
Exclusively pumping?

My 2 month old just stopped accepting my breast at feeding. He won't even try to latch on, but will go right on his pacifier and, when I've given up after a half hour of trying, the bottle. He eats a lot from the bottle, so I know he's hungry and likes my milk. I've tried different positions, having my breast be full and not as full, feeding from the bottle a little and trying to swap to breast,... nothing is working. I'm now thinking about how I might have to start exclusively pumping. I'm going to call my ped tomorrow to ask for suggestions. Anybody have this happen and have success getting baby to latch again? Any help, either with getting him back to boob, or tips on EPing would be great. I'm just trying to keep it together. It's heartbreaking and I'm having a hard time accepting it.

Re: Exclusively pumping?

  • Here are some tips from Kellymom about getting baby back on the breast:

    You'll want to contact a lactation consultant for help. 

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  • I don't have advice on how to get him back to breast, but when my baby boy was 8 weeks old I switched to EP bc of oversupply, he has reflux and he was constantly gagging and choking. He did so much better with the bottle so for his sake I decided to pump. I also had a 1.5 year old at thr time, so it was not easy at first being home alone with both of them, feeding the baby every 2 hours and having to pump but I got in a routine and now wr still going strong at almost 7 months! I pump every 3-4 hours, have been able to drop the nighttime pump and have taken supplements a few times intermittently when I've felt a drop in supply or when he's having a growth spurt. Some days are harder than others, but it's been worth it! Drink lots of water and stay the course (if you want to, I know it's not for everyone and that's ok)! 
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  • La Leche League is a great resource. If there's no local group near you, there is a toll free line linking you to experienced women. 
  • Thanks everyone! We had a bit of success today (at the 3am feeding) and he latched for a fee minutes. It's been 2 days since he latched last. I've been trying some of the tricks in that article, like trying to offer the breast in places he's happy, like his changing table. Nothing worked, but I kept offering it to him before I would go to the bottle at each feeding, and finally he took!
     I have an appointment with a LC on wednesday. She thinks this could be a good reason for a nipple shield. I've read mixed reviews on them, but I'm pretty open to trying one if it's the only way to get him to latch consistantly. 
    I think he might be having a growth spurt and wasn't feeling like he was getting enough quickly. He usually has a bottle at night and eats about 2.5 oz. And he usually eats every 2-3 hours during the day. The past 2 days he's been eating 3.5 oz every 1.5-2 hours during the day. 
    EPing was hard! I only have one baby, and am still on leave and I felt like all I was doing was pumping, feeding, and changing diapers. Plus it was hard to keep up with his demand. I didn't have to break in to the freezer stash, but will soon if it keeps up. I'm seriously impressed with how other women do it. I'm exhausted after 2 days! 
    Thanks again for the advice. Hopefully he'll either stop the strike or take well to the shield. Or we'll just have to get good at pumping.
  • I DONT recommend the shield. It took us 7 weeks to ween from it, it can mess with your supply and it's a pain. My DD actually refused the shield at one point as well. Keep at it, I latch my lo when we are walking around so she's a bit distracted and then I'll sit down once she's latched.
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