I'm wondering when and how you knew you'd picked the right name for your child(ren)?
We have a pretty good feeling about what name we're probably going to pick for our LO. But while searching names, I never had that "wow"-moment that I had expected going into this. I never felt like I'd found the perfect moniker. Even with the name we're likely sticking with, I still have some small doubts. They're insignificant compared to the bigger doubts I have about any other name we've considered, but that doesn't mean they're not still on my mind. I'm wondering if this is just me being extremely picky or if this is setting me up for name regret?
Of course we still have a few months to go until DD gets here, so we're in no rush to decide. And it's not like I dislike the name we have. It was an informed decision and I'm perfectly content with it. I'm just missing that feeling of "we've got it and we don't need to keep looking because it doesn't get better than this". Right now I'm just terribly insecure about ever making a final decision. I guess I was just expecting a name to jump out to me and convince me so thoroughly that I couldn't imagine any other name in its place. And now I'm curious whether that's how it usually goes for people, or whether it's normal to only be 99.9% convinced of your choice.
So, to all of you who have already named children... How did you know it would be the name you'd definitely choose and how did you feel about it? Was there no doubt in your mind or were you still on the fence about one or two possible drawbacks? And if you were, did you end up with name regret or did it straighten itself out once baby "owned" the name?
Welcome, Baby Lola!
Lorenza Justice, born 04/24/2016, 34w6d, 4lbs 8oz, 17 inchesHome, healthy & happy
~ A., A. & L.J. - our family is complete ~
Re: How did you know?
He's 4 months now and I still love the name and couldn't picture him as anything else, though for the first couple of months I wondered if we made the right decision but I'm very happy with our decision now. I think that's just part of my personality. Im just not that decisive and confident. I don't think I'll ever be as confident that a name is "it" as some other people. If you made a thoughtful decision and are 99% sure I think that's ok. Any reservations will fade as the child grows into their name. I know as he grows into it and gets more of a personality I will love it more and more and be sure it was perfect.
Eta: while I wondered whether we picked the right name right after birth I never had regret or wished we'd chosen something different. He didn't "seem" like any name. I didn't know him yet. It's just that it's such a big decision I would wonder about it no matter what! Sorry this became so long. But I felt the same way as you and thought I'd share my experience and realization that I'm just not the type of person who will have that "this is for sure it" feeling. Maybe you aren't either.
So DH just kept at me about it, and we ended up using it. I had to go thru another mental adjustment name-wise, where I just used his name often. Now I love his name and couldn't imagine using the compromise name. I tried to say it to myself just now, and it sounded weird, haha
That name sort of locked us into a sibset theme and took us down a different path than if we'd chosen any of the others on the list. Boy 2 was decided halfway thru my pregnancy and boy 3 we knew from the start. Once you have older siblings you have fewer choices in my opinion. I'm happy with our sibset and if we have a 4th kid I already know what we'd name a boy. A girl name is a little more uncertain but we had ideas.
When we were deciding on the middle name we had a hard time. We had a long list and my husband picked one and I noticed any other name just didn't sound right. So I guess that was my "ah ha" moment for the full name.
As far as a boy's name..we had a name that we both liked, but were still throwing around alternatives when we had our ultrasound and found out it was a girl.