Baby Names


We are Team Green and expecting baby 3 in about a week, and need some more name advice! Our girl list previously consisted of rejects from our first two daughters ( Emmeline and Cecelia) and last night hubby and I decided we both kind of like Genevieve. We don't really like the nn Jenny though, which is DH's main hangup on the name. I was thinking maybe Vievi - almost like Vivi - would that work? Any other nn ideas? We still have a few 'reject' names on our list but I like that this is a new name! Also considering:

Love any feedback!
Due 3.27.14 (lame because I cannot figure out how to save a fun ticker.....)

Re: Genevieve?

  • Other nn for Genevieve 


    I like Genevieve with your other daughter's names.
  • I really like Genevieve. Another nickname possibility is Eve or Evie. I think Jenny could be avoidable. All the names on your list go great with Emmeline & Cecelia. My favorite is Josephine with the nickname Josie. 
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
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  • I didn't even think of Evie! Baby brain. I love it. I also really like Josie! 
    Due 3.27.14 (lame because I cannot figure out how to save a fun ticker.....)
  • llbnellbne member
    edited February 2016
    I love Genevieve (it's my BFF's name) and we were considering it for DD (now 14 months) but there were two who would be in her daycare class! Also an Ivy, an Evie, an Ava, and Evelyn. I still think it's a pretty name, but these 'V' names are really having a moment and the popularity ended up putting me off. If it doesn't bother you too much though it's a lovely name that fits well with your other girls. 

    ETA: The three Genevieve's I know in real life (all adults) are nicknamed 'Gen'
  • I know 2 Genevieves and either have NNs (my mom and my niece) so you could just call her Genevieve stick with that. 
  • I love the name! My nieces name is Genevieve and we call her Genna/Jenna, or Jen. :) 
  • My cousin has a Genevieve she calls her Veev or veevs. I also love Josephine with nn Fina!
  • My daughter's MN is Genevieve. We have a friend who used it as a FN for her daughter and they call her "Evi" (sounds like Eevee). Had I used it as a FN I'd probably use Ginny, though it isn't a traditional NN for it.
  • Genevieve is our girl pick and Evie is the nn we're planning to use. Obviously I love the name, but I also think it goes really well with your other girls' namesl!
    Feb '16 October Siggy Challenge: Favorite Candy

  • edited February 2016
    I would definitely go Evie! But keep in mind, as shes gets older, friends are going to choose their own NNs for her, and its very likely she will end up being Gen or Genny all the same, even if you call her Evie forever.

    Also i dont know if you are still looking to add any otheres but Genevieve always reminds me of Guinevere (nn Gwen).
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