September 2015 Moms

How do I reheat purees made with breast milk?

NatabearNatabear member
edited February 2016 in September 2015 Moms
I made some pear puree today for LO using breast milk instead of water, and I realized I have no idea how to heat it later without microwaving.  I've been told a lot that microwaving breast milk ruins it, so what else should I do?  Do most babies tolerate their food slightly cold, like if I leave it sitting out on the counter for about 30 minutes?  He's not used to anything cold since I EBF, and my grandmother told me that it'll upset his tummy.  I'm tempted to buy the beaba cooker just because it defrosts.   :s

This might be a silly question.   :/  But what if I put a container of some food in the steamer basket for a minute or two.  Has anyone ever tried that?  Does it get too hot and melt the plastic, or would an oxo tot container be able to handle the heat?  I'm honestly just trying to avoid heating it directly in a saucepan since it's literally like a teaspoon of food, lol.

Re: How do I reheat purees made with breast milk?

  • Could you heat the container up by putting it in a bowl of hot water? That's how I warm up Lo's bottles sometimes.

    Or if you have a bottle warmer that steams, you can put small baby food containers in there and warm them up that way. 
  • I would just heat to room temp by settingit out. My lo takes all his purees at room temperature just fine but he has always had warm milk as well
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  • Ditto the heat up a bowl of water in the microwave and stick the food container in just like a bottles 
  • NatabearNatabear member
    edited February 2016
    I'll see if the bowl of hot water works in the morning--it's always worked well enough for the milk I used in his oatmeal cereal.  I plan to freeze batches of food and I think I was assuming it wouldn't cut it for a cube that's been thawing in the fridge overnight, but I never tried it with really hot water.  I was using hot tap water like a dumbo.  I had no idea that bottle warmers also acted as food warmers though, so that's neat.  Thank youu guys.  :)
  • Ditto everyone else. Next time don't add the breastmilk until you are ready to use it, just make the straight purée. That way you can custom make the thickness later. My LO likes his food on the thicker side these days so I mix it with much less milk than I started with.


    BabyFruit Ticker
  • JessiHBJessiHB member
    edited February 2016
    I also don't add breastmilk til he's ready to eat, and I throw the purée in a frying pan for a minute to reheat it. Super quick and easy, just make sure the pan is super clean ;)
    ETA: somehow missed that you want to avoid the saucepan! It really is super quick and easy though :)
  • I don't mix the puree with breastmilk prior to freezing, I just add breastmilk immediately before serving. 
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