3rd Trimester

Being induced!

So I went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was up.  (I've been at the hospital already for elevated bp)The doctor comes in and says "how do u feel about having a baby on Monday?" So that's what we're doing!!  (I will be just shy of 38 weeks) I think I may have had a small panic attack in the office just because I wasn't expecting that at all.  I'm so excited for him to be here,  but I'm actually going to miss having him in my belly and feeling his little kicks and hiccups : ( I'm sure what I'm feeling is normal,  but I just wanted to share with everyone and ask for prayers that everything will go smoothly!  

Re: Being induced!

  • Glad they're taking good care of you and baby. Best wishes on Monday!

  • congratulations :) 
    you might get better/more responses if you post this on your BMB. 
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  • I'm actually currently being induced for the same reason. I had my 38 week appointment this morning and my doctor had me go straight to the hospital. So far it kind of sucks, but I'm trying to not have any pain meds. Good luck!
  • So I went to the doctor today and my blood pressure was up.  (I've been at the hospital already for elevated bp)The doctor comes in and says "how do u feel about having a baby on Monday?" So that's what we're doing!!  (I will be just shy of 38 weeks) I think I may have had a small panic attack in the office just because I wasn't expecting that at all.  I'm so excited for him to be here,  but I'm actually going to miss having him in my belly and feeling his little kicks and hiccups : ( I'm sure what I'm feeling is normal,  but I just wanted to share with everyone and ask for prayers that everything will go smoothly!  
    Wishing you a  happy, healthy delivery today or tomorrow (depending on how long it takes).

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  • Congrats. I was induced and it went great.

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

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  • Oops just saw how old this post is.

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

    Pregnancy Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Congrats. I was induced and it went great.
    Wait..... induced with your first, or with the newest little one??? Its too soon for anymore June babies!!!

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