September 2016 Moms

UO 2-11


Re: UO 2-11

  • What about sleep training for an almost three year old who went from being a great sleeper to...not? I did a modified Ferber around a year that worked great. It's so much worse now that she can talk and call for me. I rush to her after seconds because I just can't listen to it/
    Is she in a crib or a toddler bed? We have to transition DD to a toddler bed soon and I'm not looking forward to it. We have been so lucky that she has never tried to climb out if it at 2.5 years old. I don't know how this will affect her sleep. #crib4life
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  • @AmMcc12 - I also LOVE conversation hearts (I love all candy, who am I kidding?) but every year I look at the bags and can't remember which ones I like. I like the old, super chalky ones. There are newer versions that have a little bit of chewiness to them and the flavors are all too much and somewhat sour. Hopefully I find the right ones this year...
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  • camichael84camichael84 member
    edited February 2016
    @pilotswifey I can't do Indian food either, and just like you, it's the curry. 

    At the last apartment DH and I lived in before we bought our house, our downstairs neighbors were Indian. Our second bathroom frequently smelled like Indian cuisine. (It was next to the kitchen and must have just vented that direction.) 

    @danielle1290 I like the green yolk in the Halloween Cadbury eggs. I actually squeeled with delight the first time I had one. It seems festive to me. 

  • I'm also not an Indian food eater.. I actually don't like a lot of herbs, and I think my issue with Indian is the hidden cilantro. Not. Cool.
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  • I love love love LOVE curry, especially Thai-style curry. I like Indian too, but lately it's been too much for me. I could destroy a bowl of curry right now. Extra spicy.
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  • @TheTamedShrew - Oh, if you want to talk Thai curry I am in LOVE with Thai curry. I like spicy, but prefer something more mild. Massaman is my jam!!!
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  • PSUBecky23PSUBecky23 member
    edited February 2016
    What about sleep training for an almost three year old who went from being a great sleeper to...not? I did a modified Ferber around a year that worked great. It's so much worse now that she can talk and call for me. I rush to her after seconds because I just can't listen to it/
    Is she in a crib or a toddler bed? We have to transition DD to a toddler bed soon and I'm not looking forward to it. We have been so lucky that she has never tried to climb out if it at 2.5 years old. I don't know how this will affect her sleep. #crib4life
    She was in a toddler bed when this all started a month or so ago (now in a twin bed which we're hoping will be more comfortable) and the initial transition actually went well. Some nights started on the floor and we just transferred her to bed. Then she learned how to open doors and my life ended. 
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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  • Jumping in on the Peeps hate and Indian food love.  Yuck and yum, respectively.

    My husband's the complete opposite (loves Peeps, but only stale, and hates Indian food).  Go figure. :lol:
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    ● FET #2 (1 transferred): BFP!  BOY #3!
    ● Natural #1: BFP - M/C @ 8 weeks :'(
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  • Exactly, I want to echo what @fiorip said. ER doctors will triage you as soon as you get in. Especially if they are busy to see who needs to go first. If someone comes in from trauma from a car accident from an ambulance there is no way in hell someone with cramping will be seen first. @backoffunicorn
  • Never once did I say you shouldn't follow the advice of your doctor. If your doctor says go to the ER, then go to the ER. I see a lot of people contemplating it here and on 1st tri boards before even consulting their doctors. Here's a great website from a huge insurer saying what you should do in different scenarios while pregnant.  

    Also using the whole "you should be so lucky" line is ridiculous when you don't know someone's history. I also passed out when pregnant with DD when I was at a parade but once I got fluids and food in me I was fine. I called my doctor that Monday and she just gave me hints on how to avoid fainting in the future. I'd never fainted before but I didn't run to the hospital.  If anything I would've gone to urgent care but I chose to wait because I started feeling better so quickly. Saying "you do you" is not smart when you just judged me @diagonalley

  • fiorip said:
    I get annoyed when women go straight to the ER for a little bleeding or cramping. Unless you're bent over in pain or hemmorhaging, it's not what the ER is for. I had an appendectomy years ago and went to the ER doubled over in pain. I would've probably screamed if I knew there were people that got to go in ahead of me that should've been using urgent care or a regular doc's appt. 
    First of all being a doctor myself I can tell you there's no way in hell someone with a minor issue will go ahead of a real emergency. 

    My last pregnancy I was cramping and spotting but it was so mild I didn't feel the need to go the ER, my doctor just told me to stay hydrated and rest.  After 2 days I was bending over with pain and I went to the ER, guess what? I was in labor at 22 weeks, by the time I made it to a doctor nothing could be done to stop it and I lost my son. Had I gone as soon as the bleeding and cramping started to an ER maybe I wouldn't have lost my son, who knows, maybe it was bound to happen anyway but what I do know is that if an issue is worth you worrying, go to an ER, that's what doctors are there for, to care for people, no matter how small you might think it is. 
    I'm very sorry for your loss. I should've clarified with early pregnancy and not in later terms from the get go. 

  • @backoffunicorn I don't think she was judging you. She was merely saying that the doctors will dictate who gets seen first (because they will) and "you do you" meaning for one to take care of their needs and seek the help them and their doctor's deem appropriate. @diagonalley

    Also, for people contemplating going to the ER on here....How do you know they haven't consulted with their doctors? Maybe their hospital operates like mine (Stanford University for the record) and they know that already? That's not fair either. 
  • @TheTamedShrew @AnnaS930 For lunch, I bought the green curry I've been lusting over. No regrets, go feed the curry beast!
    September '16 -  May Signature Challenge
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  • @fiorip I am happy to stand in solidarity with you and get flamed for not fawning over Beyonce. I like a lot about her but overall, pretty overrated in my eyes. I've actually seen her live and still, overrated. But hey, to each their own? lol. 
  • @PSUBecky23 I don't know if you have browsed but it has been an excellent resource for me ever since DD was a baby. I'm sure there is plenty of info for your particular situation.
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  • @TheTamedShrew I haven't. Thanks! I'll check it out. 

    (I think the biggest issue is that she knows life goes on after she's in bed and little miss independent isn't a fan of missing out.)
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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  • One recent example I had read @mom2adoodle. Her dr had already seen her and told her what she thought it was.


  • i completelt agree with the Beyoncé opinion. I just can't stand her music and it annoys me that everyone puts her on a pedestal. There's much better role models for young girls. 
  • @backoffunicorn I'm not sure where you think I judged you. You do you simply means to do what you feel is best for yourself and not worry about the choices of other people. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Tossing in other before the day is over- I do not like or understand the comeback of some of the old-fashioned names. Maybe because when I hear Ophelia, all I can think of is my grandma's joke about Ophelia Fanny. 

  • @backoffunicorn I'm not sure where you think I judged you. You do you simply means to do what you feel is best for yourself and not worry about the choices of other people. 
    Judgement: "I'm happy for you that you seem to have never been in a position where you would need to make this choice"

    Anyway, I've proven why I get annoyed and I still think it's reasonable when there's nothing the ER can do to stop it early on in pregnancy if it is a miscarriage. 

  • Tossing in other before the day is over- I do not like or understand the comeback of some of the old-fashioned names. Maybe because when I hear Ophelia, all I can think of is my grandma's joke about Ophelia Fanny. 
    I love names from Shakespeare. DH will never let me use Ophelia, but I love it. I don't know if you could tell that from my screen name.

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  • Tossing in other before the day is over- I do not like or understand the comeback of some of the old-fashioned names. Maybe because when I hear Ophelia, all I can think of is my grandma's joke about Ophelia Fanny. 

    I loooooove "old fashioned" names. My due date is the same day as my grandmother's birthday. You bet your ass Betty (her name) is on our girl list.
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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  • I'm not sure that I've actually ever had a Cadbury egg, but give me all the Reese's eggs, conversation hearts, sweettart hearts, and peeps!  I love them all!  I also like circus peanuts, which I've discovered is unpopular!  Oh and candy corn!
  • @tiffanyschaetz I love circus peanuts!! My great-grandma always had a candy jar at her house when I was little, and my favorite thing she'd put in there was circus peanuts. So not only do I find them incredibly tasty, they always remind me of her. 

  • This has been bothering me a lot lately, and while something similar has come up briefly on the message boards I think that that person makes total sense. This UO is based on a real life thing, not the message boards.  I'm not trying to flame anyone on here!  (end disclaimer)

    If you're older than 21 you shouldn't make a big deal about your birthday. In the first place it's tacky. Secondly, it's a drain on other people's time and energy.  I'm not going out to the bar on a weekday to party with you, and if you ask me for a present you're sure as **** not getting it.  You wanna have a little dinner, or something, that's fine.  If someone else throws you a party, that's nice.  The thing is you don't get to throw your own party expecting presents, and you don't get to be prioritized over children or sick people.
  • cassloumycassloumy member
    edited February 2016
    @PSUBecky23While you're right about not being able to "steal" a name, I would like to tell you anecdotally that I have a cousin 4 years younger than me with the exact same first and middle name. It has always been really awkward and weird for both of us.  In my opinion, it's not offensive to use the same name, but parents should strongly consider what their child's life will be like sharing the name in addition to their own wishes.

    (edited to fix grammar and at the @)
  • cassloumy said:
    @PSUBecky23While you're right about not being able to "steal" a name, I would like to tell you anecdotally that I have a cousin 4 years younger than me with the exact same first and middle name. It has always been really awkward and weird for both of us.  In my opinion, it's not offensive to use the same name, but parents should strongly consider what their child's life will be like sharing the name in addition to their own wishes.

    (edited to fix grammar and at the @)

    Understood. Haven't been there specifically, except for having a rather common first name and never being the only Rebecca/Becky in my classes growing up. I guess I just don't really get the issue with sharing a name with someone even if it's someone close.
    Married 6/4/11
    Reese born 3/23/13
    Due 9/14/16

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  • Tossing in other before the day is over- I do not like or understand the comeback of some of the old-fashioned names. Maybe because when I hear Ophelia, all I can think of is my grandma's joke about Ophelia Fanny. 

    I loooooove "old fashioned" names. My due date is the same day as my grandmother's birthday. You bet your ass Betty (her name) is on our girl list.
    I definitely think the exception is family names. And there are several I like (but plenty I would never use!) 

  • @backoffunicorn I'm not sure where you think I judged you. You do you simply means to do what you feel is best for yourself and not worry about the choices of other people. 
    Judgement: "I'm happy for you that you seem to have never been in a position where you would need to make this choice"

    Anyway, I've proven why I get annoyed and I still think it's reasonable when there's nothing the ER can do to stop it early on in pregnancy if it is a miscarriage. 
    LOL if you consider that a judgement.  An assumption, at best, but definitely not a judgement.  Also, as though you weren't judging anyone by saying they shouldn't go to the hospital for what you determined to be a minor issue that can't be prevented/resolved.  
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • cassloumy said:
    This has been bothering me a lot lately, and while something similar has come up briefly on the message boards I think that that person makes total sense. This UO is based on a real life thing, not the message boards.  I'm not trying to flame anyone on here!  (end disclaimer)

    If you're older than 21 you shouldn't make a big deal about your birthday. In the first place it's tacky. Secondly, it's a drain on other people's time and energy.  I'm not going out to the bar on a weekday to party with you, and if you ask me for a present you're sure as **** not getting it.  You wanna have a little dinner, or something, that's fine.  If someone else throws you a party, that's nice.  The thing is you don't get to throw your own party expecting presents, and you don't get to be prioritized over children or sick people.
    You win the award for weirdest thing I have ever read online, ever. I am literally flabbergasted.
    35 years old, TTC #1 Dec 28, 2011
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    Miscarriage at 8 weeks
    FET December 15th 2015--- BFP!
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    Luciano Alessandro Maximiliano was born on September 3rd 2016


  • @Alyeena - You're flabbergasted that adults throw birthday parties for themselves? Or that @cassloumy is bothered by them?

    Because my friend and I plan a birthday celebration for ourselves every year and IDGAF if others don't like it. It's fun! And I never expect presents. But I also understand where people are coming from - it can seem childish (but again, I don't care, YOLO and all that jazz).
  • AlyeenaAlyeena member
    edited February 2016
    @PoodleDoodleOoo  That she is bothered by them of course, I tought it was obvious sorry.

    I just don't understand why anyone would ever feel like that at all. It is so weird to me. And I am like you! We do birthday parties for everyone, I love birthdays :) Gifts or no gifts (as long as there is cake lol).
    35 years old, TTC #1 Dec 28, 2011
    PCOS, Hypothyroidism.
    First IVF cycle June 5th 2015 --- BFP
    Miscarriage at 8 weeks
    FET December 15th 2015--- BFP!
    First saw  at 6w4d
    It's a boy!

    Luciano Alessandro Maximiliano was born on September 3rd 2016


  • @Alyeena Lol, well, I wasn't planning on it being particularly popular since it is an unpopular opinion...

    @PoodleDoodleOoo I think there is a fine line. I was more referring to when people get mad you can't come to their party, or that you didn't get them a present. I especially mean when people get mad that you missed their birthday because of a more serious or important thing happening in your life at the moment.
  • @cassloumy I understand more what you meant now, I would never get mad if someone does not come to my party or if they don't give me a present.

    Maybe we have different definition of party tho, it is not like a kids party. When we celebrate my birthday I have my sisters there and their boyfriends, plus like two friends. Maybe you meant like huge things with sending invitations and everything? Although I would still do that for a milestone, like when my father turned 70. 
    35 years old, TTC #1 Dec 28, 2011
    PCOS, Hypothyroidism.
    First IVF cycle June 5th 2015 --- BFP
    Miscarriage at 8 weeks
    FET December 15th 2015--- BFP!
    First saw  at 6w4d
    It's a boy!

    Luciano Alessandro Maximiliano was born on September 3rd 2016


  • @cassloumy - I think your opinion is actually a really popular one, then! No one should ever think it's okay to freak out and throw a tantrum over gifts not given or guests not attending - and that includes kids!
  • JasonKristenJasonKristen member
    edited February 2016
    @TheTamedShrew I am a sleep training advocate! I will most definitely sleep train this kid just as I did my first and my second (who I actually didn't really train).  My first never cried for more than 15 mins and was fully trained by night 3 at 6 months old.  It was glorious and we were both much happier.  I think if you are well educated and do it right you are golden.  I hate hearing about people who "sleep train" without actually doing research.     
    DD 5/23/11 - DS 11/20/12 - BFP 1/10/16; EDD 9/22/16
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    valentines day sexy justin bieber heart 2011
  • A day late but....I am terrified and get crazy anxiety reading about sleep training, what car seats work best, anything that can be challenging about babies, etc. I love to research and so I willingly put myself through reading about this stuff which is of course very important, but I get so much anxiety it's insane. I don't know why I do it to myself. Yet I know I need to know this stuff. Idk. I'm going nuts. Like this thread. Innocuous comments about sleep training and I'm over here deliberating between reading them word for word or continuing to scroll past them because I'm afraid. Oy vey. 
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