1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? This changes frequently... DH is set on September, I would prefer June. I have this nagging feeling that it is going to take us a while to get KU so I would rather start sooner than later. I don't want to start before he's ready but in my mind "what's the difference of 3 months? What makes you more ready in that time?" Sigh!
2. What's holding you back? Mostly just that we are paying off debt and building savings. But I feel really good about the way DH and I handle money and how we have been paying down our student loans, which I used to worry about. I feel more secure in this area and that was really the only thing holding me back from TTC! DH is such an amazing guy and sooo great with kids, much better than myself! But I think the idea of such a big change really scares him, so he wants to wait, which I want to be respectful of.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! Right now it's just weighing on me. I got a little baby crazy last summer when I first went off my BC and wanted to dive into TTC head first! But we decided Fall 2016 ish was the time we would start. So I cooled off for a while, and now I'm getting wrapped up in the idea again. It's not just for me, I just truly cannot wait to have a baby with him, if that should be in the cards for us. Anyways, I'm currently trying to distract myself with other things (and failing miserably )
1. 2 months!!! April is our month. Really though right now are not trying and not doing the best at preventing.
2. Our vacation in April is holding us back. I don't want to be sick on our last hurrah vacation. Plus id like to try and loose another 10-15 lbs before april (yes i realize to only put it back on) I've been a champ at my diet. More about getting healthier and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
3. It's like confusing because im fine with waiting. I've never been so healthy and felt so good. We've been planning April 2016 for about a year. So this year has been getting healthier and active. Also, it has been brought us closer. We are enjoying every last minute of freedom together. So in a sense the waiting period has been wonderful (if any of that makes sense?) but we are excited to move into the next step soon. I think he is nervous as am i but we are ok with it.
1. We start TTC after my IUD removal 2/16 2. We've had this planned for quite awhile, we wanted to get a few debts paid down and I went back to school 2 years ago, so I wanted to get a little closer to graduation day. Plus, next fall DD1 & DD2 will be in school all day, so it will give me an easier time handling baby at home with schoolwork. 3. I'm 100% ready now. I'm nervous about how long it will take since I've had my IUD in for 4 years, but I'm hoping for the best and plan to just have fun without stressing too much.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? --About 11 months, as we are planning on TTC in January/Feb 2017
2. What's holding you back? --Career and finances. We make really good money, but want to finish paying student loan debt. Also, I just transitioned to leading an institution 6 months ago and I am still adjusting.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! Some days it's hard emotionally to wait. But then days like today, where I am exhausted, frustrated and stressed, I am grateful I can come home and just be with my DH to relax.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? - 11 months, we plan to start TTC in Jan/Feb 2017
2. What's holding you back? - Finances. We make good money, but have a ridiculous amount of student loan debt from each of us having attended law school. We have never used a budget up until now, but we just started buckling down hardcore. I set some budget goals and am hoping that we achieve them all by next January!
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! It is honestly terrible. I know the logical reasons we should wait, but I want a baby so badly and waiting another year to START trying just seems so far away. Especially when you are trying to save money (aka not go do all the fun things that would probably distract me like vacations, etc.) lol. Can anyone relate?
4 months til TTC. Finances are holding us back, and if I get this new job, we may be waiting a bit longer. Depends on their maternity leave policy.
Honestly, I'm tired of waiting. Especially since there are 3 women on my floor at work that are pregnant, and our bladders seem to be synced so we're constantly in the restroom at the same time. I have bump envy.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 6 months we are planning on starting TTC in August
2. What's holding you back? A couple things. We are planning on going to Europe (Paris and Rome) in May. My DH is in accounting and working on his CPA he will take the exam in September and if he passes he will get a raise which we definitely could use as I plan to be a stay at home mom after baby arrives. Also we are trying to plan baby around tax season because DH is often MIA in April so we would like to avoid an April baby.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! The goal in life has always been to get married and have babies and now that it is so close I am getting very impatient. On the one hand I am very happy to just be married and enjoy all that has to offer, but on the other I see my cousins and sister-in-law with their new babies and the waiting gets harder. It doesn't help when at every baby shower someone comes up and says "You're next!"
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 6 months we are planning on starting TTC in August
2. What's holding you back? A couple things. We are planning on going to Europe (Paris and Rome) in May. My DH is in accounting and working on his CPA he will take the exam in September and if he passes he will get a raise which we definitely could use as I plan to be a stay at home mom after baby arrives. Also we are trying to plan baby around tax season because DH is often MIA in April so we would like to avoid an April baby.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! The goal in life has always been to get married and have babies and now that it is so close I am getting very impatient. On the one hand I am very happy to just be married and enjoy all that has to offer, but on the other I see my cousins and sister-in-law with their new babies and the waiting gets harder. It doesn't help when at every baby shower someone comes up and says "You're next!"
Seriously! That is a major pet peeve of mine How are you supposed to respond to that? Haha!
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? Four-ish months or so.
2. What's holding you back? DH is deploying soon, so we plan on TTC when he gets back. That way, if we do get lucky enough to get pregnant, he'll be around for (hopefully) the whole pregnancy and birth.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! I'm excited! I finally went off BCP, that way I have time to let my body figure itself out and attempt to determine signs of ovulation and what not. I'm a little impatient now that we are so close, but I'm trying to use this extra time to pay off loans and get things done.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set?
6 months to go. We plan to start in August.
2. What's holding you back?
We have about $20k in credit card debt that we are aggressively paying off. If we continue on the same schedule, we will have it paid off in September and will use the months during pregnancy to put that extra money towards baby fund. I also have a family trip planned the first week in August that I do not really want to be pregnant during.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
Waiting is awful! I'm trying to just enjoy the time to relax but it's so hard not to think about it everyday, multiple times a day! I'm constantly recalculating our debt to see how we can reach our goal sooner, and reconsidering how important it is for me to go on the family vacation vs. TTC sooner. I have a month and a half left of BCP in my bathroom... I was planning to refill another 3 months worth once these are gone but it's going to be so hard to go refill that prescription!
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 6 months!! Stopping BC at the end of July, anything goes in August
2. What's holding you back? I graduate with my masters degree in April 2017 and want my due date to clear that month I definitely don't expect to get pregnant the first month but if we do I decided I'm comfortable cutting it close as far as due date and school goes. Of course, any post-graduation due date I'll be happy with. For some reason getting pregnant the first month seems like a total impossibility when I think of waiting until August, but if I think about going off BC a little early it feels like a big risk! lol
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
I feel antsy! We just booked an Alaskan cruise vacation in August (which is my break between Summer semester and Fall semester as well as our first TTC month). It helps to keep me to my plan and not to consider things like just taking online classes my last semester and not worrying about the possibility of having a baby before I graduate. We pushed TTC date back 2 years when I decided to go back to school, and I know the smarter decision is to wait out the entire duration, it is just not always the easiest wait since we've been talking about when we want to start trying since we got engaged in 2013
Sometimes 6 months feels like it'll go by quickly and other times it feels too far away to think about!
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 2 1/2 months. I'm getting off birth control in May.
2. What's holding you back? Money, but we will have both cars and all debt but student loans and the mortgage paid off in June.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! I hate it. I can relate to @Heatho620 so much right now. Last summer, we made plans to start trying during the summer of 2016. I work with FOUR pregnant women. Every effing day I hear all about their pregnancies. To be honest, it has me scared to be pregnant. I am flooded with all these negative things about pregnancy daily. I also am keeping my burning desire for a child between my husband and me. I just don't want the world to know until it happens. I've never had a child, and at this point, I don't know how easy or hard conceiving will be. I pretend I don't care, even though it rips my heart out when people tell me "I'm next," because they have no idea that I'm hiding how bad I don't want to be NEXT. I want to be NOW.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 5 months. We are going to start trying in July.
2. What's holding you back? Our vacation that we have planned in July that I don't want to be pregnant for. Plus DH is finishing graduate school in May, and he didn't want another child until he is done.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
I am pretty antsy waiting right now. I know at least 10 people who are pregnant right now, which makes me a tiny bit jealous.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? As of the moment, we're looking to start up again in August, so another 6 months? I have a nagging feeling that hubby will try to convince me to push the date back again. I don't know if I can stick around TB if that happens.
2. What's holding you back? Schooling. I returned to college to finish my Nursing degree last year, and I have 5 semesters left, counting the current one (two years). I didn't want to have a due date in the middle of the semester, so we TTC for 4 cycles, and then went back to TTA as of last November.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad, the ugly! I hate it. Logically, I know it's the best thing to do. But, after four months of TTC and the ups and downs and the hopes every month that I'd get a BFP... I hate not even having that thought anymore. I'm only 23, but I feel like I'm losing valuable years. I know that's ridiculous, since I have a lot of years of (hopefully) good eggs left, but... Nagging feeling.
1. I wish I knew... I need my Nexplanon removed first. 2. My SO is worried about money. 3. bad! My SO is in his mid 40s so there is also that worry... Like if not now, then never
Hi! I'm new to this board. I've been on TK for a while and now that we're talking about TTC I decided to join TB.
1. ~6 months. I plan on going off my pill in July and trying after my period in August.
2. Finances, job, and housing. Well finances and housing kind of tie together. We have saved up and are paying off his truck and the last of my student loans this week. Then we start saving for a downpayment on a house. I'm considering being a SAHM after the baby is born but would like to be in a good position with my current job and money so that we can make a more educated decision when the time comes.
3. It depends on the day. Some days I want to just go off the pill and start trying now. I get bump envy when I see pregnant women and baby envy when I see babies. Other days I am nervous about how long it is going to take. I'd love if it happened the first or second month but what if it takes us a year or more. Still other days I start to think about what I'll be missing. I mentioned going back to Jamaica for our 5 yr anniversary and DH just says we won't have money for that. We talked about visiting Europe but again DH is convinced we won't have the money. He's probably right and in the end if I had to choose I'd choose the baby but it kind of sucks that he won't even consider the possibility of being able to have a vacation and a baby. I'm not saying we go every year but really you're not willing to consider saving up some for 5 years? Most of the days are too excited, less are nervous, and still less are me worried about missing out on life.
Me: 33 | DH: 34 Married: October, 19, 2015 EDD 2/22/17 DS1 born on 3/2/17 EDD 3/8/20 DS2 born on 3/10/20 EDD 11/24/23 (Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 6 months, depending on my cycle, either late July or August It looks like there are a hand full of us that will be TTC around this time, yay!
2. What's holding you back? DH and I would like to wait until he has been at his new job for a year before TTC. Also, I need to finish my last spring semester of graduate school before a baby is born.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! In the great words of Inigo Montoya: I hate to wait. However, DH and I recently set August as our TTC date so I have been mentally preparing for that time. I have started reading Taking Control of Your Fertility, which has been quite informative and helpful. I use the Fertility Friend app to track my cycle. Also, I have been making a point to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Basically, I am trying to concentrate on making my body, mind, and DH ready to TTC so August will get here sooner!
*confession: if I see a cute onesie or baby outfit on clearance for a really good price, I will buy it as a way to start my future baby's wardrobe. I have about 15 outfits I have collected over the past 2 years. Does anyone else do this?
Now that it's almost March, I'm finally getting around to answering.
1. We plan on starting in June. 2. We are trying to bulk up our savings/e-fund and finish paying my student loans. We have about 8 months left of loan payments. 3. The waiting has been really hard the past few weeks. I feel like that's all I think about. I have been doing a crazy amount of reading and also have been trying to change my eating habits. I think DH has grown tired of hearing me talk about it and I know I really need to relax about it.
*added question... In one of the preparing for pregnancy books I was reading, it mentioned that H should have a 'pre-TTC' appointment. Has anyone else's DH made a point of doing this before ttc? It seemed like it was basically for a blood work up but wasn't sure if it was necessary.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set? 1 month. I go off birth control next week, eek!
2. What's holding you back? My obgyn said to wait until after a visit from AF, otherwise previously it had been waiting until I found a new job but we decided that my benefits are great so why keep waiting.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly! Nervous, I feel like I'm ready, but also not. I thought we'd wait quite a bit longer than we are, but my husband is ready and thinks he's getting old, ha! He turns 30 in a couple months and doesn't want to be as old as his parents were.
Hello! I've been lurking around the bump for a couple of months now but haven't felt I found the "right thread" to jump in on until now. So let me introduce myself, I'm 26 DH will be 26 In a month. We have a 17 mo ds and two dogs. We have been talking about ttc again for a few months but it wasn't until recently that we set an actual timeline.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set?
- we will start trying after af in April.
2.What's holding you back?
- DH doesn't feel quite ready yet. He insists he will be when we start in April. We are both in our best friends wedding in June so I don't really want to be humongous in my bridesmaid dress either. Plus having to worry about exchanging or finding a new dress last minute.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad and the ugly.
- waiting for me is a lot harder than it is for DH. I occasionally ask him if he has thought about moving our timeline up a month but he isn't on board. He is a "make a plan and stick to it" kind of guy.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to hopefully sharing a bmb with some of you
Edited for spacing
Re: February Check In
This changes frequently... DH is set on September, I would prefer June. I have this nagging feeling that it is going to take us a while to get KU so I would rather start sooner than later. I don't want to start before he's ready but in my mind "what's the difference of 3 months? What makes you more ready in that time?" Sigh!
2. What's holding you back?
Mostly just that we are paying off debt and building savings. But I feel really good about the way DH and I handle money and how we have been paying down our student loans, which I used to worry about. I feel more secure in this area and that was really the only thing holding me back from TTC! DH is such an amazing guy and sooo great with kids, much better than myself! But I think the idea of such a big change really scares him, so he wants to wait, which I want to be respectful of.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
Right now it's just weighing on me. I got a little baby crazy last summer when I first went off my BC and wanted to dive into TTC head first! But we decided Fall 2016 ish was the time we would start. So I cooled off for a while, and now I'm getting wrapped up in the idea again. It's not just for me, I just truly cannot wait to have a baby with him, if that should be in the cards for us. Anyways, I'm currently trying to distract myself with other things (and failing miserably
1. 2 months!!! April is our month. Really though right now are not trying and not doing the best at preventing.
2. Our vacation in April is holding us back. I don't want to be sick on our last hurrah vacation. Plus id like to try and loose another 10-15 lbs before april (yes i realize to only put it back on) I've been a champ at my diet. More about getting healthier and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
3. It's like confusing because im fine with waiting. I've never been so healthy and felt so good. We've been planning April 2016 for about a year. So this year has been getting healthier and active. Also, it has been brought us closer. We are enjoying every last minute of freedom together. So in a sense the waiting period has been wonderful (if any of that makes sense?) but we are excited to move into the next step soon. I think he is nervous as am i but we are ok with it.
2. We've had this planned for quite awhile, we wanted to get a few debts paid down and I went back to school 2 years ago, so I wanted to get a little closer to graduation day. Plus, next fall DD1 & DD2 will be in school all day, so it will give me an easier time handling baby at home with schoolwork.
3. I'm 100% ready now. I'm nervous about how long it will take since I've had my IUD in for 4 years, but I'm hoping for the best and plan to just have fun without stressing too much.
1. How many months until you TTC, if you have a timeline set?
--About 11 months, as we are planning on TTC in January/Feb 2017
2. What's holding you back?
--Career and finances. We make really good money, but want to finish paying student loan debt. Also, I just transitioned to leading an institution 6 months ago and I am still adjusting.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
Some days it's hard emotionally to wait. But then days like today, where I am exhausted, frustrated and stressed, I am grateful I can come home and just be with my DH to relax.
- 11 months, we plan to start TTC in Jan/Feb 2017
2. What's holding you back?
- Finances. We make good money, but have a ridiculous amount of student loan debt from each of us having attended law school. We have never used a budget up until now, but we just started buckling down hardcore. I set some budget goals and am hoping that we achieve them all by next January!
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
It is honestly terrible. I know the logical reasons we should wait, but I want a baby so badly and waiting another year to START trying just seems so far away. Especially when you are trying to save money (aka not go do all the fun things that would probably distract me like vacations, etc.) lol. Can anyone relate?
Me: 28 Him: 30
Married: 11/15/14
TTC: 02/2016
IF DX: MFI (low count & morphology) & mild PCOS
June 2016 BFP - MC @8w2d
August 2016 BFP - MC @6w1d
June 2017 - 50 mg Clomid + Ovidrel + IUI = BFP 7/6/17!!
Beta #1 = 422 (14dpo), Beta #2 = 810, prog - 12.3 (16dpo), Beta #3 = 5023, prog - 18.9 (20dpo)
Honestly, I'm tired of waiting. Especially since there are 3 women on my floor at work that are pregnant, and our bladders seem to be synced so we're constantly in the restroom at the same time. I have bump envy.
Punk's birthday: 3-28-17
6 months we are planning on starting TTC in August
2. What's holding you back?
A couple things. We are planning on going to Europe (Paris and Rome) in May. My DH is in accounting and working on his CPA he will take the exam in September and if he passes he will get a raise which we definitely could use as I plan to be a stay at home mom after baby arrives. Also we are trying to plan baby around tax season because DH is often MIA in April so we would like to avoid an April baby.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
The goal in life has always been to get married and have babies and now that it is so close I am getting very impatient. On the one hand I am very happy to just be married and enjoy all that has to offer, but on the other I see my cousins and sister-in-law with their new babies and the waiting gets harder. It doesn't help when at every baby shower someone comes up and says "You're next!"
Seriously! That is a major pet peeve of mine
Four-ish months or so.
2. What's holding you back?
DH is deploying soon, so we plan on TTC when he gets back. That way, if we do get lucky enough to get pregnant, he'll be around for (hopefully) the whole pregnancy and birth.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
I'm excited! I finally went off BCP, that way I have time to let my body figure itself out and attempt to determine signs of ovulation and what not. I'm a little impatient now that we are so close, but I'm trying to use this extra time to pay off loans and get things done.
6 months to go. We plan to start in August.
2. What's holding you back?
We have about $20k in credit card debt that we are aggressively paying off. If we continue on the same schedule, we will have it paid off in September and will use the months during pregnancy to put that extra money towards baby fund. I also have a family trip planned the first week in August that I do not really want to be pregnant during.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
Waiting is awful! I'm trying to just enjoy the time to relax but it's so hard not to think about it everyday, multiple times a day! I'm constantly recalculating our debt to see how we can reach our goal sooner, and reconsidering how important it is for me to go on the family vacation vs. TTC sooner. I have a month and a half left of BCP in my bathroom... I was planning to refill another 3 months worth once these are gone but it's going to be so hard to go refill that prescription!
6 months!! Stopping BC at the end of July, anything goes in August
2. What's holding you back?
I graduate with my masters degree in April 2017 and want my due date to clear that month
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
I feel antsy! We just booked an Alaskan cruise vacation in August (which is my break between Summer semester and Fall semester as well as our first TTC month). It helps to keep me to my plan and not to consider things like just taking online classes my last semester and not worrying about the possibility of having a baby before I graduate.
We pushed TTC date back 2 years when I decided to go back to school, and I know the smarter decision is to wait out the entire duration, it is just not always the easiest wait since we've been talking about when we want to start trying since we got engaged in 2013
Sometimes 6 months feels like it'll go by quickly and other times it feels too far away to think about!
2 1/2 months. I'm getting off birth control in May.
2. What's holding you back?
Money, but we will have both cars and all debt but student loans and the mortgage paid off in June.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
I hate it. I can relate to @Heatho620 so much right now. Last summer, we made plans to start trying during the summer of 2016. I work with FOUR pregnant women. Every effing day I hear all about their pregnancies. To be honest, it has me scared to be pregnant. I am flooded with all these negative things about pregnancy daily. I also am keeping my burning desire for a child between my husband and me. I just don't want the world to know until it happens. I've never had a child, and at this point, I don't know how easy or hard conceiving will be. I pretend I don't care, even though it rips my heart out when people tell me "I'm next," because they have no idea that I'm hiding how bad I don't want to be NEXT. I want to be NOW.
5 months. We are going to start trying in July.
2. What's holding you back? Our vacation that we have planned in July that I don't want to be pregnant for. Plus DH is finishing graduate school in May, and he didn't want another child until he is done.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
I am pretty antsy waiting right now. I know at least 10 people who are pregnant right now, which makes me a tiny bit jealous.
DD 1 10/2012
CP 9/2013
DD 2 6/2014
CP 3/2016
BFP 12/8/2016
As of the moment, we're looking to start up again in August, so another 6 months? I have a nagging feeling that hubby will try to convince me to push the date back again. I don't know if I can stick around TB if that happens.
2. What's holding you back?
Schooling. I returned to college to finish my Nursing degree last year, and I have 5 semesters left, counting the current one (two years). I didn't want to have a due date in the middle of the semester, so we TTC for 4 cycles, and then went back to TTA as of last November.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad, the ugly!
I hate it. Logically, I know it's the best thing to do. But, after four months of TTC and the ups and downs and the hopes every month that I'd get a BFP... I hate not even having that thought anymore. I'm only 23, but I feel like I'm losing valuable years. I know that's ridiculous, since I have a lot of years of (hopefully) good eggs left, but... Nagging feeling.
Me: 30 | DH: 34 | DSS: 14 | DS: 4
PG #2, EDD 10/12/2023
2. My SO is worried about money.
3. bad! My SO is in his mid 40s so there is also that worry... Like if not now, then never
TW: Loss
1. Not sure. A lot of factors to consider.
2. Mainly the fact that I'm healing from head injuries.
3. Frustrated, but understanding.
1. ~6 months. I plan on going off my pill in July and trying after my period in August.
2. Finances, job, and housing. Well finances and housing kind of tie together. We have saved up and are paying off his truck and the last of my student loans this week. Then we start saving for a downpayment on a house. I'm considering being a SAHM after the baby is born but would like to be in a good position with my current job and money so that we can make a more educated decision when the time comes.
3. It depends on the day. Some days I want to just go off the pill and start trying now. I get bump envy when I see pregnant women and baby envy when I see babies. Other days I am nervous about how long it is going to take. I'd love if it happened the first or second month but what if it takes us a year or more. Still other days I start to think about what I'll be missing. I mentioned going back to Jamaica for our 5 yr anniversary and DH just says we won't have money for that. We talked about visiting Europe but again DH is convinced we won't have the money. He's probably right and in the end if I had to choose I'd choose the baby but it kind of sucks that he won't even consider the possibility of being able to have a vacation and a baby. I'm not saying we go every year but really you're not willing to consider saving up some for 5 years? Most of the days are too excited, less are nervous, and still less are me worried about missing out on life.
Married: October, 19, 2015
EDD 2/22/17
EDD 3/8/20
EDD 11/24/23
(Formerly Marriedhamstermom Feb ‘17)
6 months, depending on my cycle, either late July or August
2. What's holding you back?
DH and I would like to wait until he has been at his new job for a year before TTC. Also, I need to finish my last spring semester of graduate school before a baby is born.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
In the great words of Inigo Montoya: I hate to wait. However, DH and I recently set August as our TTC date so I have been mentally preparing for that time. I have started reading Taking Control of Your Fertility, which has been quite informative and helpful. I use the Fertility Friend app to track my cycle. Also, I have been making a point to eat healthy and exercise regularly. Basically, I am trying to concentrate on making my body, mind, and DH ready to TTC so August will get here sooner!
*confession: if I see a cute onesie or baby outfit on clearance for a really good price, I will buy it as a way to start my future baby's wardrobe. I have about 15 outfits I have collected over the past 2 years. Does anyone else do this?
1. We plan on starting in June.
2. We are trying to bulk up our savings/e-fund and finish paying my student loans. We have about 8 months left of loan payments.
3. The waiting has been really hard the past few weeks. I feel like that's all I think about. I have been doing a crazy amount of reading and also have been trying to change my eating habits. I think DH has grown tired of hearing me talk about it and I know I really need to relax about it.
*added question...
In one of the preparing for pregnancy books I was reading, it mentioned that H should have a 'pre-TTC' appointment. Has anyone else's DH made a point of doing this before ttc? It seemed like it was basically for a blood work up but wasn't sure if it was necessary.
1 month. I go off birth control next week, eek!
2. What's holding you back?
My obgyn said to wait until after a visit from AF, otherwise previously it had been waiting until I found a new job but we decided that my benefits are great so why keep waiting.
3. How are you feeling about waiting? The good, the bad the ugly!
Nervous, I feel like I'm ready, but also not. I thought we'd wait quite a bit longer than we are, but my husband is ready and thinks he's getting old, ha! He turns 30 in a couple months and doesn't want to be as old as his parents were.