July 2016 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday!

What's being a twatwaffle today?

🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
♥ Stillborn 2015 

Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday!

  • My doctor's office is a twatwaffle and it's only 8am. They neglected to send in my FMLA paperwork by the deadline, so I was denied. I'm tempted to say fuck it, post my job, I don't really want to go back anyways....but then, you know, bills....
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  • Dealing with all the insurance crap and trying to get a rental from the fiancé hitting a coyote is a twatwaffle. I woke up early to do this because he had to go to the airport and yet... I can't go get the car so that's cool too
  • Frickin hip pain ugh and needing food constantly 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Morning sickness. I was up every hour on the hour throwing up (TMI) bile & blood last night. After not throwing up for a week. And I need Gatorade ASAP and groceries but I don't want to leave the house. 
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
  • My dog, Timber, pissed a riverrrrr in her crate. I tried to get her outside as soon as she ran out, but Nooo she ran all over the house first with her pee paws. Ugh. Her bladder is the worst!! She pees, comes back inside and pees more .. Why! Also my husband is gone for the next 2 weeks and I have 0 friends down here.. No joke. Literally 0. I'm lonelyyyyy. 
  • AB34 said:
    Morning sickness. I was up every hour on the hour throwing up (TMI) bile & blood last night. After not throwing up for a week. And I need Gatorade ASAP and groceries but I don't want to leave the house. 
    Blood? Oh no. I hope you're okay.
    BabyFetus Ticker
    July BMB May Signature Challenge

  • Our insurance is a TW. We pay about 1300 a month, pay a copay every time we go and I have a 500 deposit for he OB. Apparently they only cover cleaning for the dentist but not the dentist coming in to look at your teeth. This is the first time we've had insurance through DH's work and I hate it. It would be cheaper for us to not have insurance and pay out of pocket. After spending 1300 a month, I don't even have money to go see the doc. 
  • Yikes feel better soon @AB34 !!
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Morning sickness and my stomach issues are the tw today...ugh I need to stay out of the bathroom so I can teach! Sorry to all you ladies feeling shitty today too
  • @noelietrex weighted blankets are the best! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • I'm the twatwaffle. Again. Between DH snoring (and yes he is wearing the extra strength breathe right strips and they just don't work) and my night terrors no one is sleeping. I'm going to drink a big fat cup of black coffee and I'm not sorry at all! I tossed and turned and screamed and cried and hit DH all night long. And when I wasn't doing that his horrible snoring woke us both several times... Apparently I have serious anxiety that I'm going to get huge and pregnant and everyone in my life is going to abandon me. DH says he's buying me a weighted blanket. Ugh. Bring on the newborn. We don't sleep anyway.
    Has he ever had a sleep study? My dad was the worst when we were growing up, we could hear him all over the house. He refused to ever go to a dr. After he had a stroke and got his shit together, he final did a sleep study. He got a CPAP and it is AMAZING. He says he can't believe he waited all these years to get it. He sleeps great, it's quiet, and he doesn't snore. Plus, my mom says she sleeps better too. 
    I am sorry you aren't sleeping well, being tired is the worst,especially when you feel exhausted bc of pregnancy anyways. Hopefully you get some relief soon!
  • noelietrexnoelietrex member
    edited February 2016
    @kcossey528 Thanks so much for the support and a sleep study is a great idea if this keeps up! DH has gained about 20lbs since I've gotten pregnant and just started snoring with the weight gain. I'm hoping getting his weight back down some will help, but if that doesn't do it a sleep study will be in his future! Thanks again :)
  • Frickin hip pain ugh and needing food constantly 
    Have you looked into yoga positions to help? I've been putting my feet together and then bringing them towards my back and it's helping me a lot. Picture for explanation purposes.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @maddmama I'm in the same boat! My DH is out of town until the last weekend in February and all my friends suck. Literally I have decided to stop talking to them because they just don't respond. All I have is my work wife and we are both busy so I'm super lonely. Yesterday I cried for a whole hour because I have to spend Valentine's Day alone and have to go to our A/S by myself. 
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I have two TW's today.  #1 is the pain near/under my C/S scar from about 4 and a half years ago.  It seriously hurts to walk.  #2 is the snow that's taunting me from the other side of my window in my office at work.  I want to go play (though that would probably be cut short by TW #1), or at least be able to chill in my living room on the couch with a mug of hot cocoa and watch it snow.

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


  • @AAAG13 Aw I'm sorry. It's the worst :( and I'm a big ole baby and totally get scared alone at night.
  • My doctors office is my TW today. Normally they are fantastic and I love them, but my doctor isn't in today and the nurse I talked to was a total TW. Her advice for me when I called and said that my nausea from HG is having a terrible flare up was "try to eat a cracker, even if it takes you an hour, and then call me back in a few hours". Really?! I probably need to be admitted for rehydration and you tell me to eat a cracker and call you later?
  • @thebigoaktree That's such a cute claddagh ring! Is that onyx stone in the heart??
  • My insurance & PCP office are the TW's today. For some reason I have to get ANOTHER referral to the midwives from my PCP due to changes in my plan, despite having been referred to them back in November for my pregnancy. Obviously still pregnant and the PA I spoke to on the phone from my PCP was super confused about why I was asking for a referral to the midwives that I've already been seeing for the last 4 months. If I don't jump through this hoop, my insurance won't cover prenatal care even though it's the same company, just a change in plan types. 

    My my other bitch is that all these offices I have to call are only open 8-5, so I have to waste valuable eating time on breaks to make calls and sit on hold. 
  • @thebigoaktree That's such a cute claddagh ring! Is that onyx stone in the heart??
    Emerald, since my bday is in may. It's at a weird angle. 

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My hips are the TW today.. woke up maybe 3 or 4 times last night with intense pain in one or both of them. I have been doing so much stretching and exercising too, so it's just so frustrating to me that nothing is working. The weather also sucks. It's super cold today and is supposed to stick around until Thursday, and my car always has trouble when it gets this cold.. I have to carry WD-40 in my purse because my doors don't like to shut. I really hate winter.
  • Going with the pain theme, my back is a twatwaffle.  I seriously am already walking and feeling like I am in third trimester.  Every time I go from sitting or laying to standing it hurts and takes me a bit to get going.

    I can't be this lame already, it's way too early to feel this pregnant.
  • Going with the pain theme, my back is a twatwaffle.  I seriously am already walking and feeling like I am in third trimester.  Every time I go from sitting or laying to standing it hurts and takes me a bit to get going.

    I can't be this lame already, it's way too early to feel this pregnant.
    STM life! And this is your third, right? @oandmplus1

    It's my second, but my OB warned me the discomfort would start much sooner. Man was she on point
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • Re: STM back pain: The heating pad has been my bff lately.
  • STM here and I'm in the same boat, especially after work, I can barely move around when I get home. It sucks!
  • AB34 said:
    AB34 said:
    Morning sickness. I was up every hour on the hour throwing up (TMI) bile & blood last night. After not throwing up for a week. And I need Gatorade ASAP and groceries but I don't want to leave the house. 
    Blood? Oh no. I hope you're okay.
    thank you! I looked it up and apparently it's common when you're throwing up a lot, typically just a small tear in the esophageal lining. DH is a nurse and wasn't concerned. I'm not throwing up anymore but if it continued I'd call the dr. 
    Same thing happened to me last Friday-- I was so worried that DH took me to the ER-- all is well, exactly what you said. Plus side was that we got to see the LO again. Sorry that this happened to you too!

  • My job is the TW today. Why can't I just get paid to sit here and bump all day??? Motivation.
  • UPS is a twatwaffle... or maybe Motherhood Maternity... or maybe both. I ordered two pairs of maternity jeans that were supposed to arrive this week because it turns out I hate my pants that I had leftover from last time. I was so excited to get them and then got the shipping confirmation that said this. Pretty sure I'm gonna be 32 weeks pregnant before I ever see these pants...

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
  • My TW is my body. I have a UTI and ugh. Miserable. 
  • My TW is DH. He's usually awesome. The last 2 days though I've been going to work with him (family business) and so I have to get up early enough to do that. I also then have to have leftovers from the night before for breakfast & lunch. I can't do non-warm food (like cereal or fruit only) for breakfast/lunch because we have no heat at home or shop (it's OK-I'm in Florida it's still at least 60 inside) and if I eat cold stuff I shiver for hours. He hasn't come to bed before midnight the last several nights even though I've been in bed waiting at 10 pm. I am such a terrible sleeper I can't fall asleep if he's awake. So now I'm super tired and cranky and he's pissed at me that we have to cook more food for dinner tonight because there's not enough leftovers to feed me at work tomorrow if we don't. But I'm only working full days with him because the ILs are coming into town tomorrow and we want to get caught up so he can work less while they're staying with us. I'm cranky because of him, and he's made at me for needing more food made because of him?

    I know, not a serious issue, just a dumb moment on his part, but I'm starving and frustrated and feeling super huge today.
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • daycare.  whyyyyy is it so expensive.  I'm trying to get a job at a different school, and it would cover the difference, but I don't want to just change jobs because of the money.  But I also don't know how we will pay for it otherwise... ugh...
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • So on Tuesdays I like to workout in the morning since I work until 7:15 but I had a friend who really wanted me to workout with her and lift so I agreed and did not do my morning workout. I skipped a movie night at our apartment I wanted to go to well I get to the gym and text her letting her know I got there as she asked me to do when i reminded her the other before when I was going to get there..

    Does she show?! Nope! Says she will just go later and no apology uh what?! I was doing you a favor and you flake on me gee thanks... 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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