Babies: 0 - 3 Months


No judgment please. My son never had it so I'm new when it comes to thrush. My daughter seems to have white patches on her lips tongue and a bit on her gums. She is nursing fine and I have a doctors appointment already on Thursday. My question is, do you think it's ok to wait until Thursday or should I see if I can get in earlier? As I said it doesn't seem to be affecting her latch at all as she is nursing and will take her soother. Thank you!

Re: Thrush

  • Could it be milk?
    This is just me, but I would just watch it closely and wait until Thursday. If it was affecting her eating or comfort than I'd go right in. 
    However, my pedi does have open hours though in the morning, so it's very easy for us to go in and get seen without an appointment. If this is an option for you, than it might be a good idea to get your lo on treatment before it gets worse.
  • I'd wait until Thursday unless it's really causing a problem. 
    I thought my LO had thrush but turns out it was only milk film. My pedi said thrush usually presents in the sides of the mouth in addition to tongue. 
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  • If you start to notice that your nipples are bright red or experiencing severe pain, then I would call. Otherwise,  I agree to wait until Thursday.  Thrush is the pits, so you'll want to nip it in the bud if either of you are experiencing pain. 
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