DH bought me some adorable things for our Disney themed nursery <3
  • edited February 2016
    @rakel88 hope all goes well with your scan today!!

    @HoneyBear40 I do a couple yoga poses that really have been helping with my back pain.. One, you sit on a pillow or cushion and do the butterfly stretch. Not only does it feel amazing for my back after sitting all day at my job, but it really helps my hip pain too! The other one is seriously amazing.. You lay on your back with a pillow or cushion under your butt, and put your legs up on a wall/closed door. You can be as far away from the wall or door or as close as you want, but it really really helps! Also the child's pose works super well! I tried to find some images but couldn't really find what I was looking for..I did find these on Pinterest though so you may be able to find pics there if my descriptions don't make sense!
  • @rakel88 Are you finding out the sex? If not, have a great scan! So fun to see the little one.
  • 1 How many weeks?  18
    2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size?  Sweet potato 
    3. Anything baby related this week?  Letting our family in on our secret team blue status ;) A/S scan scheduled for next Monday. 
    4. Rants/raves/questions? Rant- can this cold or whatever it is pleeeeeaaaaasssseeee go away. I feel horrible!! 
    5. How was your Valentine's Day? It was good. Quiet at home with DD and DH. He was so sweet bringing her flowers (she's 2) :)

    Yay for all the scans scheduled and happening!!!! 
  • @anskip how sweet that he brought her flowers! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Thanks everyone! It went well, but very uneventful to be honest. Won't see my OB  for another 2 weeks.. 
    @hannahmp nope, not finding out the sex :)
  • So glad it went well! Uneventful is good! @rakel88
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • 1 How many weeks  18 weeks
    2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size?  sweet potato or a paper airplane
    3. Anything baby related this week?  not this week
    4. Rants/raves/questions? I started feeling movements two weeks ago, but they are still so sporadic.  Rant - I just want this cold to go away, sounds like a lot of us have it
    5. How was your Valentine's Day?  Good! DH got me flowers, which he hasn't done since our wedding day.
  • sarah2311sarah2311 member
    edited February 2016
    1 How many weeks. 20 :) 
    2.Comparable fruit/toy/animal size?paper airplane or banana
    3. Anything baby related this week? A/s tomorrow!! Can't wait to see baby again love to see that everything is going well. 
    4. Rants/raves/questions? Feeling very crampy today and a little nervous about it. Not sure if I should worry or not :/ 
    5. How was your Valentine's Day? Laid low and DH cooked dinner like he does every year so it was very nice! 
  • @sarah2311 I have felt crampy most of the pregnancy so far, and no issues or concerns yet. My doctor always told me unless I have significant bleeding with it, not to worry, it was just my uterus growing.
  • @oandmplus1 thanks!! That makes me feel better. I didn't have any of this with my DS so just was worrying a little. I'm sure being my second pregnancy has to do with it too 
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