**loss mentioned***
After a long two months (early miscarriage and a couple doses of methotrexate), I finally had my baseline US and labs today to start my FET cycle. Labs are good, but my lining is thick for early on in the cycle at 7mm.
Last month it was 12 mm at my baseline US. I've had two periods since my miscarriage (three if you count the two week bleeding when I thought I was miscarrying, but had not yet) and the two have been lighter than normal.
Nurse said lining is supposed to be less than 6mm. They want me to come back in on Monday to repeat labs and US. If my lining doesn't thin by then I may not be able to move forward with FET. Has this happened to anyone? Do you know why I wouldn't be able to move forward with FET?
I'm really frustrated because my nurse didn't explain anything. All she said in her voicemail was labs are good, but because of 7mm lining need to repeat US on Monday before we can move proceed. I left her a voicemail asking for clarification. Hope she calls back soon.
*edited for spelling
Re: Can lining be too thick to begin FET cycle?
Sorry to read about your loss, but it is good to hear you are ready to try again.
I have not really lots of knowledge about lining, I know here they want me to have a thin lining at start, as not being to 'build up' from last month and that I got rid of all from previous month.
Guess they want lining to be thick, but not too thick either, with a start of 7mm you might grow a 'too thick' lining for FET.
But not to worry too much yet, they know about it, they'll check you again on Monday, and they probably know how to handle lining.
Hope the nurse calls you back with a proper explanation, so you'll stop stressing during the weekend!
GL this month. I'll keep my FX for you.
They did cut my estrogen patches from 4 to 3.
TW*****children/ivf success mentioned:
My boss did ivf. She did a FET and her lining was 16 and she gave birth to healthy twins. So I wasnt worried when mine was 15.
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
Me:34, Wife: 32
IF reasoning = MFI: Zero Sperm Count using FairFax donor bank
IVF: 2011 = BFN, lost all 10 embryos (with C/Ps)
Jan 2014 - OBGYN (not RE) found and removed wife's "field of" uterine polyps after failed IVF
Moving on to surrogacy (actually a planned adoption)
Surrogate IUI#1: 7.17.12 = BFP!! 15dpiui = 256, 17dpiui = 346
Oliver Zane born - 3/29/2013 on Good Friday!
IUI #4 - #6: 2014-2015 = BFN (with C/Ps)
Switch sperm donors, start ketosis diet to reduce inflammation late 2015
IVF 2: Jan and Feb 2016, 3 great looking, 8 cell 3 day embryos. Two ET, one frozen
2.18.2016 (8dp3dt) = BFFP!
2.22.2016 (12dp3dt) = 649!!
Started foster care experience in 2012. Now waiting to adopt our foster daughter, 7, who has lived with us for 3 years.
"Wait for your God, and don't give up on Him - ever!" Hosea 12:6 (msg)
Also, did your doctor do a shg?
RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16
Your lining is too thick to start building a lining for an FET. If your lining is 7mm and up they'll wait for you to bleed again before starting estrogen. I just had an FET in Jan. My lining was at 7mm because of the bcps and without bleeding it magically dropped to 4mm at my recheck. If your lining is still thick at your next u/s they can prescribe progesterone to force a bleed. It might delay your transfer but shouldn't cancel it. GL
TTC: 05/2011 Me: 32, All Clear DH: 38 Dx: MFI Low Testosterone & 1% Morphology
IVF #1 w/ICSI & IMSI, 12/03/12: ER: 27R, 20M, 15F
4 blasts frozen (3BA 4BA 4BB 5BB) b/c of moderate OHSS
FET #1: 02/08/13 Transferred 3BA & 4BA | HPT 5dp5dt BFP!
10dp5dt Beta #1 - 810 | 12dp5dt Beta #2 - 1843
@gr8te I'm going to ask about progesterone to force bleed. Thanks for letting me know. My period stopped on Friday, so I doubt my lining thinned more.