Hi everyone! Congrats on your new arrivals!
I'm posting here because, well, you've already had your babies so you're in a good position to answer my question.
I've just hit 34 weeks and our baby is breech. I'm pretty sure she's been like this for a few weeks. I know there's still some time and ability for her to turn (also, I'm 5'9" with a long torso and my previous pregnancy was full term twins, so if anybody is providing space, it's me - haha), but I'm not sure how likely it is.
Did any of you have breech babies around this time? If so, did they turn in time for delivery? If yes, did they do so on their own or only with direct intervention, like ECV? I'm with midwives who are on the conservative side and they won't do a version with me because of my previous c section. I'm willing to do some basic positioning, but it's difficult to find time to do anything involving assistance or props. I'm mostly just curious as to what the chances are that she'll turn on her own.
Thanks for any answers in advance!
Re: Breech Baby
Thanks for your answer!
Oh, and extra congratulations on your son. I just read your signature. We did IVF for our twins. This one was a happy surprise.
Maybe I'm just weird or not sentimental, but I never minded knowing that I'd have a c section. In the end, we just want healthy babies. It was a good experience; everyone involved was wonderful. Of course, I was on morphine and my BP dropped, so maybe I was just too out of it to be anything but delighted.