Hi Everyone, I am newly back to the bump. I have an amazing 3 year old daughter, and have recently gone off of birth control. While we had previously thought we'd be one and done, my husband has decided he really wants a second child, and I'm open-minded. I will be 36 for most of the pregnancy, so I'm already concerned about getting a healthy baby. That, and I'm a highly anxious person anyway.
I want to know how concerned everyone is about trying to conceive while the Zika virus is spreading. I've been reading everything I can, and it seems like there are mixed feelings about it's affect in the continental US. Some say we'll be fine, and some say pandemic... and I'm a person who is often bit by mosquito and is regularly around family who travels back and forth to South America.
For me, it's now or never on baby #2, personal choice. But I am concerned about the timing due to Zika.
What does everyone else think?
Re: Newly Trying at 35, Concern about Zika
Husband: 40
TTC#1 since 9/2014
Unexplained Infertility - Trying naturally
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
zika is a big concern for sure and understand your fears. I'm right there with you!
Me:36 DH:38 TTC#1 since 4/2012
Me DX: Hashimotos,Hypothyroid, DOR, MTHFR, DH: normal
IUI #1-#4 BFNs and a few cancelled cycles in the mix.
- poor responder
***Suprise BFP on 6/13/13. Natural MC @6wks 3days
IVF#1 and 2- Cancelled due to no response on max stimms
FET 5/20- BFP
1st Beta- 641
2nd beta- 2166
Sono- TWINS!!!!
Two Boys! Born January 2015 @36 weeks. Healthy and no NICU! So blessed!
Me: 37, DH: 36
Started TTC #1: 9/2015
Preliminary labs/testing @ 6 months: TSH, A1c, progesterone, prolactin, SA, HSG all normal
BFP: 5/19/2016, M/C: 5/29/2016
BFP: 6/22/2016 EDD 3//6/2017