How far along are you?
How are you feeling?
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?)
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!)
Re: Weekly check in 2/5
How are you feeling? This was a very emotional week for me and a really tough one. I mc at 8 weeks and so a lot of that came up for me. I think I am going to start slowly telling some family and friends now that I made it past that mark. Unbelievably I still feel pretty darn good for being in the first tri. My intestines are definitely starting to be pushed up and so my belly is going out, darn short torso. I am so tired from all the emotion this week and not sleeping well. boo
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) So no midwife appointments on the horizon yet as I figure that all out but..I have an appointment with an OBGYN on the 17th to FINALLY get started on my 1st trimester stuff. I'll be 10w3d and hopefully with have an u/s at 11 weeks.
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!)
Travel has been our top priority in our marriage so far (and my whole life in general.) My top top travel destination on my bucket list was bora bora and we made it there in 2012. I would LOVE to go back there any old day or anywhere in that region of the world. But now I'd say South Africa/Australia/Goa are at the top of my list.
On the domestic front this will probably sound so weird but getting central air conditioning is on the top of my list. In southern california none of the homes have AC because for the most part we never need it except 2 weeks out of the year. This past summer was brutal for about 6 weeks, and I was sick it was so hot at times. Now that I'll (hopefully) be very pregnant in the hottest time of year AC is a must! So we are getting central AC installed next month!!! ye haw!
On my anti-bucket list is I will never ever go river surfing on a boogie board down class 3 rapids EVER AGAIN. We were in New Zealand and took this excursion where they give you a very floaty wet suit, a boogie board and set you loose down a river that has some serious rapids. I though I would die multiple times during that tip and because you have absolutely no control of yourself you will "run" people over as you float past them. At one point I ran my DH over and pushed him into an underwater whirlpool where he was stuck for a good 30 seconds. Thankfully that happen to him and not me. Man those Kiwi's do some crazy stuff!
How are you feeling? I feel pretty good! Second trimester has been treating me well. I'm starting to pack on some pounds and feel a little out of breath, which I hope doesn't have too much impact my big hiking trips planned for next week.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) Nope. I don't have an appointment until 2/22.
Rants/Raves/Questions. I'm noticing less movement in the past week (22wks) than I did the past few weeks. I read somewhere that babies sleep more starting around now. Any other moms out there who noticed this? I just want to make sure I shouldn't be worried.
GTKY: I have a long bucket list and most of it involves traveling and/or outdoor adventures. I'm checking off one item next week - hiking in Big Bend National Park! Other places on my list: Iceland, Alaska, a Caribbean island, loads of other NPs (Olympic, Rocky Mountain, Denali, King's Canyon, Virgin Islands), an African safari, Inca Trail/Machu Picchu. We're working on hiking all 4000+ foot-tall mountains in New Hampshire (completed 37 of 48 so far). I also want to own a home, learn to meditate, read more, cook more, have more sex, and rejoice in unconditional love.
Things I did when I was younger that I don't want to do again include being afraid to take risks, not being in love, and working too hard.
Married 5/30/15
TTC #1 June 2015
BFP #1 9/28/15, EDD 6/10/16. DS born 5/23/16!
TTC #2 May 2017
BFP #2 m/c 11/18/17 5w5d
BFP #3 12/17/17 EDD 8/25/18. It's a boy!
feeling good, working out consistently again, lost a few lbs from that stomach flu last week and finally getting my appetite back. An excuse to eat more cake?! I think so! By the end of the day the pressure in my belly is a lot, so I try to get as much done in the first half of my da. If only my husband were home then so we could have sex, it's just too hard at night, poor guy.
I have have an apt on 2/9, just a checkup. I'm not sure about movement @redheadbride15, just really started to feel baby in the last week, I have an anterior placenta. And this little nugget seems to want to move right when I lay down for bed, funny girl;) you shouldn't be worried, as long as your feeling the babe on some level. So awesome that you've climbed 37 out of 48 mountains, quite an accomplishment!
gtky: travel travel travel! Bora bora was always on my hit list but I have zero patience for flying for 24 hrs, worth it @createillumination?? Ideally, I'd just like to take months off and do that side of the world! Next on my hit list would be southern Italy and Spain. I've been to London for brothers wedding and Paris. But I'd love to see the non touristy parts of Europe, Tuscany sounds dreamy. We have endless money supply right?!
anti bucket: I will never ever ever jump out of a plane or so anything related to heights, heights terrify me. Even climbing to the top of a mountain, I'll stand very far back from the edge. My hubs is a dare devil, jumps out of planes as part of his job, yikes!
@redheadbride15 wowza awesome. Big bend will be amazing!
How are you feeling? I don't know if it's because they are twins or if it's because this is my third pregnancy, but I feel so, so pregnant. My stomach is protruding and I look about 20 weeks pregnant and I feel a lot of weight in my uterus. It's very odd for being as early as I am.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) I have another appointment and ultrasound on Monday. I'm averaging every two weeks, which really eases my worry. I'm very grateful!
Rants/Raves/Questions When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was violently ill from 6-17 weeks, even having to go to the ER for dehydration from throwing up. I thought for sure that two babies would kick my tail, but I've just been nauseous and have only thrown up once. I'll totally call that a rave!
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!). Travel is always a part of my bucket list. I love it and there are so many places that I still want to see. I've also said that before I die, I want to learn to play the guitar and learn to take gorgeous portraits of my family. I have absolutely no desire to do anything that would put my life in danger (I.e. bungee jumping or skydiving.) I liked that stuff when I was younger and I'm not scared, really, but I can't see the point of doing something so dangerous. I want to see my kids graduate from college!
How are you feeling? I have been blessed with an incredibly easy first tri (other than my little scare at the ER last weekend). Other than still being ravenously hungry at all times and being slightly more tired, I feel pretty much like my old self. I am getting the slightest hint of sciatic pain (which I has with DS) so I have a feeling that will start to give me more trouble as I get bigger in the 2nd and 3rd tri.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) Meeting with the geneticist and Harmony blood draw next week on 2/12. First midwife appointment (my OB has released me to the midwife part of the practice that I delivered with last time) on 2/15. Assuming we hear a healthy heartbeat on the doppler, I think we will finally let our parents and some other close family/friends in on the secret after the appointment.
Rants/Raves/Questions My rant is about the f-ing Zika virus. Not only has it messed up what would have been an awesome baby moon in Puerto Rico, I am having to deal with the most frustrating, incompetent customer service system at American Airlines. I want to be able to re-book a trip in the US (@Wyattnash00 - we're actually thinking Nashville, so I'll need recommendations if that's what we decide on) but I need a refund of our AA tickets first and they're making things very, very difficult. Argh.
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!)
Two major items on my bucket list are learn to play guitar (which I started this summer but got derailed by the double whammy of my mc and my teacher leaving the country for 6weeks - need to get back on that!) and learn to speak Spanish fluently. DP and I plan to spend a summer living in Latin America with the kiddos (in 5 or so years), and I'm hoping that will go a long way to helping me cross no. 2 off the list.
As for never want to do again - I would put TTC on the top of my list! Assuming all goes well with this LO, we will have our two and close up shop. It was not an easy road either time and I will happily get that IUD inserted and never look back!
Feeling pretty good. I am super exhausted, per usual, but also have this weird "I'm-so-hungry-but-wait-I'm-not" feeling all the time. Like I want to eat always, but very few things appeal. And those that do are not good for me.
i'm also feeling way more pregnant than I should, @Ssoccerball My blump is out of control and I actually dug out my old maternity clothes yesterday. Sadly, I couldn't find the yoga pants and I only have the jeans I hated left. I want to wait til 12 weeks to go shopping, but at this rate, I'm not sure I'll be able to. I was in maternity clothes by 14 weeks with my son, so I guess I'll be lucky if I make it to 12 weeks before I have to commit to them this time. Really, though, I love maternity clothes. Sooooo comfy!
As I shared on Monday, we had our first u/s and appt this week. It was so great. I can't wait to go back on 2/29.
Bucket list--travel with my DH and kiddos. I got to do a lot more traveling than my DH did before we got married. I would love to go to South Africa someday, but I'll be happy to travel anywhere with him. I hope we can provide good travel opportunities for our kids too. That was such a huge part of my experience growing up. I also am going to steal more sex and more unconditional love from @redheadbride15 's list!
Anti-bucket list: stop worrying so much about what people think. I'm not a mean-spirited or rude person, so I want to trust that more and trust others to see that more and just be me rather than censoring or second-guessing myself all the time.
@createillumination -- huge congrats on making through and past your loss milestone. I can only imagine how emotionally exhausting your week has been. I hope you can treat yourself to some fun this weekend and begin to enjoy this pregnancy more.
How are you feeling? Pretty good. My CNM recommended that I take an additional 2000 iu of vitamin D3, which seems to be helping keep my energy levels up.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) We are making last minute baby purchases and working on getting the house ready for when he arrives. I'm worried we won't have enough cloth diapers for him, so I purchased a few additional diaper covers, as well as wet bags for traveling and one for a diaper pail at home. We also broke down and bought a changing pad and a dresser from IKEA so I could have a changing station. I'm paranoid that I'm not going to be organized enough to cloth diaper successfully! I'm breaking all my own "experienced mom" rules when it comes to baby purchases, but at this point I no longer care-- I just want to feel 100% prepared!
Rants/Raves/Questions We have been having a plumbing problem that caused both our toilets to quit working, so that's been fun. Luckily we were able to get a plumber out ASAP who was able to get everything back into functioning order. The problem? A tampon was blocking the main sewer pipe. Luckily no one can point fingers at me for this one because I'm pregnant! My rave for this week? Indoor plumbing and a functioning sewer system. I'm extremely grateful for them!!!!
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!) I would really like to finish the last two classes I need to graduate from college! It is my goal to apply to PA school, which means I also have some science pre-requisites that I need to take, like chemistry and biology. At this point in my life achieving these goals is my top priority. In the past year I was lucky enough to be able to take my children to Europe for two months and do some long-awaited mountaineering, so I have no desire to do either for a while. I've done life a bit "backwards" so I just want to buckle down and accomplish a few more practical goals.
How are you feeling? Still feeling great! Hope this kid is as chill on the outside as he/she is on the inside!
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) I've been moved up to appointments every 2 weeks, so I'll see my midwife again next week for a regular check-in. Belly measuring normal so they'll just keep an eye on growth at this point. I'm curious to hear what the baby's position is when they start to check that because I feel this baby all over right now. It has turned from clear kicking to more rolling movements all around my belly, which feels pretty awesome. I feel the baby all the time, even when walking around and being active, which is a recent change from just nights and sitting on the couch.
Rants/Raves/Questions: Thanks to my MIL for the case of mangoes she got me last week! My favorite! Also, girl scout cookie season!
GTKY: bucket list - I love seeing all the travel on your lists! I have been so blessed by my job to have had the chance to visit so many other countries (37 and counting) and have even had my husband be able to tag along with me. On my bucket list is to return to my favorite country in the world, Thailand, with husband and baby before they turn 2 years old. I'd love to carry my babe around and sip on a dragonfruit shake.
anti-bucket list - anything strangely dangerous, like base jumping, harness-free rock climbing, swimming with sharks.
@createillumination where are you in SoCal? I'm in LA near downtown and I hear you on those 6 weeks of misery! We only have an AC window unit in our bedroom and pretty much stayed in there all the time. One weekend it was too hot to go anywhere and we sat in our living room in lawn chairs, watching tv, each hugging freezer ice packs wrapped in kitchen towels! HAHA!
How are you feeling? I feel great minus heartburn, sinus congestion and some insomnia
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) Waiting on Glucose Test results, 3D scan and 30 week appt on the 17th.
Rants/Raves/Questions: Nada for questions, but the insomnia is killing me. Woke up at 2:45 am today and working all day...sigh
GTKY: Travel, travel travel!!!! Bora Bora is on the list for sure.
@redheadbride15 same thing happened to me around the same time frame and i read its normal. If you are worried though, call your OB. I know mine would do a sonogram to ease my nerves but I wouldn't stress it.
@sporty1216, I was also hoping to wait to get maternity clothes. My youngest is 6 yrs old so I've already gotten rid of all of my clothes (excuse to shop!) but I was wanting to wait because I have no idea how big I'm going to get! Do you buy your current size only in maternity? Do you size up? Just as an aside, I was reading about this Dr. who wrote a book on twin pregnancies and she recommends eating 3100 calories a day! I repeated this information to my DH who said, "from what I've seen in the past few weeks, you'll have no trouble meeting that requirement."
@Mamafesto I'm totally with your Zika virus rant. We were going to go the Virgin Islands, but fortunately the CDC warning came out immediately before we bought tickets. So we're going to Big Bend instead!
@mthoomom Only 2 more classes to go - that's awesome!! Good for you! Keep at it! PA is an awesome career choice.
Married 5/30/15
TTC #1 June 2015
BFP #1 9/28/15, EDD 6/10/16. DS born 5/23/16!
TTC #2 May 2017
BFP #2 m/c 11/18/17 5w5d
BFP #3 12/17/17 EDD 8/25/18. It's a boy!
@redheadbride15 -- I honestly don't remember the movement patterns of my LO, but I do remember eating or drinking something sweet whenever I got nervous. Glad he moved more after your snack!
How are you feeling? Tired but in good spirits
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?). My next appointment isn't until the end of February but I'll have my glucose test after and I'm not looking forward to it. I failed it during my last pregnancy but passed the 3 hour test.
Rants/Raves/Questions. Nothing exciting to report.
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!).
I've always wanted to visit a tropical island so after the kids are big enough we plan on taking them on a big trip. Maybe Disney World first though!
@redheadbride15 I also notice a decrease in movement around that time. The baby must have had a growth spurt because my bump expanded rapidly and now she's been moving like crazy
Married 5/30/15
TTC #1 June 2015
BFP #1 9/28/15, EDD 6/10/16. DS born 5/23/16!
TTC #2 May 2017
BFP #2 m/c 11/18/17 5w5d
BFP #3 12/17/17 EDD 8/25/18. It's a boy!
5w5d, EDD 10/2
How are you feeling?
Surprisingly good. Tired a lot, some headaches, heartburn, my tummy has been a little off but no morning sickness yet.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?)
Beta drawn 5w3d was 20109... Whoa!
Progesterone (done same time) was 27.0
Thyroid panel showed TSH of 15.79. Endo upped my levo dosage by 50mcg/day. Back in 4 weeks for another thyroid panel.
I'm really worried about the TSH, but my free T3/T4 were low normal. Anyone have any experience with this? I'm extremely concerned since I know that hypothyroidism can cause delayed fetal development and miscarriage. I pray that we've caught it in time to avoid that, but I'm wondering how much I need to worry if my T3/T4 were in the normal range (i.e.: thyroid hormone levels normal), since TSH is only an indicator of thyroid function.
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!)
When we honeymooned in New Zealand, I told my husband he'd have to take me back on our tenth anniversary to visit Australia--which is where I really wanted to go. I guess that's on my bucket list! I don't have an anti-bucket list, really. I'll never eat sardines, but that's about it.
Baby GIRL born 9/16/201
BFP! EDD 8/1/2019 CP 4w2d
6 weeks 4 days
I'm feeling fine overall. Feeling the same as last week. Tired, sore boobs, easily irritated. I no longer feel bloated. I just feel like my belly is fat
I have an ultrasound appointment at the end of the day Monday. It's only been 2 weeks since making the appt., but it feels like it's been a long wait. Hoping everything looks ok.
Rave: I just had some yummy leftover pizza for breakfast.
Rant: Germs! I think I have a mild case of pink eye (for the first time ever!). Pretty much all of my preschoolers are coughing and have runny noses. Yesterday I sent one home early with a fever of nearly 103.
Question: Is it the standard recommendation to save dental appointments for the second trimester? I have a scheduled cleaning in the next couple of weeks. Assuming everything goes well on Monday I was thinking of pushing it back.
Bucket List: Finding my creative outlet. Sometimes I feel like I'm an artist without a medium.
Anti bucket list: I don't feel the need to try surfing again. I say the same about skiing, but I may give that another go because DH has been encouraging me to.
How are you feeling?
Not bad. Still really tired all the time; occasional nausea. Mostly I just feel fat!
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?)
had a great ultrasound this past Wednesday and am measuring right on target. Planning to tell our parents tomorrow!
Becoming increasingly freaked out about zika and what I will do with my DS this summer- he loves the pool and the outdoors!
bucket list:
would LOVE to go to New Zealand. Not sure I could handle the long flight, but I might just tough it out for the end result!
anti bucket list: never snowboarding again. Ouch.
Tried for DS for 1 year; one dose clomid Nov 2011 = DS born on 8/10/12
BFP 6/30/15 MMC 7wks 5 days D/E 8/9/15
BFP 1/8/16 EDD 9/9/16
Dealing with some insomnia and resulting fatigue. And I still get a bad taste in my mouth sometimes. (Like right now.)
My next appt (just Doppler, no u/s) is on the 17th.
I wish I had time to sleep during the day to make up for my sleepless nights.
Bucket list: lots more traveling, staying in another country for at least 3 months, and painting for a living.
Anti-bucket list: I've been self-employed for 10 years and I don't ever want to work for someone else again. In fact, one of the upsides of my future plans to attempt to paint for a living would be no clients (which resemble bosses).
BFP 2/19/15 • MMC found at 9 wks • D&E at 11 wks (age 36)
BFP 8/29/15 • CP (age 37)
TTC#2 since May 2017
BFP 10/18/17 • MMC found at 8 wks • Misoprostal at 10.5 wks (age 39)
BFP 2/16/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 4/13/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 5/07/18 • MMC found at 10.5 wks • D&E at 11.5 wks • Testing showed it was a girl with Trisomy 22. (age 39/40)
9/5/18 Diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (4-5 follicles, one ovary had none and was very atrophied)
RE says the low egg count is likely causing my recurrent pregnancy loss. Less eggs results in more aneuploidy.
BFP 9/24/18 • CP (age 40)
How far along are you? 18 weeks & 4 days. Half way to baby!
How are you feeling? Generally pretty good. I am eating better, my energy is pretty good and I've been sleeping better. I am a back sleeper, so I started training myself to sleep on my side which seems to be okay so far. I do wake up a couple of times a night but I fall right back asleep, provided I don't look at my phone.
On the negative side of things, I've been more emotional and quick to anger than usual, particularly at my husband. He runs his own business and has been having some difficulty with a couple of employees. He definitely brings this stress home and while I don't mind being a sounding board for some of his concerns or complaints, his stress has started to filter into our personal life. With ones own business, I feel that the line between business and personal is often blurred but he needs to figure out a way to deal with his stress. We talked about this on our vacation and I know we will work it out.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) Had an OB appt last Monday and everything seemed fine, good strong heartbeat and my vitals look good. I am trying not to worry about my weight but it is a bit of a mindf**k to see the scale creep up to just under 200#! Still about 3 more weeks until the fetal anatomy scan and meeting with a fetal genetic specialist. Today, my mother is coming to visit and we are going to do some list making and baby shopping.
Rants/Raves/Questions already ranted a bit about DH, but as he just burst into my office and demanded that he needed "Tape! Any kind, right now!" He gets another rant. He is trying to clear his car of snow, which because we were out of town and then temperatures dropped, is frozen and difficult to remove. He HATES having to do anything that he regards as a chore or anything that throws off his schedule. He is that dude you see driving down the highway with just the driver's side window cleared off and 8 inches of frozen murder on his roof.
Full disclosure: he is recently diagnosed ASD (on the autism spectrum) and I generally am pretty sensitive to his idiosyncrasies. Lately, it's been challenging for me to be patient with him and I am doing everything I can to manage my own emotions and reactions. Hormones make this challenging. We make lists. My whole house is COVERED in whiteboard (I even painted 2 of our walls with whiteboard paint which was a wicked fun and worthwhile project) on which are written various lists including "Things that Support LilLebowski Emotionally" and "Things that DH Can Say to Help LilLebowski During Pregnancy." Also more mundane, typical things like "Stuff for the Baby," "TV Shows We Want To Binge-Watch" and "DH's List of Chores that He Doesn't Totally Hate." It really helps!
I worry that when the baby comes neither of us will have patience or be able to be "like the wind" and no amount of list-making will fix that. You know, maybe that would happen regardless of our individual situation, so it's probably best that I put that bit of worry "to the wind." One thing that he has said to me that I always find helpful is, "we try things out and if they don't work, at least we've still learned something." It's why we also have a whiteboard in the nursery!
I also worry that our child will be ASD which will create a whole new host of challenges for us, but if I'm not going to start down that rabbit hole.
One thing that I have learned is that our relationship is not like anyone else's in so many ways and we face some unique challenges. I have a few trusted, supportive friends who know us both and understand what I need from them. Our families are also supportive and understanding so I feel very lucky and fortunate to have them around as emotional and physical resources.
Whoa, thanks ladies! I feel much better having written and re-read all that. Glad to have the board here!
GTKY: Bucket List/Anti Bucket List: I definitely want to go to Japan and DH and I both want to tool around the country in a Winnebago. As for my Anti-Bucket list: I never EVER want to skydive again. Did it once and now I never have to again. Absolutely terrifying.
i also really loved how you described the challenges you and your DH are facing. It sounds like you guys are a really good team. And I honestly think the kind of explicit lists you have written around your house full of white boards (which I also love!) could be so helpful for a lot of us! How great to be brave enough (and humble enough) to list explicit needs, ways of caring for each other, chores, etc. Serious kudos to you guys. I'm going to really think about ways to maybe introduce more lists like that into our household too. It certainly couldn't hurt.
How are you feeling? Finally feeling back to normal from the stomach flu, but now I have an upper respiratory / sinus thing going on. I think my immune system is failing.
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?) Just waiting to see the genetic counselor and perinatologist.
Rants/Raves/Questions None today - beyond this headache. UGH!
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? Mostly travel related also - I'd like to go to Costa Rica, Australia, Paris, Italy, and return to Ireland.
And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!) Geez, I know there are things I'll never do again, but I just can't think of them right now!!
Have a great week everyone!!!
BFP 2/19/15 • MMC found at 9 wks • D&E at 11 wks (age 36)
BFP 8/29/15 • CP (age 37)
TTC#2 since May 2017
BFP 10/18/17 • MMC found at 8 wks • Misoprostal at 10.5 wks (age 39)
BFP 2/16/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 4/13/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 5/07/18 • MMC found at 10.5 wks • D&E at 11.5 wks • Testing showed it was a girl with Trisomy 22. (age 39/40)
9/5/18 Diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (4-5 follicles, one ovary had none and was very atrophied)
RE says the low egg count is likely causing my recurrent pregnancy loss. Less eggs results in more aneuploidy.
BFP 9/24/18 • CP (age 40)
How are you feeling?
The nausea seems to finally be subsiding (fingers crossed!). Still get the occasional hint of it but my insides are starting to feel somewhat normal again. But I had a nasty headache that lasted all weekend (all the while I was directing and performing in a big show). You win some, you lose some...
Any baby news (tests results/scans/upcoming appointments?)
Had a basic OB visit this past Friday. Heard the heartbeat on the Doppler and everything sounded good. That was it and they sent me home. No peeing in cups, no blood drawn, no poking or prodding. Seems so basic but I guess that's routine and normal?
Struggled to get through this past weekend. I had to be "on" for about 3 days in a row and just felt tired, bloated, and head-achy. There were so many questions from everyone (show related - I was the director) and at the end my brain was just fried. On top of that I performed in 2 pieces, one on the floor and one in the air. I was hesitant to do anything in the air but there was some drama among the performers and I had to step in to fill a spot. I talked it over with DH and my OB and they both seemed totally supportive of me performing in the air so I went with it. I don't think I would've done it if either of them seemed worried or concerned (or if I felt overly concerned myself). But I wasn't that high off the ground, the routine consisted of fairly easy moves, and the friend I was performing with knew I was pregnant so we were able to modify any moves that crushed my belly or felt too dangerous. It went well and was a lot of fun, despite all the stress and tiredness. But I do think this is the last time I'll be able to squash my body into a leotard for a long time (it's funny but the leotard squished my boobs and belly so much that I looked a bit like a barrel!).
We're getting ready to do the big announcement this weekend. I'm feeling quite nervous about it (and also excited). It's been a secret for so long, it seems so weird to suddenly blurt it out. I keep thinking that maybe we should wait longer but I'm tired of searching for baggy clothes and hiding it from everyone. Plus I'm pretty sure people are wondering by now, or else thinking I'm just getting fat. We're having a party on Saturday so will tell all local friends then (and will call relatives who don't know on Friday or Saturday). And then post something on Facebook on Sunday. Not sure what to write or how to break the news but I guess I'll see what happens in the moment. It still doesn't feel completely real to me, as if a part of me is still hesitant from the past losses, even though every visit has brought nothing but good news. So I figure we need to just go for it, share the news and let the world go crazy with excitement. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to tell young children? I'm a dance and aerial arts teacher and work with kids ages 4+. Not sure if I should say something in those classes or just let the kids figure it out (or not figure it out)? Do you just say, "Hey kids! Guess what? I have a baby growing in me!" or is there a better way to tell them? And for a class with 9-11 year-olds? I've just never shared anything like this before so not really sure how to approach it.
GTKY: For many of us being a mom might be at the top of our bucket list, but what else is on your bucket list? And.....What is on your "anti-bucket list"? As in what will you never ever do again, or never want to do in the first place. (We are wise women in our AMA!)
For those who want to travel to New Zealand, I actually lived there for 8 years and absolutely LOVE it! So many wonderful little paradises to see there. My main thing I want to accomplish is publishing one of my novels (I dream of this happening one day). I don't really have anything I wouldn't want to do again but I've never gone sky diving or bungy jumping and just don't have a big desire to do so (the cost is way too much, the experience seems way too short, and I just don't feel like it's all worth it).
It's great reading everyone's updates! Enjoy your week!
NTNP since 11/12, actively trying since 8/14
11/15: Letrozole, Ovidrel, TI = BFP!!!
Beta #1(14dpo)=349, Beta #2(18dpo)=2,805
12/17/15: Got to see the heartbeat (105bpm)!
1/25/16: NT scan = normal (HB=163bpm)
EDD: 8/10/16
8/8/16: Baby boy born @ 12:25am, 8lbs, 20.5 inches
5/18/17: BFP!!! (11dpo)
Beta #1(12dpo)=176.4, Beta #2(15dpo)=607.1
BFP 2/19/15 • MMC found at 9 wks • D&E at 11 wks (age 36)
BFP 8/29/15 • CP (age 37)
TTC#2 since May 2017
BFP 10/18/17 • MMC found at 8 wks • Misoprostal at 10.5 wks (age 39)
BFP 2/16/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 4/13/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 5/07/18 • MMC found at 10.5 wks • D&E at 11.5 wks • Testing showed it was a girl with Trisomy 22. (age 39/40)
9/5/18 Diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (4-5 follicles, one ovary had none and was very atrophied)
RE says the low egg count is likely causing my recurrent pregnancy loss. Less eggs results in more aneuploidy.
BFP 9/24/18 • CP (age 40)