3rd Trimester

Is this my mucus plug?!

just kidding

figured it was time for a 3rd tri wellness check.. How's everyone doing and feeling? Getting excited? Nervous? Terrified? 
Personally, I'm all of the above and then some!
ps- sorry to disappoint with the click bait :smile: 

Re: Is this my mucus plug?!

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  • @DrillSergeantCat I was hoping for a little bit more fun on the board... Guess not. Womp! 
  • Ewwwww can he even look at you the same way again?  With both of my other sons it was like, "oh hello mucus plug, nice to see you." 
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

  • I just scared my dogs with the belly laugh I just got out of that! Lmao! 
  • @dragonfly321 First I thought "oh no please don't tell me she went there" but then I know you better, so relieved. Thanks for the laughs 
  • Lol I told DH something similar... someone blew their snotty nose in your underwear. He eagerly looked when both kids were being born and would still never turn down sex. He doesn't scare easily!

  • Bahahahaha yup after two births, DH is still crazy about me. 
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

  • U guys are lucky, squeemish hubby over here! He really doesnt want to know, maybe a first time dad thing? Idk. Im 34+4 and am really ready to not be pregnant any more. I am totally prepared for LO to stay there until 40+ but it would be really nice for her to decide to turn up at about 39w or so because i am over it!!! I hope all of you ladies are coping well, i am in the middle of 32 degree heat suffering!
  • U guys are lucky, squeemish hubby over here! He really doesnt want to know, maybe a first time dad thing? Idk. Im 34+4 and am really ready to not be pregnant any more. I am totally prepared for LO to stay there until 40+ but it would be really nice for her to decide to turn up at about 39w or so because i am over it!!! I hope all of you ladies are coping well, i am in the middle of 32 degree heat suffering!
    My DH was very squeamish, said he wasn't going to look, no way he'd cut the cord...but he loved it all when the moment came! Maybe yours will be the same way:)
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • My DH is squeamish also. He watched delivery with our first and cut the cord. He cut the cord with our second but didn't really watch too much. He left the room while I was getting my epidural because he doesn't like needles. I never told him I lost my mucous plug, just that signs are pointing to baby coming soon. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Yeah i dont think ill be telling DH if i notice my mucus plug. Poor guy is a bit nervous about the whole thing i think. Im sure he will be fine
  • My DH is squeamish also. He watched delivery with our first and cut the cord. He cut the cord with our second but didn't really watch too much. He left the room while I was getting my epidural because he doesn't like needles. I never told him I lost my mucous plug, just that signs are pointing to baby coming soon. 
    Oh, yep, mine snuck out each time they tried the epidural with my first birth! Forgot about that. Funny how that could be worse than watching baby's head come out with a third degree tear. 
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I don't think I'm going to tell my SO anything till it's actually time to go to the hospital. He will freak out and rush me there at the first sign of a contraction. 
  • @dragonfly321 same here! I ended up in hopsital last week with 10 min apart contractions. Everything turned out fine, i didnt start dialating and after a few hours they died down. But the BH have stepped up and since then every time DH notices im having one hes practically throwing my hospital bag in the car!! Im like calm down hun, we all good. Shes still got to cook for 5 weeks!
  • This maybe a stupid question, however does your mucus plus ALWAYS have to have blood in it?

  • Nope. If it has blood it can be your bloody show.
    DS1 - 9/21/11
    DS2 - 7/4/14
    DS3 - 2/21/16
    Our family of 5 is complete!!  Love our boys!

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