
Introduction (losses and child mentioned)


 I have a skin condition that prevents me from having boys (about 75% chance in a miscarriage). That didn't matter to me or my husband. We just wanted to have children. We got married Feb 2009 and immediately started trying after that. I got pregnant the following Feb around our one year anniversary. We were so excited! Our world crashed down and we lost our first ever child at 22 weeks (he measured 18 weeks). I had to be induced. No one should ever go through that and not be able to bring there baby home. After a long recovery process and lots of support from family, friends and this board we were ready to try again. We thought positively and prayed and our prayers were answered! I got pregnant in March of 2011 and found out it was another boy. I was immediately put on high risk and had weekly ultrasounds. December we welcomed our HEALTHY baby boy!!! He just turned 4. We thought for a while we were content and we would be a one child family. Then, of course, baby fever kicked in high gear and we wanted another baby and quick. I got pregnant in June of 2015 and we were cautiously optimistic. We had the newer bloodwork done to find out the sex around 10 weeks. Another boy. Sadly, another miscarriage with another induction at 15 weeks (measuring 14 weeks). We went to a RE and had a consult with her and got all the information but couldn't afford it so we pushed it off and we gave each other 2 months to try naturally and if that didn't work we would apply for a grant for IVF focusing on PGS. The grant would pay for everything accept the PGS (genetic) testing. However, the grant application doesn't open until around  April so we figured it would take a few months of trying since in the past the getting pregnant part wasn't too much of an issue. 2 months, tons of negative tests. We are now just waiting for the grant to open and not actively trying. Thanks for reading!
** Highschool Sweethearts ** 
Married: February 14, 2009

MC: June 6 2010 @ 18 weeks
DS: December 19, 2011
MC: October 2, 2015 @ 14 weeks

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Re: Introduction (losses and child mentioned)

  • Hi & welcome.
    Thank you for sharing your story and sorry to hear about your losses. That's a horrible experience you've been through. 

    I wish you GL on your journey and hope you soon can start IVF with PGS or that you get natural pregnant of a little girl while waiting!


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

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