
New here, looking for advice or ideas (mention of children and loss)

Hi all.  I'm new here, TTC our third for three years now.  I'm sorry if I don't use the correct terms in my descriptions below.  This is my first time reaching out in a forum.

By way of backstory, I conceived my first two children easily--as in first month of trying easily, and I had no issues with either pregnancy.  When my youngest was 18 months old, we decided to try for a third and final.  Three miscarriages in one year followed.  Then two years of BFNs.  I saw an infertility specialist last year who recommended the HSG procedure (I had some mild blockage).  We then tried clomid and timed intercourse for two months; both resulted in BFNs.  We moved to femora and two rounds of IUI, both unsuccessful.  My body responded well with both drugs; I had multiple follicles going into the TIC and IUIs and my DH's sperm looked good.  This doc didn't have me trigger at all.  Since nothing was working, he suggested exploratory surgery; I decided to see someone else.

I'm now seeing a reproductive endocrinologist.  Blood work revealed antiphospholipid syndrome, so I'm taking baby aspirin every day in addition to a whole host of vitamins.  (I have heparin in my cabinets in case I get a BFP).  This is my first month working with the new doc.  My body responded really well to clomid -- four 18-22 follicles on day 11 of my cycle.  We triggered with Ovidril on day 11, I ovulated on day 13 (confirmed in blood test, progesterone high).  The doc recommended TIC, so that's what we did.  On day 21, I noticed a smear of blood in my CM.  I was cautiously optimistic that it was implantation bleeding, which grew to sheer optimism when I ended up being a day late for my period (despite multiple BFNs).  Then on day 29, AF from hell.  Multiple blood clots, the whole nine yards.  Cue ugly crying in my office.

I'm so bummed.  I thought this was the month, that the trigger shot would make the difference and that a new doc would breathe some new energy into the process.  My follicles looked great, my progesterone was high, and the darn implantation bleeding.  My husband and I even did Whole30 this month in case dietary changes would help our chances.  

We're doing a saline hysterosonogram next week to see if there's anything funky in my uterus.  My doc seems really receptive to looking into other things, so I'm wondering if anyone has any other ideas? 

Re: New here, looking for advice or ideas (mention of children and loss)

  • Hi and welcome,

    Sorry to to hear about your journey, it is never easy.

    You did come to the right place, women here are lovely. But some might not respond due to the **trigger warning children mentioned**. You won't have any of that 'problem' at secondary IVF-board, (just keep that in mind if the response are low)

    I can totally relate with all the BFN and the heavy bleeding in between, I find the last the worse, as I know what that means.
    Just don't give up hope, you are in good hands now, so I'm sure you'll have another healthy baby coming.
    As for tips? I'd say, live a little. We put ourself a on diets, we put high standards on us about all the things we must do and mustn't do..and when we do all that, we forget to breath and live a little (or at least I did) So my advice is to give yourself a little break of all the perfect vitamin, diet, ... pick a day and do what you love, eat/drink what you love. Get back some happy energy and try again!

    GL on your journey, you can do this!


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Welcome to the group. I know infertility is hard whether it's your first you're hoping or your third. I honestly don't have any thoughts regarding additional testing or possible contributing factors. I hope some other ladies can offer you assistance.
    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
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