Babies: 0 - 3 Months

1 week old rolled from stomach to back

Is that normal? He came out 9.2 pounds and 21.5 inches and is strong as heck! I bout himbonntummy to see if he would get a workout and after the 3rd time  (7-8 days later he rolled all the way over. A quick Google search it seems to be a big deal if they just toll onto their sides.  

Re: 1 week old rolled from stomach to back

  • It's pretty normal to go from tummy to back early. It's going to make tummy time a challenge so make sure you're sticking with it. 
  • No it's actually not normal at all for a 1 week old to be able to do this BUT that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Things will just be more challenging for YOU! Your LO might be strong enough to roll but he doesn't have the neck strength to hold his head up which is what he needs to have before he can sleep on his stomach. You have to find a way to keep him sleeping on his back if he continues to roll.
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  • Rolling back to front is pretty common early on because gravity and the weight of their head wobbling around tips them over. It doesn't necessarily mean he'll roll back to front overly early. Still exciting to see our little ones do stuff
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • Rolling back to front is pretty common early on because gravity and the weight of their head wobbling around tips them over. It doesn't necessarily mean he'll roll back to front overly early. Still exciting to see our little ones do stuff

    Not at ONE week old!!
  • Sorry had that wrong way round @bigboobsmcgee should have said going from front to back, they just topple over but there's no thought or muscle control.
    Elizabeth 5yrs old Jane 3yrs old

  • My LO flipped from his belly to his back by 2 weeks. It wasn't true rolling over just his head turning to the side and the momentum bringing the rest if his body over because the head is so heavy. He did it a few times and then stopped until he was nearly 4 months. And now at 5 months he can roll both ways.
  • Rolling back to front is pretty common early on because gravity and the weight of their head wobbling around tips them over. It doesn't necessarily mean he'll roll back to front overly early. Still exciting to see our little ones do stuff

    Not at ONE week old!!
    Actually it's more common than you think. Both my kids did this when they were tiny, then not again till they were older and it was developmentally appropriate. Doctor said exactly what @KateLouise described.

    OP it probably won't happen again, at least not much. Just more of an accidental thing because of their body shape at this point.

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