July 2015 Moms

Finger Foods

So we started puffs this week. My LO is able to pick up the puffs just fine, but she won't even attempt putting them in her mouth. She'll just hold it in her hand until she drops it on the floor. She knows what I am giving her is food, and she certainly knows food goes in her mouth. Lol. She is BF and eating purees/cereal. She hardly gets a bottle and she isn't really liking the sippy cup that we have tried a few times. Any tips or ideas? or just give her more time?

Re: Finger Foods

  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited February 2016
    Maybe it could be that she needs more time! Some babies take longer to take finger food and get accustoms to it. My friend had the same thing and eventually her little one took it. Good luck! 
  • Yeah. At first I tried it with bananas and thought maybe they were too soft for her. Then after trying the puffs, she just won't do anything. She'll even resist me if I try to guide her hand to her mouth. She is also weird and doesn't attempt to take blankets off her head. I will try and play peek-a-boo with her by putting a sheet over her eyes and she'll just sit there. She will try and take it off my head but nothing when it comes to her own.
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  • Mine is exactly the same. He loves them and will eat them if I'm there putting them in his mouth. He'll pick them up but that's it. He just cries for me to put another in his mouth. We just exclusively bf. He hardly ever gets a bottle and sippy cups are not even an interest yet. 
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